Samsung TV turns on and off by itself: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting

Samsung TV turns on and off by itself: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting
Samsung TV turns on and off by itself: causes, possible breakdowns, troubleshooting

No other manufacturer has ever succeeded in creating perfect products. All existing equipment sooner or later wears out or, even worse, breaks down. Sometimes this is due to careless use, sometimes due to marriage. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons, so it’s better to figure them out right away, because even an inexperienced user in some cases copes with problems on his own.

TVs can also fail occasionally. Sometimes problems are unpredictable, they can scare the owner of the device. For example, the Samsung TV turns itself on and off. If this happens for the first time, anyone will be scared, especially if it happens at night.

TV Options
TV Options


Why the Samsung TV turns on and off by itself is not easy to figure out. But there are several reasons for this phenomenon. Sometimes this way you can fix the problem yourself. But in most cases it canbe technically complex, so only a specialist can handle it.

If you notice that the TV has begun to "take on a life of its own", no need to panic. And although this is not the most common problem, it still occurs in some device models. Therefore, ways to solve it have already been found.


If the Samsung TV turns on and off by itself, the reasons for this will allow you to understand how to proceed. Sometimes this is a series of simple failures, and sometimes serious breakdowns.

Also, the power supply may be to blame, but by the way, it is easy to replace. Sometimes the inverter breaks down or the fault is poor maintenance of the equipment. Each of these problems has a solution.

Setting "Samsung"
Setting "Samsung"

Simple failure

If the Samsung TV turns on and off by itself, this does not mean that it is irreparably damaged. A similar problem is often found in modern device models. Even some already obsolete devices can behave in this way.

Sometimes the device turns off when the user turned it on. Sometimes it activates on its own, and then goes out. But not always the reason is a technical breakdown. Sometimes guilty:

  • Errors with device settings.
  • Setting up a special utility.

In the first variant, the problem may be in the enabled automatic option, which is designed to turn off the device that does not pick up reception signals. For example, you turned on your favorite TV show and for a certain time did not pick up the remote control, did not switch, and evendid not adjust the volume. Shutdown usually occurs after 2-4 hours.

In the second option, the option to turn off the TV after a certain time may have been set.

Image"Samsung" turns off
Image"Samsung" turns off


To prevent this from happening, you just need to understand the device settings. The TV menu usually lists all the main technologies that are available in the model. You can also change and customize the available functions.

It's worth saying right away that another problem may be the reason for this behavior of the device. For example, power failures can lead to errors. If the outlet is of poor quality or unreliable, it may supply unstable electrical voltage, which will affect the performance of the TV.

In this case, you will have to check the voltage. To do this, you need to either invite a specialist, or get a special device that will show the stability of the current.

Faulty power supply

If the Samsung TV turns on and immediately turns off, the problem should be looked for in the power supply. Experts recommend diagnosing the indicator. For example, if in the standby menu the device light reacts to being turned on, but blinks, there may be problems with the PSU. Although sometimes the problem may be related to the breakdown of other parts of the device. The TV will have to be taken to a service center.

When turned on, the indicator can be constantly lit. There may be a power failure on the TV. PSU refuses to respond to user commands,accordingly, the indicator will not show itself in any way.

Complex breakdowns

If the Samsung TV turns itself on and off, you will have to think about more serious consequences. Sometimes this behavior is caused by low signal reception frequencies. Often this is why the TV is on at one time or another.

Board inspection
Board inspection

For example, one TV channel can work fine until the device itself goes into standby mode. On the other channel, such a story will be observed when the frequency is not enough, so the device only works for a couple of minutes.

Difficult problems include:

  • voltage problems;
  • inverter failure;
  • board pollution;
  • software failure.

Clean device

If the Samsung TV spontaneously turns off and on, you should think about cleaning the device. Few users understand that it is necessary to take care of any technology. Dust or dirt can cause harm. Therefore, it is important to take care of your TV regularly.

How can ordinary dust harm? It can hardly be called an effective conductor, but even a small amount can be enough to close the contacts. Therefore, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air.

If you have never cleaned a TV, it is better to invite a specialist. But you can do everything yourself: just remove the back panel and carefully clean the device board.

Board cleaning
Board cleaning

Inverter problems

WhenThe Samsung Smart TV turns off and on on its own, you should think about the performance of the inverter power circuit. As practice shows, this is one of the most common problems that occurs due to cracks in the board.

Cracks may appear due to:

  • unstable voltage;
  • overheating elements;
  • temperature spikes;
  • excessive humidity;
  • capacitor failure.

All these issues are best resolved with a specialist, because without proper knowledge and experience it will not be possible to fix everything on your own.


If the Samsung TV turns on and off by itself, you will have to determine the reason for this yourself. This is easy to do, the only question is whether you can figure out the details.

First, you will need to turn off the power, and then remove the back cover. Experts recommend carefully inspecting the board. To do this, under good lighting, look for defects that would be conspicuous. You need to look for darkening of the board, swelling of capacitors or cracks.


Depending on what causes of failure were found, they should be eliminated. To begin with, it is recommended to check the integrity of all connections: router, antenna and power cable. Next, you can proceed to inspect the board. What should I pay attention to?

First, look at the capacitors that can swell. They look like finger batteries. Their shell must not be damaged, and the shape must be cylindrical,without bumps and cracks.

Problems with Capacitors
Problems with Capacitors

If there is rust on the contacts, it is better to clean everything yourself. To do this, it is enough to use alcohol wipes. If there are problems with the capacitor, power supply or cable, everything can be purchased from the store and replaced.

If none of the above helped, it is better to contact the service center. Specialists can find more complex problems and help fix them.
