Backlinks: what they are and how to make them

Backlinks: what they are and how to make them
Backlinks: what they are and how to make them

Website optimization is a multi-stage process. That is why it is not easy to independently promote the resource, because you may simply not be enough. After all, it is very important to engage not only in improving the usability and content of the site. We should not forget about more mundane optimization tools.


This is a rather difficult process that requires not only a lot of time, but also money. They start by working on page duplicates and tags. After you need to create a sitemap and do not forget to connect the file for the search robot.

Next, you need to create a content plan and think about SEO. And then you can already create unique texts for the site. Next, you need to deal with relinking and, finally, usability.

Search for backlinks
Search for backlinks


Learning backlinks refers to the linking process. This stage of internal optimization can take quite a long time, and you need to approach it wisely so as not to get sanctions.

Relinking is the linking of pages using links. It can be internal and external. It is the internal that is often de alt with during the optimization of the same name. But we must not forget about the external, because it is thanks to it that you can increase the credibility of the site and its weight.

Thanks to external linking, you can significantly improve website optimization. It will be good if one of the authoritative weighty resources will link to yours. Thus, the robot will take this factor into account and improve ranking indicators.


This is the name of active hyperlinks to the original site. Often, the text for such a link can be an anchor phrase, which is the key request for which the resource is being promoted.

Working with Backlinks
Working with Backlinks

It is worth remembering that if both sites link to each other during external linking, such a link will not have any weight. Also, the effectiveness of this promotion method is affected by the use of an anchor.

Anchor is the link text. That is, you see in front of you not just a set of characters, the name of the site and a huge number of characters, but some captivating phrase. In addition to the fact that the anchor link looks more attractive, it is also better perceived by the robot and affects the ranking.

Correct linking

Of course, as with the entire optimization process, there are basic concepts and rules that are recommended to be followed. But you should understand that sometimes there are exceptions to the rules, as well as resources that have their own characteristics.

To work with backlinks correctly, you need to consider 3 factors:

  • Relinking works more efficiently,when done in a circle.
  • Links with anchors are much more effective than those without.
  • It is better not to use external links on promoted pages to other sites.
  • But the promoted page should have external links from other resources.

Adhering to these recommendations, you will be able to achieve the highest quality linking.

How to get links?

There are several methods to help you get backlinks: natural and artificial. In the first case, it is very important to work well on unique content. It is important that the texts are of high quality and interesting. So you can find your audience who will like this or that article. Users will share the link on their blogs or websites.

What are backlinks
What are backlinks

The artificial method is paid, so be prepared to pay. In this case, the SEO is looking for backlinks. The easiest way to do this is to go to the link exchange to find sellers or buyers.

Quantity and quality

As you can imagine, working with the natural method of getting backlinks is not easy. Few people know about you, so even the most interesting and exciting content can be ineffective. Therefore, it is often necessary to turn to an artificial method.

Before you go to the exchange and buy a link, you will have to prepare the site for this, otherwise it may be ineffective. What to do:

  • work on technical optimizationpage and entire site;
  • create unique and interesting content;
  • work on a solid site structure.

So, try to make sure that the site has as few technical errors as possible. To do this, you can use the connected services of Google Analytics or Yandex. Metrika, or third-party services to check technical readiness.

After analysis, you may encounter quite a lot of errors. They can be related to incorrect use of commands, slow loading, duplicate content or duplicate pages. You will also have to deal with site responsiveness issues, canonical errors, and 404 and 301 errors.

Next, you need to work on the content. Remember that if the text is illiterate, uninteresting or irrelevant, the visitor will be offended and leave. Therefore, you will have to work on the content so that it complements the resource, and not just be its burden.

Backlink service
Backlink service

A proper and strong structure will allow links to work most effectively. That is why it is important to think over a reliable resource architecture so as not to spend money on a huge number of backlinks.


When you figure out how to build backlinks, you will have to face the possibility of risks. There are two ways to engage in linking: risky and safe. In the first case, you risk getting sanctions, and in the future, filters.


In order for everything to work correctly and efficiently, it is important to control the reverselinks. The fact is that good quality links are usually rare. Therefore, you will have to check them to make sure that they are really trusted and can benefit your resource.

Backlink weight
Backlink weight

For starters, it's better to use the PageRank parameter. It helps determine the "importance" of the page. If the site that will link to you will have a high authority, then you will get a “piece” of its success. Ahrefs is considered the most effective tool for checking this parameter.

Next, we look at the traffic. If the site that offers you its services does not have visits, then you will not have them anymore. It is also better to choose dofollow links that allow the robot to navigate from page to page.


You can use your Ahrefs account to check the backlinks you already have on your site. It analyzes the site, links and domains. Can build a more winning link build strategy.

You can also learn about backlink relevancy. They must match your content. It is important that a visitor who was on a site selling potatoes does not end up on your site that sells cars.

Using the Ahrefs service, you can also find out the authority of the site that links to you. You will be able to examine the traffic of your "assistant" to determine its effectiveness. You can also view anchors. They should be readable, understandable and natural.

Backlink Control
Backlink Control

By the way, check the worklinks can and Google Search Console. This is a free verification option that collects up-to-date information. But, unfortunately, it can be limited. The reports here are superficial, so you won’t be able to find out historical data or the number of competitors’ links. Yandex. Webmaster works in the same way.

Your helpers

When your backlink services are explored by you, you will be able to notice which sites are hosting you.

Most often, experts recommend applying for free links to:

  • Social networks. You can use any blogs and platforms to share visual content.
  • Blog platforms. These are independent platforms and services for bloggers.
  • Q&A services. For example, " Answers" can be a godsend for you and increase traffic.
  • Forums. Now they are less popular than 5-10 years ago. But they are still useful for placing backlinks.
  • Guest sites and blog posts.
  • Posting reviews.
  • "Wikipedia".

Of course, it all depends on the specialization of your resource. But in any case, you can find a large number of "helpers" on the Web who will post a link to your resource on their own.
