How to unlock the tablet if you forgot your password? How to unlock the tablet? Tips and Instructions

How to unlock the tablet if you forgot your password? How to unlock the tablet? Tips and Instructions
How to unlock the tablet if you forgot your password? How to unlock the tablet? Tips and Instructions

As a rule, in the modern world, tablets have the ability to set both a regular password code and its graphic counterpart as information protection. The graphic key is one of the ways to lock the device on the Android operating system. Most tablet users like this kind of password. However, all the differences, pros and cons of these types of passwords may be completely unimportant if you forget this combination. It turns out that you have a locked screen with nine dots or a password string that prevents you from using the tablet if it is not unlocked. A completely logical question arises: "How to unlock the password on the tablet?"

how to unlock tablet
how to unlock tablet

Method one. Google account

We will start by saying that there are several differentways to unlock and remove a forgotten key from a tablet. The very first and, as usual, the most useless is to try to remember what characters, numbers or letters you set as your key. It is useless for one simple reason: if you forgot, then you probably won’t remember it anymore. In addition, by and large, it is almost impossible to remember it at all, since it is very rarely associated with any of your associations. How to unlock an Android tablet if you can't remember the password? To prevent this from happening, use significant dates, last names or names of loved ones, or phone numbers as a symbolic password. With a graphic key, everything is much more complicated - you drew something and immediately forgot what it was. In general, it is better to write down all passwords. Safer.

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how to unlock explay tablet

Second way

How to unlock the tablet differently? Indeed, there is another way that will help unlock a graphic or symbolic password that you forgot. The number of attempts to remember the key is limited and ranges from 5 to 10 entries (the number depends on the OS of the device). What happens when the input attempts are over? It's okay, your device will simply ask you to sign in to your Google account. You just need to log into your account - and your tablet will be unlocked. If you actively use this e-mail or at least “attached it to your mobile phone”, then there will be no problems with recovering the code (the password from the system will be sent as an SMS message). SoIn this way, your password on the tablet will be canceled, i.e. reset.

However, there are times when you will only find out about the existence of this type of mail when this situation occurs. For such a force majeure, a ready-made mail address was invented, but they did not provide for such an important thing as specifying a login and password, at least in the instructions. All this is fraught with the fact that you will have to use other methods. There are several other options for password recovery, they are divided into 2 types: with loss of information and without loss. You need to clearly decide for yourself whether the files, games, documents, programs stored on the tablet are important to you, or whether all this can be easily restored, or if there are backup copies. Let's take a closer look at them.

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how to unlock samsung tablet

If the information is not so important

So how to unlock the tablet in the easiest way? It will be much easier if your information is stored on some other device, and its loss will not upset you. And most importantly, this method will not bring any harm to the “machine” itself. You will simply transfer all user (personally configured by you) settings to the factory settings (that is, those that were before buying the tablet). This procedure is called hardreset (hard reboot). To use this method, just press a special key combination at the same time. For each device, they are different - it is better to look at the instructions that came with your tablet computer. The general action can be as follows: hold down the volume up / down keys and the buttonswitch on / return, or the so-called "house".

how to unlock password on tablet
how to unlock password on tablet

If the information is extremely important and losing it would be a disaster

This method may not be safe for your device. This type of password reset will void your tablet warranty. Why? Because it will be necessary to install "left" software on your device (it is also called custom, that is, not belonging to this device or the manufacturer's company), and you do not always know what is being done and how. Firmware will help unlock the tablet. You can reflash your tablet both at home, so to speak, on your own, or by contacting a specialist. If you perform this operation incorrectly, then you risk being left with a completely inoperative tablet.

What about the guarantee?

For example, you are interested in the question of how to unlock the tablet "Samsung"? It's still under warranty. Unfortunately, it is possible that password reset is not included in the terms of the warranty agreement. In this case, the owner, who is also the buyer of the tablet computer, is guilty of such a “malfunction” of the device, and the service center will be happy to offer you paid services to unlock the key. However, do not despair, because there are official programs (utilities) that will help you flash the tablet without compromising the warranty. Information will be lost, but when using such software, your device is less prone to “death”. It is better to learn how to do this work yourself on the official website of the manufacturer.

how to unlock android tablet
how to unlock android tablet

How to unlock Explay tablet?

In solving this issue, the tips on how to unlock the tablet, described above, will help. Here, the procedure for resetting the settings will be shown in more detail. First you need to go into recovery mode. To do this, turn off the tablet and, while holding down the back key, press the power key, as you normally do. Release the back key. If you did everything correctly, then a broken robot will appear on the screen. After that, you need to press the "Home" button and select "Reset to factory settings" in the list.

These tips should help you unlock your tablet. And most importantly - write down your passwords, then you will never have a similar problem.
