Modern man can no longer imagine his life without various electronic devices. The list of various gadgets is very impressive, and new devices are constantly appearing on the market. Some of them fall into the category of unnecessary luxury, while others become a necessity.

One of the useful gadgets that can really improve the quality of life is a fitness bracelet. It is also sometimes called a smart watch based on its capabilities and functionality. The device serves as an indispensable assistant whose task is to preserve human he alth through the organization of physical activity and rest.
Main Functions
Fitness bracelet is a rather complicated device. That is why it is simply impossible to list all its functions. Consider the basic characteristics of a "smart" gadget. All devices have them, regardless of brand and price. These functions are:
- step measurement;
- "smart" alarm clock;
- heart rate control;
- sleep monitoring;
- accountingcalories burned.
Do I need a fitness bracelet?
The first prototypes of such gadgets were heart rate monitors. A little later, the functions of the device expanded, which made it possible to measure a person's steps and calories burned by him. But at the same time, they began to be called fitness bracelets only after the appearance of full integration with PCs and mobile operating systems.

Is there a need to purchase such a device? Based on its properties, it is worth buying a gadget for several reasons. After all, he is capable of the following:
- encourages its owner to move more;
- monitors blood pressure and heart rate, and measures sleep phases;
- helps to reduce weight by sending valuable recommendations to its owner;
- increases sleep efficiency through sleep control;
- sometimes equipped with a built-in clock, which allows you to save on their purchase.
Sometimes, in the instructions for a fitness bracelet, you can also find such additional functions:
- monitoring the frequency of medication;
- control of water balance in the body;
- the ability to enter reminders;
- remote control over the he alth of relatives;
- setting goals and tracking their achievement;
- sending he alth data to a doctor or trainer.
Working principle
As you can see, fitness bracelets have a lot of advantages. How do they work?
Outside, manufacturers make such gadgets so that they deliverthe owner with a minimum of discomfort. The inside of a fitness bracelet is a small electronic circuit with various sensors attached to it. All elements are enclosed in a plastic, often waterproof casing.
One of the sensors in the fitness bracelet is an element in the form of two small electrical boards with a counterweight between them and an electric discharge. At a time when a person is at rest, the accelerometer does not work. But from the moment when the owner of the fitness bracelet shows physical activity, the counterweight, which was previously located in the middle between the boards, begins to contact them. This allows the gadget to create a spatial picture of ongoing movements.
Those who are wondering what is the best fitness bracelet to buy for themselves should look at the gadget's instructions. In some modern models of such devices, triaxial accelerometers are installed. Unlike standard sensors, they are able to track the movement of their owner and his acceleration relative to three coordinate axes at once.
Heart rate monitor
It is very important for a person to monitor the frequency of his heartbeat. This allows you to maximize the use of physical activity. By controlling our pulse zones, we are also able to significantly improve the response of the body to the manifestation of activity. For example, if the main goal of morning runs is to lose weight, then the heart should beat at an approximate frequency of 130 beats per minute. With a slower or faster heart rate, fat burning processes will proceed inefficiently.

The principle of operation of such a sensor is based on reading the readings of two electrodes. With their help, the potential difference during heart beats is fixed. The received data, as well as during the operation of the accelerometer, are received via a wireless interface by a smartphone.
Which fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor is better? The following parameters directly affect the accuracy of the readings of this gadget:
- good contact with the skin (the bracelet should fit snugly to it, that is, have a curved shape and small size);
- device height (it is desirable that the sensor stand out a little from the bracelet and not be recessed into it);
- the ability to turn the heart rate monitor to the back of the wrist (this parameter is important for obtaining the most accurate readings).
Sleep phase tracking
This is one of the most important features. The device collects statistics on the time and quality of rest. By tracking the phases of sleep, a person can avoid its lack or excess, and also wake up at the moment that is optimal in time. All this is the merit of a "smart" alarm clock, which manufacturers supply with almost all models of fitness trackers. Thanks to this function, the gadget will wake up its owner not at the time specified in advance, but when it will be most useful for the body. Sleep phases are determined using accelerometer and heart rate data.
Calorie counting
A large number of people watch their figure, not only to be he althy. They strive to havespectacular appearance. And in this they will be helped by another important function of the fitness bracelet, which helps to control the calories burned. It allows the owner of the gadget not to suffer about every candy eaten. Having such a device, he will know the number of calories that he has spent throughout the day. The data obtained will allow for a simple calculation by determining an individual rate that allows you to always stay in shape.
A heart rate monitor is used to obtain data on calories burned. This sensor, based on the activity of the heart, calculates the desired indicator. In addition, the gadget is also equipped with special software that allows the user to "drive" into the program the number of calories contained in the products included in the menu of the day. Knowing the calorie intake and subtracting the expenditure from it, you can get the most accurate result.
Judging by user feedback, this function sometimes does not work correctly. That is why modern manufacturers, listening to the complaints of customers, are constantly improving it.
Using the gadget
Fitness bracelet is quite easy to operate. The owner of the gadget simply puts it on his hand and turns it on. Many models are equipped with their own small display. All key indicators are displayed on its screen. However, the most complete information about the state of the body can be obtained by connecting the fitness bracelet to a smartphone or tablet. Suitable for this and any external device.
How to connect a fitness bracelet, for example, to a phone? To do this, you need to take a smartphone and install it onhim an application from the respective manufacturer. After that, you can bind the device to it. To do this, it is likely that you will need to create an account.
After linking, the owner will be able to use the bracelet and read the data outgoing from it on the smartphone. Sometimes gadgets are synchronized with each other using Bluetooth.
Which is the best app for a fitness bracelet when paired with Android? In this case, it is recommended to install a version not lower than 4.4.
Which fitness bracelet app is better when installed on other gadgets? The owner can always use the standard program. However, it is better to download the latest application developments to your smartphone or tablet. They will significantly expand the functionality of bracelets. Some of these programs, for example, will allow the tracker to simultaneously become a remote control for the smartphone's camera.
How to choose a fitness bracelet? Which is better? When buying a gadget, you should pay attention to the presence of a Russified version of the program. You should also choose a model for yourself that will synchronize with the operating system installed on an external device (for example, Windows). The possibility of full use of the bracelet will directly depend on this.
After installing the application, you need to enter your age, weight, height and other indicators into it. This will allow you to receive the most correct analytical data.
Which fitness bracelet is better? Judging by the reviews of many users, they preferred to buy a gadget that had a control function in the application.over the he alth of loved ones at a distance. The main thing is that this information is in the public domain. This control function also allows the owner of the bracelet to share their sports achievements with colleagues and friends.
Pressure measurement
Which fitness bracelet is better to buy for the elderly and hypertensive patients? Judging by the feedback from users, a smart gadget is most suitable for them, which allows you to measure not only the pulse, but also blood pressure. In this case, the acquisition will become not just an attractive sports accessory. A fitness bracelet with pressure measurement is also a medical device that will allow you to monitor the state of the body in real mode. The use of such devices is also recommended for athletes and those who strive for a he althy lifestyle. You can also use it in the gym for cardio. In this case, a fitness bracelet with pressure measurement will help you control the intensity of physical activity received, adjusting it based on the capabilities and needs of the body.
Can we talk about the accuracy of the readings of blood pressure monitors installed on such gadgets? If we consider the principle of operation of fitness bracelets, then their measurement of pressure is somewhat different from that which takes place in classical medical devices. Smart device sensors record the speed of the pulse wave. In this case, the heart rate is measured, and the information received is subject to analysis. It corresponds to the truth in 80% of cases. At the same time, there is also some error in the results, which isranging from 10 to 15 millimeters of mercury. Thus, the accuracy of the pressure data obtained with a fitness bracelet is lower than with the same measurements taken with a medical device. But all this is fully compensated by the ease of use and the ability to check pressure without assistance.
How to wear the gadget?
Straps for fitness bracelets are made mainly from hypoallergenic silicone. This allows you not to remove them for 24 hours a day. These elements in all models have only two lengths. Namely, 19 and 24 cm. At the same time, they are equipped with numerous fixing holes that allow you to grab your wrist of any size.
Which hand is best to wear a fitness bracelet? Right-handers should wear it on their left wrist, and left-handers on their right. In this case, the received data on the state of the body will be as accurate as possible.
Which fitness bracelet is better? When choosing a model, it is worth remembering that such gadgets are designed for regular wear and active use.

That is why it is worth paying attention to the fact that their internal elements are reliably protected from the external environment. Judging by user reviews, the best in this regard are fitness bracelets, the body of which is insulated according to the standard, ranging from IP-67 and higher. In this case, the owner of the bracelet can even swim in the water without removing it from his hand.
Smart watch
Based on customer reviews, what is the best fitness bracelet to buy? Modern manufacturersoffer models of gadgets equipped with a screen. They usually have the function of "smart" hours. With its help, you can not only determine the time, but also answer calls and view notifications. But it should be borne in mind that such opportunities affect the increase in the price of the bracelet. In addition, they reduce its battery life. That is why you should opt for such devices only if you have the appropriate budget and existing needs.
Despite their name, some models of fitness bracelets are made in a different design. They cannot be placed on the hand. After all, such gadgets are made in the form of a clip that is attached to clothes, or in the form of a pendant.
Which fitness bracelet is better? It is up to the user to decide based on their own preferences.
Strap features
As mentioned above, the material for this part of the fitness bracelet is silicone. It is hypoallergenic and durable enough.
However, in models of premium fitness bracelets, sometimes there is a strap made of leather. On the one hand, it is more comfortable for everyday wear, and on the other hand, it causes discomfort during training and sometimes deforms from contact with moisture.
Which fitness bracelet is better? This is up to the buyer. However, judging by the reviews of many users, it is advisable to choose a model for yourself in which the strap can be replaced. But it is impossible to do this if you buy a multifunctional device, because in such models the straps are equipped with additional sensors andnot replaceable.
Brand Selection
According to users, the best manufacturers of fitness bracelets are as follows:
- Xiaomi offers devices ideal for its price segment.
- Withing, Misfit, Fitbil - produce gadgets related to the middle price segment.
- Jawbone is a trailblazer with both good and bad designs.
- Huawei - offering smartwatch devices.
- Microsoft Garmin - release fitness bracelets for professionals.
- Bong, THL, Teciast are Chinese manufacturers selling gadgets with low price and good performance.
Let's consider the most popular models of fitness bracelets.
Mi Band 1s Pulse Xiaomi
The presented fitness bracelet, as well as other models of similar gadgets from Xiaomi, is made in a laconic design. The device is attached to the arm with a silicone strap that does not cling to the sleeve and does not slip.
To use the Xiaomi Mi Band 1s Pulse model, you need to install a special Mi Fit application on your smartphone. You will also need to register a Xiaomi account, where all logins and settings for the bracelet will be saved.
What is the functionality of this gadget? With it, you can calculate the distance traveled, the number of steps taken, the duration and phases of sleep. At the same time, the gadget can work as a "smart" alarm clock.

Judging by the feedback from users, they chose the Xiaomi Mi modelBand 1s Pulse, given the presence of three pulse detection modes in it, which is very convenient. It became possible to measure the heart rate with this gadget in normal, automatic mode, as well as while running.
Vivosmart 3 Garmin
This fitness bracelet model is the first of its kind, a very convenient and discreet activity tracking gadget. In order for it to start working, the owner just needs to double-tap the screen, after which you can start training.

Garmin Vivosmart 3 allows you to track the state of the body throughout the day. At the same time, it is equipped with a breathing timer that functions on the basis of relaxation. Also in the Garmin Vivosmart 3 program is a counter of floors, calories burned, sleep intensity and much more. The body of the gadget is reliably protected from moisture. With it you can swim in the pool and take a shower. The battery life of this fitness bracelet is approximately 5 days.
The gadget allows you not to fall out of the usual rhythm of life. With it, you can view messages received by e-mail, as well as social network notifications.
Huawei Honor Band 3
This bracelet has an appearance that, judging by user reviews, is quite common. The manufacturer covered the main part of the gadget with transparent plastic. It is under it that the touch control zone of the smart bracelet Huawei Honor Band 3 and a miniature display are located.

Strap attached withboth sides of the plastic, made of silicone. It is quite soft and thin, with a delicate pattern printed on the outer surface.
The screen of the gadget is not touch. The only control element is a small round area, touching which you can scroll through the information and wake up the bracelet from sleep mode. It should be borne in mind that the manufacturer has provided in its model the function of automatically turning off the screen in cases where the owner abruptly raises his hand to himself.
The operation of this bracelet is quite comfortable. In it you can play sports, sleep and swim in the pool. The Huawei Honor Band 3 smart bracelet displays heart rate, date, time, distance traveled, calories burned, sleep and running time, and battery capacity.
During incoming calls, a scrolling line appears on the bracelet screen displaying the name of the caller.
Amazfit Cor
This model occupies a prominent place in the list of budget sports models. The manufacturer was able to put a color display in the Amazfit Cor fitness bracelet instead of a monochrome one. This made it much easier to manage the device.
Amazfit Cor fitness bracelet is designed for those who prefer outdoor activities, because its body is protected from dust and water. With a bracelet on your hand, you can even safely swim in the pool. Without recharging, the battery of the tracker allows it to work for two weeks.
This gadget provides a complete set of the most popular options. It contains:
- quite accurate (according to user reviews) heart rate monitor;
- timer withstopwatch;
- several workout modes.
The device is controlled using the Mi Fit application, which also provides the owner with many opportunities.
FitBit 2 Charge lines
This fitness bracelet offers its owners only the most necessary options. He is able to measure the pulse, building a training program based on the data obtained. At the same time, the gadget will offer several types of activity, ranging from walking to strength training.
About the FitBit Charge 2 bracelet, user reviews are usually only positive. The gadget does not cause any complaints from the owners either in terms of its ergonomics or comfort in use. When creating a model, the company took into account even the most, at first glance, minor details. For example, the clasp on the strap is so secure that there is simply no chance for the bracelet to unfasten.
Thanks to the existing application, an alarm clock, activity type, and statistics can be displayed. An interesting bracelet option is a reminder of a long state of rest. The gadget will require movement from its owner every hour.