How to find out the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg?

How to find out the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg?
How to find out the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg?

When resolving issues related to communication services, subscribers often need the help of employees of the company - the mobile operator whose services they use. Some problems are easily solved remotely, for example, when contacting a contact center. Qualified customer service staff will help you find a solution in any situation or suggest other options for obtaining assistance. However, there are cases when it is simply necessary to visit the Tele2 salon for those who use the connection of this operator, because otherwise it is not possible to solve the problem.

There are quite a lot of sales and service points in the Northern capital that work daily. Where can I see the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg in order to find the most affordable of them?

Tele2 office addresses in St. Petersburg
Tele2 office addresses in St. Petersburg

List of questions that can only be solved in the salon

Some customers prefer to visit the operator's office for any issue, despite the fact that there are several options for obtaining data regarding theiraccounts. Changing the tariff, managing services, viewing expenses on the number, as well as other operations that do not require registration actions, replacing SIM cards, are quite easily solved through a personal web assistant - a personal account. Those customers who already use it rarely face the question of how to find out the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg. So, what questions should you visit the salon for?

salon tele2
salon tele2
  • Performing registration actions (reissuing the contract, terminating it, changing the client's data in the contract, for example, due to a change in surname or place of residence).
  • Performing operations with a SIM card, such as obtaining a new one instead of a lost one, replacing a damaged SIM card, exchanging for a new format, blocking a SIM card (except when setting a voluntary blocking of communication services is required).
  • Receiving an order from an online store (equipment, SIM cards).
  • Writing a complaint against the operator regarding communication services, debits from the account, etc. Only in writing statements of this kind will be considered and the subscriber will receive an official response from Tele2.

Other ways to get help

Before you start looking for the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg, you need to make sure that it is impossible to get information on the existing issue on your own. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Personal account (on the Tele2 website).
  • App (similar in functionality) for mobile gadgets.
  • Calling the subscriber service line(611 - call is free from the operator's SIM card).

How to find out the addresses of Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg?

You can also get information about where the offices are located through the contact center operator. By calling the toll-free number given earlier, you need to ask the specialist to clarify which salons are nearby. Often, subscribers are asked to tell where the main office of Tele2 in St. Petersburg is located (address, working hours, etc.).

In fact, there is no such thing. There are offices that perform all operations with contracts and invoices, and there are points of sale where you can only purchase kits and consult on some services. To resolve issues, it is recommended to contact the service salons.

tele2 offices SPb kalininsky district
tele2 offices SPb kalininsky district

You can also view the addresses on the official website of the operator, after specifying the area in relation to which you need to get information. Further, on the map you can see all the Tele2 salons and, concentrating on a particular one, find out its address, working hours, and also view the location on the map.

Selecting a salon for operations performed

Also, you can set filters in the list of offices to help you choose the salon where the subscriber will be able to fulfill his plan. Among them:

  • Ability to service legal entities. persons.
  • Evening work.
  • Availability at the moment (only those salons that are currently open will be displayed in the list).
  • The ability to replenish the balance without additionalcommissions.
  • Connection/acquisition of beautiful numbers.
  • Connecting and disconnecting city numbers.
  • Ability to get detail.
  • Work on weekends.

Thus, you can select Tele2 offices in St. Petersburg (Kalinin district and other areas of the city) in accordance with the operations that need to be performed. You can view the location of the office on the map, which displays the current location of the subscriber. You can choose the most convenient salons for treatment. For example, a client located on Primorsky Prospekt can contact St. Petersburg, st. Savushkina, 116.

Tele2 main office in St. Petersburg address
Tele2 main office in St. Petersburg address

When contacting the support line, you should also clarify on what issue the visit is planned.

Among the "universal" salons in which all available operations are performed, one can single out:

  • g. St. Petersburg, Stachek Ave., 75.
  • g. St. Petersburg, Stachek Ave., 90/7.
  • g. St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 85 (open 24/7).
  • Pulskovskoe sh., 47a (works around the clock).


In this article, we talked about how to choose a Tele2 salon, what sources can be used to obtain information about the addresses of service and sales points, and also provided a list of issues that can only be resolved with a personal call from the subscriber. Please note that the owner of the number needs to take an ID card with him to the office, without it, some operations will beimpossible.