MTS is one of the three largest mobile operators in Russia. The number of subscribers using the services of this company is estimated in millions of people. MTS SIM cards provide high-quality mobile communications not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. However, many subscribers complain that money from their accounts disappear without a trace. Surely it's all about paid subscriptions. Is it possible to get rid of them? How to disable MTS subscriptions will be discussed in this article. You will learn a lot of useful information for yourself.

Checking existing subscriptions
There are several ways to get information about the options activated on your phone. Here are some of them.
Referring to the operator
To do this, dial 0890. Then press zero. If all operators are busy, then you will have towait a bit. Try to clearly explain the problem you are having. It is possible that the operator will ask you to dictate passport data (full name, city of residence, and so on).
Visit the nearest MTS office
This method is considered the most reliable. Everything is simple here: we get the necessary information and turn off all MTS subscriptions that we consider useless and unnecessary.

Visit the official website of the operator
How to disable the service "MTS. Subscriptions "on your own, without anyone's help? First, find the "Personal Account" tab. To log in, you need to register. Enter your username and a strong password. After registering, try logging in again. We find the item "Options" and select "My services". If the previous steps were performed correctly, a list of all subscriptions will appear on the screen.
Sending a USSD request
Dial 152 on the phone and press the call button. After a few seconds, a message containing a list of connected services will be sent to your number.
SMS advertising and mailing
Your phone constantly receives messages with offers to get loans, order a taxi and buy household goods? Want to get rid of intrusive ads and spam? Don't know how to delete MTS subscriptions? We hasten to reassure you: all these problems can be solved in one fell swoop. Use the service "Prohibition of receiving promotional SMS". To connect it, dial 111374.
How scammers cash in on gullible subscribers

The answer to the question of how to turn off MTS subscriptions is especially important for those people who are trying to save on cellular communications. Often they are the victims of scammers. There are a large number of schemes that allow attackers to withdraw money from mobile phone accounts. Let's take an illustrative example. The subscriber receives an SMS containing a link to a certain site. Let's say that the message interested him. When entering this resource, the subscriber is offered a subscription. The fact that the service is paid, the person will find out later. The amount that fraudsters can withdraw from the account varies widely - from several tens to several thousand rubles. It all depends on the current state of the balance.
How to disable paid subscriptions to MTS
Detailed instructions:
- Dial 1522 to check for subscriptions. You will receive a message with a list of them. How to disable MTS subscriptions? Call 0890. The answering machine will give you further instructions. If you are unable to deal with all this, you can contact a technical support representative.
- If you have free time, we recommend that you personally visit the MTS communication salon. Contact any of the employees with a request to disable paid subscriptions. For such procedures, you must present your passport.
- You can also cancel paid subscriptions yourself. To do this, use the Internet assistant. Go to the official website of the mobile operator and register. In your "personal account" youYou can enable/disable various services. To log in, you must provide your username and a strong password. Select the "Internet Assistant" tab, then find the "Tariffs and Services" item. This contains information about subscriptions. If among them there are those that you do not need and are not interested in, then click the "Delete" button.
- Be sure to pay attention to the nature of the services offered in the messages. If SMS come from short numbers, then to stop sending them, you need to send a response with the word STOP. After that, you should receive a message with a notification of the completed operation.
- To avoid sending spam in the future, we recommend that you activate one of the services: either "Content Ban" or "Short Number Blocker". You can check their cost with the operator.

How to disable short numbers
Not all subscribers know how to protect themselves from spam. MTS has several services. Two of them have already been discussed above. The service "Prohibition of content" is the most popular. There are several ways to connect it.
Option number 1 - call the contact center. Dial 0890 and chat with the operator. To activate the service you have chosen by phone, you must specify personal data (name, city of residence, etc.). Sometimes it can be quite difficult to get through to the operator. But you must understand: other subscribers also need help. So please wait a few minutes. You will certainly be answered.
Option number 2 - visit the nearest office of MTS. A prerequisite for connecting the service is the presentation of a passport. If the SIM card is not registered to you, then problems may arise.
How to disable "Content Ban":

- Through the program "Internet Assistant". Go to your personal account and select the appropriate item. This will take a few minutes.
- Call the Help Desk (0890). For city numbers, a free hotline is allocated 8-800-333-0890.
Before disabling this option, you should think carefully. After all, after that, you will again receive messages containing spam and advertising on your phone.
We hope that you have received an exhaustive answer to the question of how to disable MTS subscriptions. You do not need to spend a lot of time and money. You can use the special services of the operator without leaving your home. The Internet will come to the rescue. Remember: taking action in time will allow you to significantly reduce costs, as well as protect yourself from spam.