Calculation of link budget: definition and factors affecting the cost of search queries

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Calculation of link budget: definition and factors affecting the cost of search queries
Calculation of link budget: definition and factors affecting the cost of search queries

Sites are promoted on the Internet through search queries, namely key phrases. In accordance with them, the search engine analyzes and shows the site in its issuance. Web pages in high positions always bring in more visitors than others. Therefore, correctly selected keywords are the main task of Internet optimization. Now, what is a link budget?


link budget calculation
link budget calculation

This is the amount that you plan to spend on purchasing paid links in order to increase the number of requests for your website in search engine results. This method is rarely used by companies involved in the promotion and promotion of sites. However, it is quite effective.

Calculate link budget

Key queries must meet certain criteria. Having selected the right ones, it is necessary to evaluate their “cost” (monthly spending on external links with selected keywords). The correct determination of the total cost of all search queries implies the calculation of the link budget. If moneywill not be enough, then it will most likely not work to bring the website to the first places.

What makes up the cost of website promotion?

link budget
link budget

First, the amount of budget needed to buy links. First, the required number of links, their quality, cost, as well as the budget of competitors are determined. Then the labor costs of the optimizer are estimated. It takes into account the optimal and efficient management of funds, the analysis of the process of competing companies. After that, the final calculation of the link budget is carried out. The price of links is determined by the frequency of requests and largely depends on their type. The average cost is $1500 per month.

Factors affecting the cost of search queries

Estimation of the link budget should be carried out taking into account some factors.

  1. One of the most important is the query frequency, that is, how many times a month Internet users enter a phrase into a search engine. The dependence is as follows: the more popular a keyword is, the more difficult it is to bring it to the top.
  2. link budget estimation
    link budget estimation

    Another important factor is the competition from commercial enterprises that claim to have their website in the first positions. Some requests are not of interest to commercial companies, while others, on the contrary, are extremely popular. If the search query does not have high commercial competition, then there will be no problems with its promotion. You can determine the competitiveness by checking the number of commercial sites. If they occupy 30 seats, then competition forrequest is high. The number of ads in the contextual advertising column is another method for determining the level of competition. Keep in mind that the more words a search query contains, the more ads you will see in contextual advertising.

  3. The complexity of promotion largely depends on the site itself. A professionally made resource is much easier to promote on demand than a young and not very high-quality one.
  4. Resources where external links are bought are of great importance. The website must match the topic of the request, and the price of the link must reflect the quality of the site.

Calculation of the link budget is a laborious, complex and time-consuming process. Needs to process a large number of links to competitors' websites.
