Find out how to find out the name of the song

Find out how to find out the name of the song
Find out how to find out the name of the song

Surely each of you is not indifferent to any music. And everyone has their own unique music collection, which is regularly updated. But there are times when you hear a completely unfamiliar tune one day and you want to know what the song is. But how to get all the necessary information? Where and how can you get help?

It turns out that there is no need to fall into despair at all. Today, there are many ways that will tell you how to find out the name of the song. Let's try all the variety of music files selection together.

What types of music track recognition are there

In order to choose one or another method of searching for music, we need to know what primary data we have. In addition, we need a small piece of musical composition. It turns out that we must find the answer to the question of how to find out the name of the song from the excerpt.

how to find the name of the song
how to find the name of the song

Now you need to divide your music collection based on what you know about certain songs. You should end up with the following list:

  1. Tracks recorded on a voice recorder or other similar device.
  2. Music fromradio stations.
  3. Songs from movies or games, i.e. soundtracks.
  4. Songs where you can play the melody.
  5. Songs where you know the words.
  6. Other music.

Now you can consider each category separately.

What's on your recorder

There are special programs to determine the songs in your collection. These include, for example, Tunatic. This program records a song from your device, and then searches for it in its own database. Recording through speakers or stereo mixer is possible.

find the name of the song by the melody
find the name of the song by the melody

Let's see how to find out the name of a song from your voice recorder using other methods. The AudioTag online service will help us here, acting in the same way as the previous application. Here you will get full information about the track: title, artist name, album and release time of this album.

Analogues of the listed services can be Audiggle, Shazam (for smartphones) and TrackID for other types of phones.

How to search for music played on the radio

Let's figure out how to find out the name of a song from your favorite radio wave. If you hear an interesting song on a station, memorize the time it plays and the name of the station. Now, using this data, you can find music on the sites Moskva. FM or Piter. FM. Where to looking for? It all depends on which of these cities a particular radio station was born. You can also find the name of the song on the website of the station where the track was played.

The radio you used to listen to is notputs tracks on the site? In this case, wait until the desired song is played again on the air, and record it on your device. Now you can use the search method number 1.

To fans of movie songs

Want to find a song from a movie or game? You can see data about the used music in the credits of the picture you watched. If there is no such information at the end of the movie, look for the desired song through a search engine on the World Wide Web. To do this, enter the word "Soundtrack" or "OST" and the name of your movie (game).

Try to find the name of the song by the melody

Find a song by melody using the Midomi website, where you will have to sing a snippet of the track. After that, this musical resource will give you options for melodies from its database with complete information. This service also allows you to search by lyrics.

how to find out the title of a song
how to find out the title of a song

Looking for tracks by lyrics

Everything is quite simple here! Enter the words you know into Internet search engines, and then listen to the suggested options. Now you know how to find out the name of a song from the text.

Other search methods

You can ask your question about the song to people on the world wide web or to your friends. Maybe they know the song you like. The main thing is to wait until they answer you.

There are very interesting online services that allow you to beat the rhythm of your favorite tune. You need to go to these sites and beat the rhythm of the song on the keyboard. After that, the system will give you options for melodies with a similar rhythm. Similar Servicesoffer English site Song Tapper and Russian service Ritmoteka.

If you want to know the song from the video, read the description and comments to it. It is possible that here you will find the name of the track, as well as its other data. Otherwise, find the same video on other sites and see the information there. You can also use the methods outlined above.

how to find a song by name
how to find a song by name

Search by title or artist

Let's now figure out how to recognize a song by its name. What to do if you know the name of the composition, but you do not know the artist? In this case, use any search engine. Enter "track name.mp3 (MP3)" in the search bar. Your next step should be to listen to all the songs that have fallen out. Among them, you can find exactly the one you need.

If you only know the artist of the required track, try listening to the artist's discography. You will definitely be lucky, and you will find your favorite song in a long list of songs.
