A battery, or, as it is also called, a battery, is a mini-power plant that transforms a chemical reaction. The output is electrical energy designed to power a variety of devices and devices: clocks, flashlights, radios, children's toys and much more.
The officially registered first battery was created in 1798 by the physicist A. Volt (he built the "voltaic column"). However, the archaeological finds that exist today allow us to conclude that the battery effect was known to mankind 2000 years ago. But back to the official story. From the distant 1798 to the present, batteries have come a long way. Now batteries of various shapes and sizes, electrical parameters are produced, they also differ in their chemical basis.

One of the most famous companies in the production of batteries is the Energizer company. Batteries with this logo are known all over the world. The mentioned company has invested a huge mite in the history of the development of sourcescurrent. In 1989, AAAA alkaline-based Energizer batteries and the world's first AA lithium batteries were released. Energizer is at the forefront of environmental projects aimed at eliminating the use of mercury in the manufacture of batteries. In 2003, the first "Energizer" batteries appeared on the market - AAA-sized lithium-based batteries. Lithium technology is recognized as the most durable. The main dimensions of power sources from Energizer are AA, AAA, C, D and 9V batteries. The products of this company can be divided into four classes: Ultimate Lithium, Maximum, Plus and Alkaline. Let's take a closer look at them.

Alkaline (alkaline) batteries perform well at low temperatures, have high charge capacity, low leakage and long shelf life. Produced by "Energizer" only types AA and AAA.
Plus class current sources are manufactured using the innovative "PowerSeal" technology, which is characterized by a charge retention of up to 10 years. Such a long period allows you to be sure that the batteries will not let you down at the most inopportune moment. The following types of elements are known: AA, AAA, C, D and 9V.
Maximum's PowerBoost technology is the longest lasting Energizer alkaline battery, lasting up to 70% longer. The shelf life of this species is also up to 10 years. Available in all 5 sizes.
Ultimate Lithium ispearl of the Energizer company. Batteries of the mentioned class are considered to be the most durable lithium cells in the world. The service life of these sources exceeds the performance of alkaline sources by 11 times. Duration of storage - up to 15 years. Three times lighter than alkaline batteries. Reliably operate at temperatures from -400 to +600 degrees Celsius. They are structurally protected from leakage. Only the following types are produced by Energizer: AA, AAA and 9V.

How much do Energizer batteries cost? The price of the indicated batteries depends on the selected class. For example, the cost of one AA cell would be as follows: Alkaline is about $0.5, Plus is $0.75, Maximum is $1, and Ultimate Lithium is about $15.