Plasma technology developers have made significant progress in working on high-contrast images. For example, Panasonic claims that their plasma panels achieve a contrast ratio of 3000:1. This technology blocks the supply of energy to certain pixels to form black or dark dots. Thanks to this method of operation, plasma technology actually produces black dark colors. But what is plasma?

Today, fully or partially ionized gas has a well-known name - plasma. TV with this technology has a lot of advantages. But about them a little later. The density of negative and positive charges in this gas is almost the same. In the process of combustion and explosions, under laboratory conditions, the formation of plasma occurs in a gas with an electric discharge. What is a plasma, people learned back in 1929, when famous American scientists - Tonsksom and Langmuir introduced this concept into physics. At that time, this phenomenon was represented by a substance heated to millions of degrees. At such high temperatures, the atoms collided with each other with incredible force, while they simply could not remain intact. Upon impact, the particles were divided into components -atomic electrons and nuclei. The electrons were endowed with negative charges, and the nuclei with positive charges.
Today, for people who want to pick up a TV for themselves, the question arises - what is better: plasma or LCD? No one can give a definite answer to this question. Few people know what plasma is, but not everyone understands LCD TVs either. In stores, they advise what is beneficial in the first place to them, the sellers. In this case, it is better to contact specialists, they will be able to explain everything to you clearly

pros and cons of the models provided.
Plasma technology in TVs is characterized by the following qualities:
- density is the number of free electrons per mass per unit volume;
- degree of ionization is the ratio of the number of ionized particles to their total number;
quasi-neutrality. Plasma is a fairly good conductor, and this property is very important. Due to this quality, the plasma shields all electric fields.

The benefits ofPlasma TVs are:
- small thickness flat screen;
- stylish and original design;
- large screen sizes;
- completely no flicker;
- Plasma TVs do not create harmful magnetic and electric fields, since they do not have a high-voltage anode voltage source and devicesweep;
- screen does not attract dust to its surface;
- no X-rays;
- Plasma TVs have no convergence, focus or linearity issues;
- viewing angle about 160 degrees;
- plasma displays the same resolution as the input channel;
- The service life of such TVs is about seventeen years.
After people knew what plasma was, the plasma processing industry began to develop at an incredible rate. Today it is a widely used technology that is used in many ways.