How to order goods online? Reviews about online stores: truth or deceit

How to order goods online? Reviews about online stores: truth or deceit
How to order goods online? Reviews about online stores: truth or deceit

Online trading is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the global and Russian economy. Ordering goods in online stores has become a common thing for Russians. Virtual "shopping" is characterized by growing popularity in our country. This is expressed both in consumer demand and in terms of business activities. New brands are emerging. Many businesses that have been offline for a long time are opening online trading portals.

Internet e-commerce
Internet e-commerce

What nuances should be considered when buying products in a "virtual" environment? How to order a product online and return it if necessary?

First of all, a bit of history, as well as market analytics.

The world's first online stores

Electronic commerce on the Internet is a relatively young phenomenon (however, like the WorldNet). In the early years of the existence of the virtual space, no one thought that it was possible to buy and sell goods through the Internet. Moreover, before 1990, the use of online channels for commercial purposes was prohibited in some countries (in particular, in the USA). But over time, private business began to settle in the virtual space. Restrictions on commercial use of the Internet have been lifted.

Russian online stores
Russian online stores

Already in 1994, the Amazon online store appeared, which later became one of the largest global players in the online commerce market. In the same year, the first companies appeared to assist entrepreneurs in organizing online payments (in particular, First Virtual began to do this). In 1996, the largest payment systems in the world, Visa and MasterCard, created a special communication standard that made it possible to pay by card on the Internet.

Now the volume of the global e-commerce market is about 1.2 trillion. USD.

First online stores in Russia

The "Ru" domain was known to have been registered in 1994. Almost immediately, prototype sites began to appear, which are used to use today: news, entertainment, as well as portals where you could purchase various goods. The first online stores, according to experts, were not very successful projects. Firstly, because in those years a very small number of citizens used the Internet. Secondly, buying goods online was considered an absolute exotic, and few people trusted "virtual"sellers.

Reviews about online stores
Reviews about online stores

But over time, online trading began to gain momentum. One of the very first established online stores in Russia is considered, in particular, the project (sale of books). It was launched in 1996 and has been running successfully ever since.

The real boom in e-commerce in Russia occurred in the second half of the 2000s. Experts attribute this to the spread of cheap access channels to the worldwide network. The question of how to order goods online has ceased to be exotic for Russians.

Now the volume of the Russian online retail market is about 540 billion rubles. In the past few years, the revenue of the players in the segment has grown by 30-40% per year.

The largest online stores in Russia

Who are the largest Russian online stores? One of the most recognized ratings of online retailers in the business community was compiled by Forbes magazine this year.

The first place in the list of the largest online retailers was taken by the Ulmart electronics store, the company's turnover exceeded $1 billion. The second place belongs to Citilink with revenue of about 860 million, which operates in the same segment as the leader of the rating. Bronze was won by the WildBerries store, which sells clothes and shoes. The retailer's revenue is about $530 million.

Internet commerce
Internet commerce

Other major players in the e-commerce market include the store with a revenue of $350 million, the Biglion discount portal with a turnover exceeding $330 million, the Kholodilnik. Ru portal, which earned $310 million, firmTechnopoint, which sold goods worth 260 million, Enter, which sold goods worth 207 million, as well as corporations such as Volt, Utkonos (revenues of 206 million and 200 million, respectively).

The Top 20 ranking compiled by Forbes also includes portals KupiVIP, Vasko, Pixel24, Lamoda, E96 and a number of other well-known brands.

Prospects for online trading in Russia

Electronic commerce on the Internet is one of the most dynamically developing segments of the Russian economy. At the same time, competition in this industry, as analysts say, is growing from year to year. Some experts believe that the stage of explosive growth is over. Now the market can expect systematic optimization. The largest Russian online stores, according to experts, will gradually develop their presence in the regions, increase revenue due to sales dynamics.

Online shopping law
Online shopping law

According to analysts, by 2020, sales in the online retail segment in the Russian Federation may reach 70 billion dollars, and by 2025 - 100 billion., the work of federal postal services, the development and distribution of private organizations involved in the delivery of goods.

Laws governing online trading in Russia

Internet commerce in Russia is regulated by general and special legislation. Consider the key sources of law governing online trading in the Russian Federation.

First of all, this is the Civil Code. It contains the basic principles of the relationship between the seller and the buyeras an individual and a legal entity.

Secondly, this is the Consumer Rights Protection Law (in modern editions). This is an example of special legislation. It details the rights of buyers, the obligations of the seller.

Thirdly, this is the Federal Law on the basics of state regulation of trade in the Russian Federation. This act is another example of special legislation that is related in terms of regulation to the previous source of law. This act is recognized by many analysts as the main law on online stores.

Fourthly, this is a Government Decree related to the approval of the rules for trading "remotely"

Other important legal acts governing online sales:

  1. FZ "On Advertising".
  2. Letters from Rospotrebnadzor related to the regulation of online sales of goods.

Online trading of the official language

Probably, it is worth clarifying what exactly the legislator means by "remote way" of doing business. This is a sale based on contracts that are concluded by sellers and buyers through communication channels. At the same time, direct acquaintance with the goods occurs only at the time of their receipt by the buyer.

Legal requirements for online stores

Let's list the most specific legal requirements for online stores. Many aspects of regulation affect the information component. That is, the owner of the online store must place detailed information about the goods on the web pages. Namely:

  • how consumerthe product has properties;
  • where it is made;
  • what does the manufacturer's official name sound like;
  • price and other conditions of purchase;
  • service life (or shelf life) of the product;
  • warranty duration;
  • payment procedure, delivery.

Also, the owner of the online store must indicate the location of his office.

Laws do not contain strict requirements for how information should be formatted (displayed). The seller may publish the necessary information as an advertisement, annotation to the product, or in the format of a public offer. For example, some online clothing and footwear stores include product information on product description cards and other information on specialized web pages.

Online shopping customer reviews
Online shopping customer reviews

Thus, Russian online retailers undertake to place on their web pages comprehensive information about,how to order goods online (and also return them), what are the features of the products sold and payment specifics.

Requirements for advertising online stores

The Law "On Advertising" contains a number of special requirements for online stores. They, in turn, relate to the direct design of advertising messages. In particular, a graphic or text banner should contain the following information:

  • name of seller of goods;
  • store location;
  • OGRN;
  • Name (if the owner of the online trading portal is an entrepreneur).

Now let's move on topractical part: procedures for purchasing and returning goods in virtual stores.

How does the "virtual" shopping process work?

Very simple. By selecting the desired product (or several of its samples) in the catalog on the seller's website, the buyer arranges for its delivery. There are three main options here:

  • order the shipment of goods by Russian Post (or one of its structural divisions - EMS, for example) cash on delivery;
  • arrange delivery by courier;
  • order shipment to a branded point of issue of goods (in particular, this method is offered by the online store)

Payment Methods

There are no generally accepted rules on the market regarding at what stage the goods are paid for. The online store may require both an advance payment and allow payment upon receipt of the product.

If prepayment is required, then it is carried out by one of the following methods:

  • with a plastic card;
  • through the personal account of the payment system ("Yandex. Money", QIWI, etc.);
  • via payment terminal;
  • via bank receipt.

As a rule, in the structure of modern online trading platforms there are web pages where you can leave comments, write reviews about online stores. Looking at them before buying a product is very useful.

Features of the exchange and return of goods to the "virtual" seller

Just like when buying in brick-and-mortar stores, customers of online retailers can legally return and exchange items.

First of all, the seller is obliged to place on the pages of the website of his store information about where exactly the buyer needs to bring the goods to be exchanged or returned.

Due to the fact that the buyer of offline and online stores are initially in unequal conditions (when placing orders via the Internet, you cannot, relatively speaking, touch or try on the goods), the rights of the client of the "virtual" seller, according to experts, are more reserved. This implies some discomfort for online store owners.

One of the most revealing practical manifestations of this very security is that the buyer has every right to refuse a deal with the seller until the moment the goods are received (by mail or from the hands of a courier). In this case, all expenses that the buyer may have incurred up to this point must be compensated.

According to the law, returns to the online store can be made within seven days from the date of purchase. An important condition - the original presentation of the product must be preserved.

Shipping, returns: does it really matter?

Many experts believe that Russians are no longer too concerned about the technical aspect of how to order goods on the Internet. Most buyers know how to choose products, pay for them, receive and return them. The work of services for the delivery and exchange of goods by modern retailers has been established.

The most important thing now for customers of Russian online stores is the assortment, the level of consulting support and the quality of goods.

Reviews of popular online stores

OneOne of the main competitive advantages that many online stores strive to have is customer reviews. Which is not surprising: the more positive the attitude of existing customers, the more likely the appearance of new ones, the more often repeated purchases are made. Let's see what reviews their Russian customers write about online stores. Consider, for example, the opinions of buyers regarding two large retailers from the Forbes list above. customers characterize this online store as a place where there is always a wide selection of goods. Many buyers note low prices compared to offline outlets. This usually applies to books, sometimes electronics.

How to order goods online
How to order goods online

There is also a large selection of literature. Buyers praise the rating system that is used in this online store, a large number of payment methods. Many customers note with great pleasure that it is possible to pick up goods at branded pickup points in many cities.

Let's see how customer reviews characterizing the largest online clothing stores can look like on the example of another popular online retailer - Customers of this company are also, in general, very satisfied with their choice. Praise the site for a wide selection, fast delivery. They note the fact that the goods can be tried on upon receipt by the courier. If it does not fit, return immediately.

Reviews: reality or fraud?

There is a version that most of the reviews found on online trading portalswritten not by buyers, but by people specially hired for this purpose. The fact that a certain percentage of virtual opinions are really "custom-made" is a well-known fact, one might say. It's easy to go to any "freelance" portal and find a task related to writing a review for an online store. Positive or negative - regardless of the real opinion of the writing person about this virtual retailer.

However, calculating the percentage of fake reviews is quite problematic. Russian users are usually socially active people. And therefore, they may well find time to leave comments on the pages of online stores that accurately reflect the real opinion.

Most online shopping customers certainly read reviews. And if only for this reason, mini-compositions of other buyers are valuable both in terms of business development and in terms of customer awareness about the features of online stores.