The desire of smartphone manufacturers to make their products more attractive to customers has led to the fact that it is now quite difficult to find a device that would not have a built-in digital camera. Dozens of megapixels, complex image processing algorithms, automatic range adjustment… It would seem that it is enough to select the desired frame and press a button, and the automation will do the rest.

Unfortunately, this is only partly true. So, for example, an attempt to shoot a building against a bright blue sky will lead to an overall excessive darkening, since in this case the brightest element is selected as the reference point, relative to which the rest of the parameters are set. If you intervene in the work of the algorithms and manually specify the exposure, then the result may be a building with acceptable brightness in the picture, but a white spot instead of the sky. To overcome this, there is a special HDR mode implemented in almost every modern digital camera, including models insmartphones. Having learned to work with it, you can be sure that the quality of the pictures will be perfect. This abbreviation stands for Dynamic Range Extension. Thus, to the question: “What is HDR in a phone camera?” you can answer like this: "This is a special frame processing function designed to improve images by combining one final from several intermediate ones." In general, a rather interesting feature that every owner of a modern smartphone simply must familiarize himself with.
What is HDR in a phone camera
In fact, the principle of this mode is quite simple. HDR shooting assumes that the camera takes not one, but several frames at once, while focusing on objects with different levels of illumination in the background.

Then the central processor selects the pictures with averaged values and combines them into one, which is offered to the user. Thanks to the use of this simple method, you can forget about too bright and not enough light objects in one frame - everything is in balance. Since this solution is completely software, to use it, you just need to install an application that has a similar shooting mode. Note that not all cameras pre-installed in the basic firmware of smartphones have this feature.
Usage nuances
At the same time, it is important to understand that HDR is not a panacea after all. Even by using it, the owner does not become a professional photographer. the main problemis as follows: since the final picture is formed from several intermediate ones, the device itself and the objects in the frame must be motionless.

Otherwise, an unpleasant HDR effect may occur, in which everything in the picture looks blurry, doubles, etc. It is recommended to use a tripod when working with this mode.
The next thing to keep in mind is that in some cases taking a picture with average brightness is inappropriate. For example, silhouettes in the twilight, according to the photographer's intention, should remain the same indefinite shadows, and not people in gray raincoats. HDR shooting does not allow for this.
Finally, the brightness and contrast of pictures taken in this mode are generally slightly lower than in pictures taken in the usual way. Sometimes it turns out to be quite critical.
Within the framework of the article, it is useless to try to describe all the existing programs for smartphones that implement the extended range shooting mode, since there are dozens of them.

To mention just a few. One of the most famous programs in this group is HDR Pro Camera. Despite the fact that the release of new versions is discontinued (the latest is 2.35), the reviews about this application are the most flattering. An additional plus is guaranteed performance even on the outdated Android 2.2, which for some may be a decisive factor. After launch, the user has the option to selectautomatic or manual mode. In the second case, you can use the sliders on the screen to pre-adjust the brightness, contrast, color temperature with which pictures will be taken. The program is distributed on a paid basis, but the cost is very democratic - less than 60 rubles.
SNAP camera
Perhaps, everyone who has set himself the task of choosing a good photography program has come across a solution from the developer Marginz Software. Snap Cam enjoys well-deserved popularity among many, which is explained by several factors. Among them are support and timely release of new versions; some features are unique; the program has absorbed almost everything that may be of interest to both professional and novice photographers. In particular, it is when working with it that it is easiest to understand what HDR is in a phone camera. To activate the mode after installation and launch, you need to select HDR by rotating the graphic settings wheel (version 7.x.x). It remains to take a picture. By default, three frames with different exposures will be saved, among which you can choose the best one. The function of saving intermediate shots, if it is not needed, is deactivated in the settings - the HDR section. In this case, the entire shooting process takes place completely automatically, except, of course, pressing the button. Fans of "playing around" with the settings may be interested in focusing between intermediate frames, as well as milliseconds of delay. The program allows you to adjust the clarity, brightness, image resolution, cropping, etc. Purchase is expectedlicenses.
Basic functionality
The demand for HDR mode has led more and more smartphone manufacturers to include a camera application in their operating systems, which natively provides the ability to take pictures with a wide dynamic range. True, when using stock (basic) solutions, there is no need to talk about the abundance of any additional settings. For example, in the popular build of CyanogenMod, clicking on the three dots of the menu opens a window where you can enable or disable the use of HDR mode. Parallel operation of this function and the flash is not possible. It is worth noting that very often an inexpensive phone with a good camera, shooting in normal mode, allows you to get better photos than a more expensive one, but with a low-quality sensor.
Open cell
That's right - Open Camera - is the name of an application that also deserves the closest attention from photography lovers. There are no less settings in it than in the above Snap. True, to activate the HDR mode, a beginner has to study all the items in the settings. In fact, the "magic button" can be accessed by clicking on the dot icon in the top on-screen menu. Among the items in the "Scene" list is HDR. The quality of the final image is excellent, but the processing speed is one of the slowest among similar solutions. Perhaps, in smartphone models with productive processors, this delay is leveled. Toto understand what HDR is in a phone camera, it is recommended to practice choosing different shooting modes and compare the result.