Solar panel: clean energy for your home

Solar panel: clean energy for your home
Solar panel: clean energy for your home
solar panel
solar panel

The phenomenon of converting sunlight into electricity was discovered 170 years ago. However, the first solar panel was manufactured and applied only in 1954. This moment can be considered a starting point, after which the new technology became well known and publicly available.

However, for a long period, solar panels were practically not used anywhere. This was due to the fact that the production was quite costly, and the products themselves did not pay off. But the fuel crisis of the 70s of the last century forced the world community to reconsider its view on the technology of obtaining electricity from sunlight. Indeed, in 20, 30, 50 years, such a situation may arise that only the sun, wind and natural undercurrents will remain from the available energy sources.

Who can buy solar panels for home

A solar battery can be bought and installed by anyone who wants to at least slightly improve the environmental situation. Of course, if one or two people install panels that partially cover their electricity needs, this will not fundamentally change the situation. But if there are a hundred, two hundred thousand such people, we can already talk about an improvementecology. One solar panel cannot provide electricity to the entire house, but it is quite possible to use it to connect low-power household appliances.

solar panels for home
solar panels for home

Some people believe that such a battery is pointless to install in the northern regions due to the small number of sunny days per year. However, skeptics can be reminded that the technology for generating electricity from sunlight is most developed in the Czech Republic and Germany. Agree, these are not the warmest and sunniest countries in the world.

how to make a solar panel
how to make a solar panel

How to make a solar panel

Most people don't mind using clean and free energy. There remains a small nuance: the solar panel has a rather high cost, even despite the invention of a fundamentally new silicon purification technology, which has reduced the cost of the production process by about half. The price of batteries is different, it depends on the area of the working surface, the declared power (usually overpriced by 10-20%, this must be taken into account when buying and installing), manufacturer, type of material used (single-crystal, polycrystalline, ribbon and amorphous) and method its application (conventional method or thin film technology).

Due to the high cost, some prefer to make their own panels. The first method is artisanal: recycling old diodes (they contain a photocell) and fixing them on a rigid frame. The second method is semi-professional: the solar panel is made from cells created by industrialway, but installation is done at home on a homemade frame.

You can do it easier and buy a panel. Moreover, according to the manufacturers, it will serve for at least 30-40 years, and every year the problem of obtaining alternative energy becomes more and more urgent.