So, today our attention is presented to the tariff "Smart" (MTS). We will try to understand what it is, as well as how you can connect it. After all, modern tariff plans offer customers a lot of various useful features that distinguish the "product" of a particular mobile operator. And to top it all, it is important to wait what kind of tariff "Smart" (MTS) collects reviews among customers. After all, this is precisely the indicator of the effectiveness of the tariff plan. Let's get down to business with you as soon as possible.

What's the fare
To begin with, we need to know what we are dealing with. After all, the "Smart" tariff (MTS) is a very advantageous offer for those who are used to actively using the Internet, as well as communicating within their home region. You will receive 3 GB of Internet in Russia and within your network for 450 rubles per month, as well as free calls (500 minutes per month) with MTS subscribers. The rest of the operators will cost 1.5 rubles.
Actually, this is a very good offer. Especially if you take into account the free minutes of conversation. As a rule, this time is enough to settle all the importantwork and family matters. In addition, by connecting the "Smart" tariff (MTS), reviews of which we will learn a little later, you will receive 500 free SMS per month in Russia. The rest of the messages will cost you 50 kopecks. In principle, a rather interesting proposal. And that is why many are trying to connect this tariff to themselves. But how can this be done? Let's try to understand this issue.
Come in person
The first scenario is a personal visit to the office of your mobile operator in order to connect the "Smart" (MTS) tariff, the description of which we have already given. The thing is that now this particular method is beginning to be popular.

Take your mobile phone with you, as well as your passport. After that, go to the nearest cellular office of this operator and inform the employee about your intentions. Say that you would like to purchase the tariff "Smart" (MTS). After that, give the passport to the employee and wait a while. You will be given a contract to sign. In fact, this is a "piece of paper" on which your right to a number will be confirmed, and the seller will also be indicated. Sign it - and all problems are solved. Most importantly, keep your part of this contract for yourself. You never know, it will come in handy.
True, the tariff "Smart" (MTS) can be obtained by other methods. What exactly? Let's try to figure out this difficult-looking case. What else can customers use to get this plan?
For example, you can try to resort to the so-called SMS requests. For them, you will have to send messages from a mobile phone to special numbers of a mobile operator. Every company has this opportunity.
In order to no longer wonder about how to connect the "Smart" tariff to MTS, just type 8888 in the message text, and then send an email to 111. Now you can wait for a notification about the successful change of the tariff plan.

But there is one important point. You must have more than 450 rubles in your account. Only in this case you will be able to implement the idea. Otherwise, you will receive a message asking you to top up your balance first, and then resume the attempt to change the tariff. But there are other methods that clients are accustomed to using. What exactly? Let's get it right.
Special Request
On a par with SMS requests are the so-called USSD requests. They are dialed in dialing mode on a mobile phone and called. That is, you simply write a certain combination, and then press the call button. A request is sent, which, after processing, sends you a notification message about the success or failure of the actions. This method is suitable when you do not particularly like SMS requests, and it is inconvenient to go to mobile phone offices.
Just make sure you have enough funds on your account (more than 450 rubles) and then dial 1111024. Press the call button and wait for a while. Usually,about 5 minutes. Soon you will receive a notification that will report on the successful change of the tariff plan. That's all the problems are solved. Nothing special or requiring someone's help. Nevertheless, the Smart tariff (MTS) can be obtained by another very simple, but not very popular method. Which one exactly? Let's try to figure it out.
Calling the operator
We can easily activate and deactivate the "Smart" tariff on MTS by calling your mobile operator. Dial 0890 and then wait for an answer. Inform the operator of your intentions, and then tell him your passport details (if necessary). This will establish the fact of ownership of the number. If everything is in order, then in a few minutes you will receive a notification that will tell you that the process was successful. Otherwise, you will be told the reason for the "refusal" of processing the request. As a rule, this is not enough money. Then you will have to top up the balance and try again.

It would seem that everything is fine. Fast, simple and reliable. But in reality, it's not like that. In fact, getting to a live operator is very difficult. Indeed, in most cases, you will have to conduct a conversation with an answering machine. Such a dialogue can drag on for 15-20 minutes, or even more. It is for this reason that office visits are considered the most suitable for changing the tariff plan.
Internet help
In addition, the "Smart" tariff (MTS), and any other one, can be connected usingthe Internet. More precisely, the official page of your mobile operator and your personal account on it. Go to, and then log in there. Next, go to the "Services" section, and then to "Tariffs". A window will appear giving you many options. Select "Smart" and click on this line. A list of available actions will appear. Click on "Connect" and confirm your actions. All issues resolved.
By the way, the tariff is turned off in exactly the same way. Probably, web pages are the most suitable approach for a modern user. But what do customers say about this tariff plan? Should I connect it at all?
Customer Reviews
Well, as already mentioned, our today's rate is a pretty good deal. True, there are several nuances that you should pay attention to.
The first thing customers notice is the subscription fee. 450 rubles per month is not so much. True, only if you try to limit yourself in communication. After all, 500 free minutes is not enough for those who like to chat.

Regarding the Internet and messages, we can say that everything is very pleasing to customers. You can send SMS and practically do not limit yourself in communication. And the Internet will work for a long time and with high quality. In general, if you are thinking about whether it is worth connecting "Smart" from MTS, then buy yourself a separate SIM card with this tariff plan for a month and see how it fitsto you. It really suits many.