Roaming "Tele2": tariffs

Roaming "Tele2": tariffs
Roaming "Tele2": tariffs

Now we have to find out what Tele2 roaming is. Tariff options for this cellular operator are quite common. But few people know about them. Therefore, let's try to deal with our today's topic as soon as possible. Perhaps, picking up Tele2 roaming for a traveler is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance? Or is it generally worth not bothering with this issue and using the usual tariff plan on your mobile?

roaming tele2
roaming tele2

Roaming within Russia

The first thing you can imagine is roaming within your own country. This option is quite popular, many travelers use it. If you want to talk on favorable terms while moving around Russia, then you should pay attention to the Tele2 roaming service. In Moscow, in St. Petersburg, in Volgograd - no matter what city you are in. The main thing is that the conditions will be quite favorable.

On average, the cost of calls will cost the user 5 rubles per minute. This applies to both incoming and outgoing calls. SMS messages cost 3.5 rubles in Russia. But oninternational numbers will have to send letters at 5.5 rubles apiece. Incoming SMS is free.

Calls to the CIS countries cost 25 rubles, and to Europe and other countries - 45 and 65 respectively. As you can see, quite favorable conditions. The Internet is managed according to the Tele2 tariff plan. Roaming in Moscow, Surgut or any other city in Russia turns on automatically and stops when you return to your home region.

Zero everywhere

However, if you travel a lot within the country, you can connect yourself an additional option in order to save money. It's called Zero Everywhere. This is a kind of Tele2 roaming, which allows you to talk for free throughout Russia. But with some restrictions.

So, all incoming calls will be free, and outgoing calls will be paid. But for a minute of conversation you will pay only 2 rubles. Messages cost 2.5 rubles. And the Internet, as in the previous case, costs subscribers according to their tariff.

tele2 roaming in moscow
tele2 roaming in moscow

It should be noted right away, "Everywhere zero" is a paid service. Its connection costs 30 rubles, and the subscription fee per day is 3 rubles. Not much if you get a lot of incoming calls while traveling.

How to connect yourself to such roaming "Tele2"? Dial 14321 on your mobile device. Now wait for an SMS notification with the result of processing your request. If there are enough funds on the balance (about 33 rubles), then you will connect "Zero everywhere" for yourself.

Important: optionneeds to be turned off when not needed. The USSD request 14320 is suitable for this. In principle, "Everywhere Zero" is not so popular among subscribers. In most cases, you can do without it.

Roaming abroad

When traveling around the world, Tele2 roaming is turned on by default. And abroad there are conditions for the tariff plan. They are different in every country. But not too much.

What is Tele2's roaming in Egypt, for example? All incoming calls cost 35 rubles per minute. In the same way as conversations with Russia, as well as a minute of negotiations with the country in which the subscriber is located. And a similar price tag applies to all incoming / outgoing from different countries. Except South and North America. In this case, you will pay 65 rubles per minute of conversation. This is the price tag for an outgoing call. Incoming, as already mentioned, will cost 35 rubles.

tele2 roaming abroad
tele2 roaming abroad

Messages and MMS also have their cost. Incoming SMS while roaming abroad is free. If you decide to chat with someone, then get ready - you will have to pay 12 rubles for 1 SMS or MMS. Not very much, but for active communication this is not a very suitable solution. Roaming "Tele2" also applies to the Internet. 1 megabyte of traffic costs 50 rubles. Many subscribers do not like these conditions. And so they are looking for some additional tariff options. Fortunately, there are.

Conversations without borders

If you need "Tele2" roaming abroad, but makeYou do not particularly plan to receive calls, but yes, you will have to pay attention to the "Conversations without borders" option. This is a pretty good deal in this situation.

The cost of incoming calls upon connection will be 5 rubles. And the subscription fee will be the same. Connection of the tariff option "Conversations without borders" is free. Just like turning it off. In principle, a rather interesting solution. Perhaps, Tele2 roaming tariffs outside of Russia cannot offer more profitable than "Conversations Without Borders".

How to enable this option? Here, as always, a USSD request will come to the rescue. It looks like this: 1431. Once you subscribe to the services, please note that if necessary, you will have to opt out of "Conversations Without Borders" yourself. This package is not disabled automatically. To solve the problem, use a command like: 1410. Please note that Talk Without Borders is an option that is only valid outside of Russia. When traveling within the country, it does not make any sense.

tele2 roaming tariffs
tele2 roaming tariffs

Internet Abroad

To tell you the truth, there is one more option worth paying attention to. At Tele2, roaming abroad does not offer the most profitable network access services. But the situation can be corrected quite easily and simply. For example, by activating the additional service "Internet Abroad". This package offers subscribers to use the Internet while traveling around the world at advantageous prices.conditions.

When joining this opportunity, subscribers receive 10 megabytes of free traffic per day. And above this limit, you will have to pay 30 rubles per megabyte if you are not in the CIS or not in Europe. On the territory of these regions, traffic will cost 10 rubles. Please note, "Internet Abroad" has a subscription fee. If this service is provided on the territory of the CIS countries or Europe, then you will pay 100 rubles, otherwise - 300 per month.

Connection and disconnection are also slightly different. For example, for the CIS and Europe, you will need to dial 14331 to start using the offer and 14330 to cancel the package. In other countries, the 14341 and 14340 commands are used to connect to the tariff plan. This is all that Tele2 roaming can include.


So we got acquainted with all the services that you can connect to yourself at Tele2 while traveling. As you can see, there are not many of them. And some of them are enabled/disabled automatically.

tele2 roaming in egypt
tele2 roaming in egypt

Should I resort to using additional service packages in roaming? This everyone decides for himself. In any case, subscribers assure that with the connected services "Internet Abroad" and "Conversations Without Borders" you can save quite a lot of money.