Opinion leaders: who are they and how to work with them

Opinion leaders: who are they and how to work with them
Opinion leaders: who are they and how to work with them

In today's market conditions, it is very difficult to convince consumers to buy a product. They are skeptical about new products and have the opportunity to choose among a wide range. Also, society is influenced by respected people. They are the opinion leaders and can influence the choice of others. Not in all cases marketing researches of the market are carried out. It is enough to know only the choice of opinion leaders in order to predict the preferences of buyers.

Thus, direct advertising from the influencer to the consumer is effective marketing. It is used by most modern companies, and quite productively. In the article, we will consider who "opinion leaders" are, their role and significance in product promotion.

opinion leaders
opinion leaders

Who is that called?

The leader is considered to be a person with a high social status. He is better informed and can influence other people's choices.

This term has been around since 1955. For the first time he wasdescribed in the work "Personal influence" and is based on the theory of P. Lazarsfeld and E. Katz "On the two-stage flow of communication." This theory is part of the models that explain the process of transmitting information to a wide audience using the filter of perception of an influential person in a given society.

The first studies on the influence of choice were conducted during the Second World War. Then it was found out that ordinary soldiers trust their officers more than the media. Further research and surveys confirmed the fact that the decisions of the majority of respondents depend on the opinions of people who influence them. An opinion leader can be a celebrity, an executive, a politician, a scientist and a researcher, and even a mother.

Types of personality-leaders

The work of P. Lazarsfeld was continued by the sociologist R. Merton. In 1948, he investigated the interpersonal influence and communication behavior of the population of the city.

During the experiment, two types of opinion leaders were identified:

  1. Local.
  2. Cosmopolitan.

Local leaders described people living in a certain area for a long time. They have proven themselves in everyday affairs (career, upbringing, education). These are the leaders neighbors and acquaintances turn to for advice.

Cosmopolitan leader - a person who has recently moved to the city. He travels a lot and has accumulated enough foreign experience. Therefore, he understands politics and international issues, in business.

Both types of leaders are active in public life. They are always up to date andread the press.

The shortcoming of the theory: it is designed for a local society, but did not justify itself in the context of globalization.

According to another classification, the leaders were divided into:

  1. Monomorphic.
  2. Polymorphic.

Monomorphic influencers are specialists in a narrow field. They are competent in their specialization and do not influence other areas.

Polymorphic leaders can spread their influence into different areas of life. To do this, they actively use interpersonal connections and contacts.

how to find influencers
how to find influencers

How did leaders influence the media?

The research and contribution to science of the scientist P. Lazarsfeld changed the approach of the mass media to advertising. It turned out that the media do not have the expected effect on a single person. But, if you use them as an intermediary of personal communication between the leader of opinions and a potential group of consumers, then the influence and change in the preferences of the latter is possible.

Changes in the media:

  • communication process now focused on leaders;
  • with the help of media there is a convergence of potential consumers and persons whom they trust;
  • advertising applies the principles of interpersonal communication;
  • engaging influencers in marketing is more effective for promotion than creating new communication channels.

Leaders actively participate in the life of society, they realize their importance and try to convey their own values to the masses.

working with opinion leaders
working with opinion leaders

Leader characteristics

Research scientists have shown that leaders are present in all walks of life. So, they must be distinguished by some features. How to find influencers?

You need to pay attention to characteristics such as:

  1. Active life position. Leaders are actively involved in public life, trying to "be in time everywhere." They also have a stormy personal life and are engaged in activities in several areas.
  2. Wide network of contacts. This trait separates the leader from the rest. He has not just a lot of acquaintances, but creates a whole network of contacts. At the same time, he constantly keeps in touch with everyone and attracts new people to it.
  3. Striving to spread useful information. A leader enjoys helping others when asked for information and opinions. They are willing to share their knowledge and experience. The conscious role of a mentor pleases powerful people.
  4. Confidence. Leaders are constantly learning and familiarizing themselves with new technologies. When a new product appears on the market, they try to immediately try it out and evaluate its effectiveness. Thus, if the influencer positively rated the new product, then the sales trend will go up.
  5. Engagement. The solution to any problem for a leader is an opportunity to learn something new. They give themselves to the process with all their heart and willingly help everyone.

Influencers must have hobbies or even several.

Influence of leaders on others

Authoritative individuals spread their influence through the effect"snowball". They tell information to one, those to another, and so on.

Media use their skills in working with opinion leaders:

  • Evaluate various sources of information. To form his opinion about the world, the leader must constantly be aware of all events, use what he sees, hears and reads.
  • Prefer verbal communications. In addition to print and other sources, leaders make extensive use of recommendations from other people they trust. They are not shy about asking for advice in difficult situations.
  • Willingly spread ideas. Leaders live by the motto: "If you know something, tell others." They share their opinions selflessly and are happy to help.
  • Continuously improve yourself. Leaders are learning all the time and prefer products that are modifiable. If the product remains unchanged for a long time, then the leader loses interest in it.
  • Collect information from various sources: print media, internet, media, radio, other people's opinions.
  • Trust your instincts. Leaders handle a lot of information with ease. Thanks to their inner voice, they divide knowledge into primary and secondary.
influencer advertising
influencer advertising

Leaders in social networks

Companies and brands attract influencers for more than media advertising. A significant share of marketing has to be done on social networks. This is where leaders and their views matter. But attracting an influencer on social media is not easy. You must first interest him and convince him of the reliability of the product, provide testsamples and novelties.

At first, leaders usually criticize any product. This leads to a resonance in the discussions. Also, influential people are more inclined towards a company that is loyal to charity and the environment.

In a social network, an opinion leader can be a charismatic person who is liked by the audience, a celebrity, an expert in a certain field. They can talk directly about a product or indirectly, telling an interesting story and joking.

Companies partner with leaders in many ways:

  1. Paid posts are the most obvious option.
  2. For a gift, when the leader receives a reward in the form of products for the post.
  3. Advanced level is the most common advertising practice in the world.

The last type of collaboration involves selected influencers posting multiple times on their page with photos/videos and product links. Such advertising gathers the largest audience.

social media opinion leaders
social media opinion leaders

How to attract a leader?

In order to effectively sell a product or service with the help of influencers, you need to know how to attract them.

How to get an authority figure interested:

  1. Don't skimp on information. Try to give knowledge in all possible sources, because only with sufficient information the leader will be able to form his own informed opinion. Advertising should be creative, bright, different from others.
  2. Accept criticism. Pay attention to commentsleaders in the process of using the product.
  3. Active participation in public life attracts leaders and makes them more loyal to the company. Business should take part in solving social problems and improve the quality of life.
  4. Leaders care about products that save them time, align with values, and make life easier. To display these characteristics is to attract the attention of the leader.
opinion leaders marketing
opinion leaders marketing


So opinion leaders are an integral part of society. They have to be reckoned with. They are skeptical and highly value products that meet the price-quality criterion. To successfully advertise with opinion leaders, you need to take into account many features of modern society. As a rule, it is they who distinguish special products from analogues. If a company or brand is able to take place in the market and "win the hearts" of authorities, then sales will undoubtedly increase.
