Light music from a garland is bright, spectacular, beautiful and fashionable. This homemade decoration can be used anywhere. It can be the highlight of your holiday, especially a disco party, no matter at home or in a bar. And on the rear window of the car, such an ornament will look amazing. This article provides a guide on how to make your own light music from a Christmas tree garland at no extra cost.
It's very popular now to do everything by hand. A self-made item will cost much less than a store-bought item, since you only purchase consumables. Moreover, in addition to saving money, you get a unique item that you will be proud to show to family and friends
Light-Music Scheme
Assembling a unique design with your own hands is difficult, but possible.

The figure shows a diagram of how to make light music with your own hands. The circuit works with threevarious lamps. The power of spotlights can reach up to 100 watts. Following this diagram, you can easily assemble the installation.
Let's consider the main thing in this scheme. The main input is used to connect directly to the amplifier. To make the connection, remove one of the speaker wires and connect the wire from the light music. You can also connect in parallel without disconnecting the wires from the speaker.
With this connection, the maximum effect is achieved: the LEDs will work in the same beat as the musical accompaniment. In this case, the VT1 or VL1 lamp will flash on the HF, and the other two, respectively, on the MF and LF.
Advice. To ensure that lamps or spotlights work with maximum heating and thyristors do not burn out, the mains voltage is regulated using diodes. It is they who convert the voltage value from alternating to pulsating. If, after reading this article, you have a burning desire to make light music, then we recommend that you first read a few books on electrophysics, because thanks to the knowledge of electricity, you will be able to use electronic parts as efficiently as possible.
Here you can use a transformer from a single-program radio.
Advice. Before proceeding, prepare an insulated case in advance and be careful because parts may be live.

Christmas tree garlands fastened with electrical tape can be used as light bulbs.
Then, using an adapter, we connect the light bulbs withcar radio. Instead of a wire, we will take a twisted-pair shielded cable, because it is completely protected from interference.
Assembly of homemade light music
Start assembly.
- Take some Christmas tree garlands. They should be no longer than 1-2 meters.
- Prepare a dedicated twisted-pair internet cable.
- Use wires to connect the adapter to the LEDs.
- Turn on the audio player, and already in it we find the “flash zone” function, which is responsible for setting up the light music.

Note. Some car radios have the ability to connect to the Internet. If you have one, download any of the player applications, such as ALMP2 or KMPlayer. It remains to launch the player, and it will convert the frequency spectrum of the music track into a data array. By the way, if you are wondering how to make light music, but your budget is more than one thousand rubles, then we recommend purchasing various single-board computers, thanks to which everything can be done at the software level.
Let's see how it works. The array is processed and sent via the USB port to the twisted pair cable. The impulses of the music track pass through the channels to the garlands, and they begin to flash. Done, enjoy the LED light music.
Another light and music installation can be made using plexiglass, which has clear advantages. With its low weight, it has good light transmission, and this is exactly what werequired.
Required components of light music
Like any other electronic device, light music also consists of many components that combine to form an electronic target, and by opening and closing some elements, we regulate the entire process of LED flashing.

The following electronic components will be needed for our project:
- Powered by a 12 volt adapter, or a "Krona" battery.
- Any wire, preferably thin and copper.
- You also need a transistor, for example, KT817.
- Glue gun.
- LEDs, if there is RBG, then it is better to use them.
- Hard factory glass.
- Fine sandpaper for polishing.
- Electrical wire.
Execution algorithm.
Let's start with the box. We mark his scheme on paper.
Record Making Instructions:
- Translate the pattern onto plexiglass and cut it out.
- We drill 2 holes in one of the plates (one of them will be for power, and the other for the headphone cable).
- Using a fine sandpaper, carefully matt the plexiglass.
- In the same way we skin the lenses of the LEDs.
- Fix the case using a glue gun.
- Assemble as shown in this diagram.
- Pass our prepared wire through the hole drilled from the back.
- We put the power connector there and fix it with a glue gun.
The base is ready. Such boxes you cando as much as you want. Now you need to attach our pre-prepared light bulbs. It turned out beautifully, and most importantly, the lights blink merrily to the beat of the music.
Advice for beginners
If you are wondering how to make light music from an old garland, then note that the garland itself is connected to a 220 volt network, and this is the voltage that can quite kill an adult, not to mention a schoolboy. Follow all safety regulations, namely:
- Do not touch bare wires connected to the network.
- Watch the integrity of the wire, if this is a problem, then it is better to spend the extra 100 rubles and buy a quality wire.
- When working with transistors, thyristors, capacitors, be careful in use, because if they are connected to a higher current than expected, then the explosion of the element is inevitable.
In conclusion
We hope that you found the article on how to make light music useful, because our life consists of such pleasant little things. We also recommend that you delve into the subject of programming, since in the modern world a lot of handicraft projects use various microcontrollers that can simplify the process of creating and configuring several hundred times.