Along with the usual light panels for advertising with click-profile and crystallights, in the last few years, "magnetic" panels with a quick change of information have appeared. One of the most attractive series of light panels can be called the L'EDO series.

L'EDO is a 100% Russian product designed and manufactured in Russia. For large formats, the L'EDO XXL profile has been developed, for small formats, L'EDO Slim.
Unique both in terms of design and durability, the design is gaining popularity among Muscovites and residents of other cities. These are framelights that can be used in the interior, as well as in closed parking lots, under awnings or in any other place where they will be protected from water flows (for example, during rain).

Unlike less durable "brothers" L'EDO XXL consists of a base in which LEDs and glass for edge lighting are installed, and a cover with 5 mm thick plexiglass. The design uses special heavy-duty assembly corners, as well as a seal, whichmakes it possible to really use it for many years.
L'EDO light panels guaranteed - 10,000 openings
Compared to framelights with a click profile, L'EDO has a guarantee of 10,000 openings, since the lid is attached to the base with magnets, and there is simply nothing to break in this design. Click frames, after a small number of openings, warp, the springs holding the frame, made of low-quality steel, may stop working. In addition, click frames are not possible in sizes larger than City, since the thin profile of the frame simply will not hold a heavy poster. You can often see the poster slipping or the corners of the click frame "spreading apart" in trade cents. Such advertising does not add attractiveness to your brand, on the contrary, it scares off potential buyers.
A distinctive feature of magnetic advertising panels is the presence of a removable cover, which is not the case with other framelights. It reliably protects the advertising poster from damage or scratches, and is also more convenient for changing information.

An often asked question is, are the magnets strong enough to hold the heavy cover of the L'EDO XXL lightbar? Unlike other models, the design of L'EDO XXL uses magnets specially designed for it with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters, which are inserted into special grooves in the profile, which completely prevents the magnets from falling out. Also, at the request of the customer, it is possible to install an additional number of magnets, so that neither visitors with heavy carts, nor running children, nor even somethingsomething heavier will not be able to knock the lid off our magnet.

L'EDO light panel 1.5 x 3 meters - the largest magnet in Moscow
L'EDO XXL - a strong thick-walled profile 37 mm thick, designed for giant format structures, the maximum already made framelight hangs in the parking lot of one of the shopping centers in the south of Moscow, its size is 1.5 x 3 meters, as an element edge lighting used acrylic glass Plexiglas Endlighten.

Framelight L'EDO Slim - the embodiment of modern ideas about elegance and sophistication
The second product of the line - L'EDO Slim - a system of profiles for ultra-thin light panels with fast information change.

L'EDO Slim panels are only 18 mm thick, in line with modern minimalist interior advertising trends. Like the XXL model, L'EDO Slim has a removable lid with 3 mm thick transparent plexiglass, which is attached with magnets. A special plexiglass with a matrix for edge illumination produced by the Korean company RAYGEN is used as a light-scattering element. Its thickness is only 4 mm, but it allows you to produce panels with perfectly even illumination in sizes from A4 to City-format.

Both models are available in "anodized aluminum" color and are perfect for decorating modern interiors of cafes, restaurants, business centers, shopping and entertainment complexes andother public spaces.
Currently, L'EDO light panels with fast information change are produced by several advertising and production companies in the Moscow region.