Hunters, fishermen and other lovers of outdoor activities and tourism in the bosom of nature at night must have thought about purchasing a night vision device. After all, it is not easy enough for many people to navigate in the dark, and artificial lighting is not always convenient, as it attracts extraneous attention, or scares away fish and game. There are a lot of ready-made solutions on the domestic market, both from a domestic manufacturer and under foreign brands, so there will be no problem with choosing a decent product.

The focus of this article is the PNV-57E device, which is represented on the market by the Russian military-industrial complex. Description, specifications, owner reviews and expert recommendations will not leave any reader indifferent to this wonderful device.
How does it work?
Naturally, users are interested in the principle of operation of this device. After all, the device is made in the form of a helmet that must be worn on the head. It should be noted right away that the night vision device does not emit any radiation - everything is based on the physical laws of optics. In fact, the device amplifies infrared and ultraviolet radiation invisible to the human eye.rays.

Into-optical converters capture weak light reflected from objects and transmit it to a photocathode, which has a light-sensitive matrix (as in SLR cameras). The photocathode, in turn, transmits the image to the luminescent screen, which is able to increase the brightness of the image due to the constant movement of electrons from the cathode.
Convenience of this technology
The reader has noticed that the market is dominated by solutions from foreign manufacturers, which are made in the form of a monocular. They are more reminiscent of an optical sight and are designed to be mounted on a rifle or used as a telescope. And the PNV-57E device, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower (10,000 rubles), is binocular, that is, it allows the user to see in the dark with both eyes in real time.
As users note in their reviews, this solution is not only convenient, but also allows the owner, through some manipulations with the optical device, to change the performance characteristics of the device. After all, this is military equipment that has been created for centuries. No expansion boards and cunning devices - the usual constructor for a Russian person: metal structures, optical devices and a few wires.
Disadvantages of the device PNV-57E
Naturally, any product of the military industrial complex has a number of shortcomings, which many users pay attention to. First of all, the disadvantages include the weight of the device. Still, the metal construction makes itself feltPNV-57E devices. Owner reviews assure that to work with the device at night, you need to have not only nerves of steel, but also muscles in the cervical spine.

Low image resolution, which affects the detail of the image rendering at large distances (over 20 meters). The fisheye effect, which slightly deforms the visible image, was also referred to by many as negatives. There are also problems with image sharpness when viewing objects at close range (up to 5 meters).
Tactical and technical characteristics
The PNV-57E device provides a field of view of at least 35 degrees - this is a serious advantage when compared with monocular systems. The optics of the device has a slight increase, which does not go beyond 1-1.2 times. The eyepieces have diopter settings that allow the user to adjust the sharpness of the picture in case of poor vision. The focal length of the lenses is 37 mm, and they consist of nine lenses. The optical axes of the device PNV-57E are equipped with a floating connection, as it is implemented in conventional binoculars, so this device can be used by anyone, regardless of age.

As for the power supply system of the photocells and the luminescent screen, it is carried out at a voltage of 12-15 V or 24-30 V. Switching between power sources is carried out automatically. The power consumption of the device at maximum load does not exceed 6 watts.
First meeting
Users who have had to deal with domestically produced military products know for certain that all devices are delivered to the market in protective metal boxes. Apparently, this is branded packaging from Russian industrialists. And there will never be any problems with transportation - the device is securely fixed inside the case, so it is not afraid of any shocks and falls from a height.

The box contains: PNV-57E, instructions for safety and operation, a summer helmet of a tanker, a set of glasses for blackout headlights, an adapter for connecting the device to the power supply of motor vehicles. By the way, there are glasses for blackout, both for conventional headlights and for halogen ones. The future owner will also be pleased with a spare set of glasses, which he will find in one of the compartments of a capacious metal box.
Beginner's Encyclopedia
The PNV-57E device has a very interesting and informative instruction: the power supply of internal elements, the design of optical devices and the principle of operation are described in the manual at the school course level, that is, in an accessible language. It is better to start with maintenance - any owner can easily completely disassemble the device, clean its elements from dust, lubricate and assemble it together. This is possible due to the presence of a complete diagram of the device in the instructions and the presence of an assembly-disassembly algorithm.
The manufacturer also suggested that not all users of the PNV-57E might like the tank helmet, so the night device is provided with a universalmount that can be adapted to a helmet or other helmet. Naturally, the possibility of tilting up the optics is provided in all cases.
Features of the power system
Caring first of all about the reliability of fastenings in the night vision device, the manufacturer forgot about ease of use. We are talking about high-voltage hard wires that connect the power supply and converters. But the battery in offline mode in the PNV-57E device is a “crown”. A conventional 12V DC battery. Here, the owners will be helped by a description of the change in the power system, which is promoted by enthusiasts in the media.

Rigid and heavy wiring is simply changed to ordinary soft-braided copper wires. The only recommendation that all owners of the device need to heed is to discard all attempts to manually intervene in the operation of the converter installed on the back of the device. It makes a high frequency sound (like a failed capacitor) - this is normal and just takes some getting used to.
Oh those Russians
Probably, only abroad it is customary to shout about dust-proof devices that work in a humid environment and are capable of experiencing shock loads. All users are familiar with the IP87 markings and their analogues. The characteristics of the PNV-57E device are several orders of magnitude higher.
- Dust protection. Judging by the reviews of the owners, who have used the device for more than 100 hours within one year, the device has not been serviced.dirt and dust were found in the optical elements and on the power supply boards. Only the lubrication points of the moving parts have accumulated dirt.
- Protection from moisture. Fog, rain, occasional falls in the snow? No, this device does not allow water to enter the optical elements and does not cause a short circuit even after 10 minutes in uns alted water.
- Shock protection. It is clear that it is easy to move the device with a tank, but the fall from a nine-story building onto a damp surface of the earth did not cause any disturbances in the device (it is worth noting that during testing the eyepieces were closed with rubber plugs).
Recommendations for hunters
Like any optical binoculars, the device has problems with detailing objects at close range. In fact, within 1-4 meters, the image sharpness is low. Some enthusiasts suggest reducing the focus by shifting the lenses in the eyepiece. But then another problem arises - the lack of detail at a great distance. This is unacceptable, especially if the PNV-57E device is used for hunting. There is a way out, it is interesting and was rated positively by many owners, judging by their reviews.
You can shift the lenses on one eyepiece by adjusting the focus so that the sharpness is at 2-4 meters. And leave the second eyepiece unchanged. Yes, these settings take some getting used to, but it's worth it. When moving quickly through the forest in pursuit of game, this solution allows you to better navigate the terrain and significantly saves the hunter's time.
Collaboration with scopes
Night vision devicedomestic production is clearly not intended for hunting with optics in the dark. Not only to see an object at a great distance, but also to look into the eyepiece, the user is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, it is better to leave this idea immediately. But the owners of the collimator will obviously like a bunch of two devices. If the optical instrument has self-powered power supply and front sight illumination, then the user does not need to center the PNV-57E eyepiece with a collimator. It is enough to be able to look into the device at a large angle and see the aiming point.

Even easier with laser guidance. Red target indicators are visible in the night vision device, like the swords of the Jedi. Naturally, the aiming point is easily located on the object, and it is a pleasure for any hunter to guide the target with it. But the joint use of a laser and a collimator is better to exclude immediately. The fact is that through an optical device, the red dot of the target indicator acquires a huge halo, which interferes with aiming.
Closest competitors
For buyers who have looked after the PNV-57E device for outdoor activities, the price (10 thousand rubles) played a major role in choosing a night vision device on the market. Therefore, it is better to start the comparison with inexpensive devices (within 30,000 rubles). The spyglass ZENIT NP-105, produced by the Krasnogorsk Instrument-Making Plant, immediately came into focus. In addition to night vision, she still knows how to zoom in on objects (2.4x), and also has a small weight (1 kg versus 3.5 kg for PNV-57E). But with the convenience of the pipe, there are problems - running through the forest for game,holding a rifle in one hand, and a device in the other is problematic.
Belarusians have introduced an interesting Pulsar Edge GS 2.7×50 binoculars on the market. It allows you to see perfectly in the dark and has a small magnification. But again, it's just for observation. The Ukrainian baby "Promin PN-3" has long been discontinued, but is popular among hunters and fishermen due to its price (only 2000 rubles). It looks more like a portable movie camera, but looks, as always, are deceiving. In terms of functionality, it is not inferior to the PNV-57E device.
In conclusion
As practice shows, purchasing a night vision device for personal use is not a problem for many users. Even the representative of the military departments - the PNV-57E binocular device - is available at retail and does not require permits. Yes, there are minor flaws, and the device itself is inconvenient to use, but it was not intended at all for chasing game at night with a rifle at the ready - it was primarily developed for drivers of tanks, armored personnel carriers and landing hovercraft. And if the buyer believes that this night vision device does not suit him in terms of quality and convenience, the solution to the problems can be found in the price category from 100,000 rubles and above.