Sellers very often think about how to remove an ad from Avito. This question is not so difficult. The main thing is to know where to start. In principle, this feature is rarely required. But it has its place. And now we have to figure out what is required to carry out the task. Let's start studying the issue as soon as possible.

The first thing that will help you figure out how to remove an ad from Avito is authorization. Without it, the idea will not be possible to carry out. If you suddenly forgot your username or password, and you cannot restore them, you will have to leave the idea behind.
But if you have access to your account, visit the main page of the trading virtual network. On the right side of the screen, click on the "Login" button. You will see a window for entering authorization data. Fill them out and click "Login". The first step towards success has been taken. You can think further about how to remove the ad from Avito.
My Profile
Now you have the opportunity to enter your "Personal Account". This is a kind of profile name onsite. Click on this inscription in the upper right corner (or on your name). A page will open with all your active ads in the center.
What to do next? For example, highlight those posts that need to be removed. You can use both a single case and mass marks. Each message will have a box on the left side of the screen. If you click on it, a check mark will appear. We mark everything that interests us in this way. Ready? We are thinking further on how to remove the ad from Avito.

In the case when you need to get rid of only one post, it is enough to tick only it. Next, you have to choose the reason for the deletion, for which the published data became irrelevant. The easiest way is to write that the transaction was completed. To complete the stage, after the done manipulations, it is enough to select "Unpublish".
In the course of the actions taken, ads will be removed from the trading platform. But the issue has not yet been resolved. The thing is that on Avito, deleted ads from the site are placed in a special folder. And they stay there for a while. So, to finally get rid of them, you have to do something else.
Down with service
In the "Personal account" there is such a section as "Completed ads". There are placed publications that have lost their relevance. And only after cleaning this folder, you can consider the posts permanently deleted from the service.
How to remove an ad from Avito after placing itin "Completed"? It is enough to re-enter this section and mark all posts with checkmarks. At the very bottom of the window, a button called "Delete permanently" will appear. Click on it and the problem is solved.
All attached photos, as well as addresses, phone numbers and tests, will be deleted along with the message. And it will be impossible to restore them. So before you tackle the task at hand, consider whether you might need to restore the ad. Yes? In this case, leave the publications in the "Completed" folder.

Do nothing
If the removal of the ad is not so important for you, then you can just wait until the process happens automatically. The thing is that after a month, the posts are moved to the "Completed" folder. And after some time (about 4 weeks) they are permanently deleted.
By the way, before that, you will receive an e-mail warning about the ongoing manipulations. You can cancel them or speed them up by manually deleting the post. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the question. Remember that only a registered user is able to solve this problem. Other people's ads can not be removed. Only theirs. Now we know how to delete an ad from Avito - temporarily or permanently. Nothing difficult.