There is no doubt that advertising is an excellent trading tool. Even a very modest bag with incomprehensible content, with successful advertising, can be sold for a lot of money. For example, this is exactly what happened with the well-known and advertised tool on Instagram under the simple name skrab. We will consider reviews about it in our article.

A few words about the product itself
Despite the fact that the advertisement of a universal body product appeared not so long ago, many people started talking about it. At the same time, rave reviews about Skrab can be heard not only from ordinary network users, but also from stars, famous bloggers and other public people. However, if you dig deeper, then the real opinions and words of the stars differ significantly, and not in favor of the scrub manufacturer.

Packaging and design of the product
As the numerous reviews of Skrab ("Instagram") say, the manufacturer did not really bother about a beautiful and bright design. Most likely, he is of the opinion that the simpler the better. Therefore, on the packaging with a scrub, you will not find anything superfluous. An ordinary package with a simple inscription, a brief description of the composition and concise information about themanufacturer.
The product itself is placed in a special craft bag made of parchment paper, which does not allow moisture to pass through and does not leave traces of oily ingredients. According to users, such packaging can be soiled only from the inside, but not from the outside. Inside the package is equipped with a special fastener like a coffee package. Experienced people say that it is called Zip Lock. This clip is easy to open and close if necessary. This is confirmed by many real reviews about Skrab.

Used for: Purpose
According to the promise of the manufacturer, the tool is perfect for dealing with extra centimeters in problem areas. It eliminates visible stretch marks and fights against the unpleasant "orange peel". Moreover, it is an all-purpose scrub that can be applied to any part of the body, including the face.
What are the flavors?
According to some users, Skrab (you can hear the most controversial reviews about this tool) is very popular with women of all ages. At the same time, most of the buyers prefer the aroma of coconut. There is also the smell of "Original", "Vanilla" and others. However, it is coconut that is considered the most striking and fresh aroma.
According to them, this scrub smells incredibly delicious and is very reminiscent of the famous Bounty chocolate. That's just according to the stories of most, this smell does not last long. In just a couple of days, this smell easily evaporates. And in the end you get an ordinary coffee body scrub,but much more expensive.

Where can I actually order the product?
According to some buyers, almost all of them ordered a scrub on the official website of the manufacturer - Feedback from other buyers helps to understand that they made their order on the official page of the seller's group on Instagram. At the same time, the paid goods themselves are delivered by courier, which is very convenient.
Scrub appearance and packaging
After opening the package, you can see the scrub itself (Skrab). Reviews of lovers of beautiful and he althy skin allow you to understand how it looks and what it looks like. So, according to their story, the tool itself is a dry, thick and at the same time crumbly brown substance. It smells good and doesn't stick to hands. This tool is produced in packages weighing 50, 100 and 200 gr.

Brief "info" about the manufacturer on s instagram (posts)
The creator of the legendary Instagram scrub was an ordinary student from St. Petersburg Elena Zolotova. She is also the founder of a small business called Helen Gold. According to the story of the girl herself, she also spied the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this scrub on Instagram. Here she borrowed the very principle of sales and even packaging.
Later, she began to consult with a technologist from Australia. It was he who helped the entrepreneur to identify the right recipe and consistency for the future scrub. And then Elena organized her ownproduction. At the same time, the girl preferred to order the ingredients for her new product in Israel, Brazil, the USA, Kenya, Thailand, as well as Ukraine and Russia.

What's in the miracle cure?
Many visitors to the site skrab. ru (reviews about this resource you will find in our article) pay attention to the composition of the scrub. To their surprise, there is nothing unusual about it. And if necessary, you can easily cook it on your own. It contains:
- Natural and ground coffee.
- Essential oil from grape seeds.
- Essential oil from coconut.
- Plain water.
- Finely chopped sea s alt.
- Particles of brown or cane sugar.
- Pharmacy vitamin E.
True, all this should be added in the correct proportion. However, as buyers say, if desired, achieving the right consistency is quite simple. And then they immediately declare a discrepancy between the final cost of the product and the features of its composition.
In other words, the ingredients are simple and inexpensive, so the price of the scrub, in their opinion, is very high. However, it directly depends on the cost of advertising when ordering it from celebrities, bloggers and other famous personalities, whose interviews and photos are on the skrab website. ru ("Instagram"). Testimonials from these famous people are notoriously expensive.

Where is the scrub production?
Production of the most advertised product fromstretch marks and cellulite is carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bthe metropolitan metro station "Semenovskaya". This is a small production facility with an area of no more than 300 m.
The entrepreneur uses special tools to make her product. Skrab, reviews of which you can really hear not only in a positive, but also in a very neutral context, is created using special mixers. According to Zolotova, she acquired them during one of the thematic equipment exhibitions held in Germany.
Expanding the sales market and opening a dealer network
Even later, Elena rented her office on the Fontanka and hired additional staff of managers. She then approached several well-known bloggers and spent a certain amount of money recruiting celebrities for ads.
Later, other people began to contact her, opening representative offices in their cities. So the girl got her own small dealer network. At the moment, it has about 150 remote representatives working in the regions of the Russian Federation. 23 representatives of the company work in Kazakhstan, and 4 in neighboring Belarus.
Who are the representatives of the firm?
In most cases, representatives of the company are private entrepreneurs. They work not only through social networks, but also through points of sale, for example, most often they open on the territory of large stores. Less often, these are separate outlets.
Today's production
Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of the student, her brainchild Scrab is currently at the peak of popularity. For 2015 only,mainly on the sale of the scrub, the girl earned over 118 million rubles. And this is not the limit.
However, according to Elena's story, she has to make a lot of efforts in order to eliminate others who want to capitalize on her fame. As it turned out, her scrub has a lot of fakes. At the same time, most unscrupulous manufacturers refer to Elena's company.
What do women say about the scrub?
By and large, the scrub from Elena is pretty good. It perfectly scrubs the skin, smoothes and moisturizes it due to the essential oils included in the composition. However, the additional aromas themselves, as in the case of coconut, disappear very quickly. And the mass of scrub for such a price, according to users, is very small.
Others did not like that the shape of the scrub is very loose. According to them, while they are smeared, half of the product mercilessly falls into the bath. And although it does not save from cellulite and stretch marks, the skin after its use is really smooth and beautiful.
Some say that during the application of the product on the skin there are unpleasant tingling. Therefore, the scrub must be washed off very quickly. Nobody complains about the manufacturer's website itself. On the contrary, they highlight a polite support service and a convenient delivery service.