How to reset settings on "Android"? How to reset password or unlock pattern on Android?

How to reset settings on "Android"? How to reset password or unlock pattern on Android?
How to reset settings on "Android"? How to reset password or unlock pattern on Android?

There are situations when smartphones based on "Android" begin to freeze and work inefficiently, and it is not always worth taking them to a service center for warranty repairs. Sometimes a banal reset to the factory settings "Android" turns out to be a solution to this problem. The system settings will be returned to the factory settings, and all installed applications, messages, contacts, graphic and multimedia files of the user, as well as everything else installed after purchase, will be deleted from the device. So, next we will tell you how to reset the settings on Android.

How to reset settings on Android
How to reset settings on Android

Hard Reset: what is it and what is it used for?

If we talk about a complete reset of all device settings to the factory settings that were preinstalled before the release, then this process is commonly called Hard Reset. It is usually recommended for those cases when the smartphone is unstable, it often freezes, makes errors, and so on. Speaking of how to resetsettings on "Android" in this way, you can name three different options for achieving the goal. Before starting this procedure, it is worth making a backup copy of all the information available on your smartphone. To do this, you can use a special program, which is not so difficult to choose.


So, if we are talking about how to reset settings on Android, then the first thing to consider is the software method, which consists in using the standard function available in the settings of any Android system. To do this, you need to enter the settings of your device, select the "Backup and reset" item there, and then click on "Reset settings". Next, you will see a warning that all existing data will be deleted, and a button will appear at the bottom asking you to confirm your decision. Pressing the "Erase All" button will confirm the selected action. In systems of earlier versions, that is, before 2.1, the reset is located at a different address: in the "Privacy" section, where there is an item "Reset data".

How to reset pattern android
How to reset pattern android

Use code

You will need to open the menu to write the number, in which you should enter the following sequence: 27673855. This method will restore the settings immediately and completely without requiring user confirmation.

Difficult case

Often the question arises of how to reset the settings on "Android",if the smartphone has stopped responding to any commands from the user. This way will help. While turning on the device, hold down three buttons at the same time: "Power", "Home" and "Volume". This combination should be held until the "Recovery" mode is turned on. In it you will need to find and select the section called "Wipe", and then press the "Home" button to confirm the specified selection.

How to reset password on android
How to reset password on android

What to do next?

So, after you have performed a hard reset on Android, you may be tempted to restore everything from a backup. This should be done as carefully as possible, because the problem that caused the problems may be contained in one of the installed applications or in previous settings. It is better not to risk it, but to set up the device as new by entering your Google account information. This will sync all your contacts, work emails, and more with your smartphone. And you can install the apps you need from the app store yourself.


Factory reset android
Factory reset android

If you like to use some alternative firmware for "Android", then you should remember that after a full reset, the areas in which additionally installed elements are stored will not be affected. It turns out that you will not delete all installed mods and changes from the phone memory. This fact must be taken into account ifa full restoration is performed to return the gadget under warranty. In addition, a full reset does not affect the contents of the memory card. You will need to delete information from it yourself.

What other problems are there?

Sometimes there is no need to return the device to factory settings, but you just need to get rid of the pattern that was installed for some reason. And then the question arises of how to reset the "Android" graphic key. Several options can be suggested. To begin with, consider a very humane option. To do this, you will need to verify your Google account.

The sequence of actions should be like this. First, enter the wrong password several times. After that, the system will be blocked, and you will see a message stating that the number of incorrect password entries was too high, so you will be prompted to repeat the operation after 30 seconds. In addition, the following message will be visible on the screen: "Forgot your pattern?". Sometimes this button may not appear immediately. But then you will need to enter the wrong password again and again. After its appearance and pressing, you will be prompted to enter the details of your account to which the gadget is attached, as well as the password to it. In this case, the smartphone or tablet must be connected to the Internet. After entering the correct username and password, click on "OK". The smartphone or tablet will be authenticated, after which you will be prompted to enter a new pattern. That's all. Now you know how to reset pattern"Android" via Google account.

Full reset on android
Full reset on android

No Internet access?

Sometimes the problem with the password occurs when there is no access to the Internet, in such situations the user faces a real problem. And then a completely logical question arises about how to reset the password on Android. In this case, there is only one way out for the user - to reset the settings to factory settings. How to do this has been described above in several ways. It is important to note that this can only be done when the battery is fully charged or at a level of 60-70 percent, no less.

So, we have described several ways to return the "Android" gadget to factory settings. And which one to choose is up to you.
