MTS stores in St. Petersburg: addresses. Opening hours of MTS stores in St. Petersburg

MTS stores in St. Petersburg: addresses. Opening hours of MTS stores in St. Petersburg
MTS stores in St. Petersburg: addresses. Opening hours of MTS stores in St. Petersburg

MTS stores in St. Petersburg are located in such a way that it will be convenient for potential and current customers of this company to get to them from any part of the city. It is enough to choose the most convenient location of the salon, determine the time at which you plan to visit it, and, taking your passport, contact the appropriate address.

For all questions, is it worth contacting the MTS communication salon in St. Petersburg? How to choose a convenient branch of the company and not make a mistake with whether it will be possible to perform certain actions with a number or equipment in it? These issues will be discussed in detail in this article.

MTS salons in St. Petersburg
MTS salons in St. Petersburg

When should I contact the office?

Is it always worth going to the operator's office or can some issues be resolved without contacting the employees of the company branch? Most of the questions that subscribers (future and present) seek to address to the MTS salon in St. Petersburg (the addresses of popular ones are mentioned in the current article) are resolved through an employeecontact center, i.e. remotely or using the functionality of a personal account. It is conditionally possible to single out several real situations when it will not be possible to do without a visit to the salon. Among them:

  • acquisition of SIM cards and equipment (smartphones, tablets and other gadgets presented on the company's showcase or in the online store); even if the order was made through the official online store, you still have to pick it up from the salon (except when the client orders courier delivery);
  • replacing a SIM card (for any of the possible reasons: receiving a replacement for a lost one, exchanging for a SIM card of a different format - nano, micro, etc.; receiving a new SIM card due to a breakdown of the current one);
  • blocking a SIM card (to set a voluntary suspension of communication services, it is not at all necessary to contact the salon, since the service is available through your personal account and contact center);
  • termination of the contract (if the client decided to refuse the communication services of the MTS company, then you can fix the fact of refusal of the existing contract by contacting the salon and writing an application of the appropriate sample - the current procedure is not performed by calling the customer support service);
  • MTS salons in St. Petersburg may also be needed by persons planning to re-register the contract for another person - it is also not possible to perform such an operation remotely;
  • registration of claims by the MTS client - complaints are accepted only in writing at the company's branches;
  • change the number type, for example, currently a clientuses a federal number, but wants to connect a direct one (change of number without changing the type can be performed remotely);
  • replacement of equipment purchased in the salon (if defects, malfunctions, etc. are found, if documents and packaging are available, within a specific period specified in the documentation);
  • for corporate clients, some of the activities that individuals can perform on their own are not available.
Salon MTS in St. Petersburg addresses
Salon MTS in St. Petersburg addresses

Operations that the customer can perform independently

All other actions with your account can be performed through your personal account, the functionality of short requests, through a contact center employee, i.e. it is not necessary to contact MTS salons in St. Petersburg.

Management of the number (activating services, changing the tariff plan, viewing data on calls and other paid activities, informing about mobile communication costs, online and offline methods of bill payment, making money transfers and making payments, etc.) can be carried out in any convenient way.

User's personal account

The most convenient and functional option for managing your number is rightfully considered a personal web account located on the official website of the MTS operator. Any actions with the number are available here - viewing information, performing most actions (except those that were previously agreed).

For mobile Internet users, an application for mobile gadgets will be an excellent alternative. You can download it for free in any market for operating The interface of this program for smartphones and tablets is fully optimized for small device displays.

MTS communication salon in St. Petersburg
MTS communication salon in St. Petersburg

What should I bring to the salon?

When performing actions in the salon, it should be remembered that most registration actions, obtaining details, clarifying information on write-offs from the balance, replacing a SIM card, blocking it are carried out only upon presentation of the identity card of the owner of the number.

Therefore, you must have this document with you. A person for whom a SIM card is not issued will be refused to provide information and perform the necessary actions. Of course, if you just need to pay for communication services, then you do not need to pass identification.

Issuance of equipment ordered through the online store

Receipt of goods ordered in the official MTS online store is also made through the salon. When placing an order for equipment or a SIM card, the client can indicate the branch of the company where it would be convenient to pick up his order and pay for it (in case a non-cash payment has not been made before).

MTS communication salons in St. Petersburg addresses
MTS communication salons in St. Petersburg addresses

MTS stores in St. Petersburg: how to find a comfortable office

Since there are more than 115 salons of the operator we are considering in the Northern capital, some of them may provide certain services, while others may not, it is necessary to first clarify whether it is worth contacting the chosen branch. After all, in some it is possible to obtain loans when buying equipment,making loan payments, others imply the possibility of paying with bank cards. You can also sign up for an MTS salon in St. Petersburg. Addresses of branches where this service is available:

  • 8 line V. O., 45/34;
  • 129 Leninsky Ave.;
  • 76 Nevsky Ave.;
  • Peterhof highway, 51;
  • Prospect of Enlightenment, 21;
  • st. Savushkina, 116 A;
  • st. Sadovaya, 40;
  • pl. Stachek, 9;
  • st. Utochkina, 3/1, etc.

Thus, before visiting the chosen office, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of salons and choose not only the one that is closer to home or work, but also the one in which certain operations are available.

Also, all available information can be found by going to any MTS stores in St. Petersburg: addresses, operating modes, a list of available actions. For example, all available services can be obtained in these branches:

  • Peat Road, 7 (open until 10pm);
  • 19 Kolomyazhsky Ave (open until 10 pm);
  • Prospekt Avtokonstruktorov, 9 (until 21:00);
  • st. Yaroslav Gashek, 6A (until 21:00).

These elephants can be considered universal, since they perform all operations regarding subscriber numbers (both corporate and individuals) and other services.

You can also highlight the Central Office, located on Vladimirsky Prospekt, 23 A (opening hours from 10-00 to 21-00). It can also solve many issues on your personal account.

You can specify information about a particular department by typingcontact center short number from your mobile device – 0890 (this call is free). It is recommended that the employee clarify in which of the existing salons it is possible to perform the planned operation.

What is the working hours of MTS salons in St. Petersburg
What is the working hours of MTS salons in St. Petersburg

What are the working hours of MTS stores in St. Petersburg?

Most salons are open until nine in the evening, opening at the same time at nine to ten in the morning. On weekends, the schedule of such branches practically does not change. An exception may be days that are officially holidays, and on the eve of them there may be a short day for employees working on them. You can specify, for example, until what time MTS salons (Primorsky district of St. Petersburg) are open by dialing the subscriber service number.

saloons mts primorsky district spb
saloons mts primorsky district spb


The current article touched upon the issue of the operator's subscribers contacting MTS communication stores in St. Petersburg (addresses of some of them and other information), which can be contacted in order to receive certain services. As mentioned earlier, there are several options for self-management of the number. However, you can also identify a number of issues that can only be resolved in the salon.
