American online stores with delivery to Russia. Goods from USA

American online stores with delivery to Russia. Goods from USA
American online stores with delivery to Russia. Goods from USA

The global network of the Internet opens up the broadest opportunities for humanity. We have long realized that we can not only transmit some graphic files over thousands of kilometers, but also broadcast our speech and image in real time, again, over any distance. It's up to the real goods: large delivery services, as well as online trading companies, are looking for ways to provide the opportunity to also receive your order as soon as possible. After all, judging by all the studies, the market for goods and services on the Internet is growing at an incredible rate!

American online stores with delivery to Russia
American online stores with delivery to Russia

Difference in prices and quality

The revival of online trade can be explained primarily by a serious difference between the cost of the same thing in the country where it was brought from, where it is sold by intermediaries (of course, with an extra charge). In particular, if you compare American online clothing stores with our online stores offering the same US brands, the difference can reach 50-100 percent for one item! Even if we take into account the cost of delivery, the user still benefits if he ordereddirectly.

Another important point is the quality of the goods. It's one thing to buy a thing that is guaranteed to be released for the US market, and another thing to buy it in Russia, after listening to the promises of the sellers that it is original and of high quality. If the latter can easily deceive (which, judging by the numerous reviews, this is happening); then even American online stores with delivery to Russia guarantee the quality of their products with their reputation. And this, in turn, excludes any deception of the buyer in principle.

Chinese and American shops

American online clothing stores
American online clothing stores

Most often, of course, goods appear on the domestic market from two directions - East and West. Two countries - the US and China - are the largest suppliers of global brands. If the first is quality, then the second is an affordable price. Sometimes, by the way, American online clothing stores offer products that were also made in China. Therefore, in this regard, the market for goods can really be called “global”.

Among the first and second groups, we can distinguish the most famous and, at the same time, the most demanded resources. In particular, among Chinese shops, these are Aliexpress and other services of the TaoBao group; and among the Americans, a group consisting of Amazon, eBay, and others. Of course, there are also specialized shops. For example, clothes are offered by AberCrombie, Delias, HollisterCo, GirlsDressShop, PinUpGirlClothing and others. There is also a well-known American online cosmetics store SigmaBeauty, and its“competitors” - PerfumeEmporium, CherryCulture, BHCosmetics, Herb and others. All the mentioned shops provide direct shipping to Russia.

Difficulties in delivery

American online cosmetics store
American online cosmetics store

Why are we listing US online stores shipping to Russia? The answer is simple - there are not so many of them. Those who have ever looked for a product on the US market know what it is about. Many stores in the United States offer delivery of goods directly within the country, refusing to cooperate with buyers from abroad. Delivery to Russia can be called especially rare, because, in the event of problems with customs, the store will not be able to influence the fate of the goods in any way and will be forced to issue a refund, which will lead to direct losses.

Therefore, on various forums for those who like to order products from the USA, you can find a large number of lists of online stores that cooperate with the Russian buyer and carry out delivery. The service is carried out by the largest services, such as UPS, DHL or EMS.

Direct Shipping Companies

In addition to the above, there are other American online stores with delivery to Russia. These are 501USA (clothing), Cabelas (clothing, leisure goods), 6PM, Shoebacca (shoes and clothing), REI, DogFunk (sporting goods), WatcheSonnet (accessories), VictoriasSecret (lingerie, accessories), ToysRus (toys for children) and others. There are also themed stores like HotMiamiStyles or Rock. In fact, the list of such shops is too long to be presented in onearticle. Let's just say that such sites are extremely in demand among Russian customers and, as noted above, you can find them on many forums where purchases from the United States are discussed, as well as on specialized sites. Among them are low-cost American online stores (in the field of clothing, for example, ASOS and Next). However, listing them all will also not work, because for each buyer the concept of “inexpensive store” is individual.

American online stores in Russian
American online stores in Russian

Let's just put it this way: if you're looking for a quality and affordable item from overseas, you're more likely to find a store that can ship it to you. Indeed, in order to order it, you don’t even need to look for American online stores in Russian: most platforms already have a translated version by default. Even if it's not, Google Translate for Websites is here to help!


If suddenly you have a situation where you have found the perfect thing for yourself, but the store does not work with Russia, you can always turn to the services of intermediaries. In particular, there are a large number of companies on the market with offices and warehouses in the United States that ship goods to anywhere in the world. There are such services for Russia. Their services are relatively inexpensive, and the speed of delivery allows you to receive the item in just 2-3 weeks.

Such intermediaries work simply: you give them a link to the product and they bring it to the address you specified in Russia; or you are provided with an office address, you order by yourselfgoods on it, and then ask to send the thing.

Economy and quality

No matter how scary the description of the procedure for ordering goods from abroad sounds, believe me, in fact, this is a normal procedure. You will not lose your money and get your goods if you follow the basic rules. At the same time, you can save money on the purchase and get a quality item. Oh, and by the way, do not forget about the assortment. It is obvious that in the States you can order such goods that Russian suppliers have not even heard of.

inexpensive american online stores
inexpensive american online stores

To make your first order, you need not only to find American online stores with delivery to Russia. You also need to devote half an hour to an hour of time to this issue (which will be spent on studying the materials), and you can safely start your online shopping! Oh yeah, don't forget to ask your friends and family if they need anything from stores in the US - shipping together will be much cheaper!
