Beeline offers its subscribers a number of tariff plans that will suit any category of customers: both those who are not used to saving on communication services and prefer to have the full range of services “at hand”, and those who speak little on a mobile phone and does not use other opportunities. A number of tariff plans are “sharpened” for specific situations: for cheap calls to international destinations, the favorable Beeline tariff for pensioners, and so on. In the current article, we will talk more about that last option, which can really be quite an interesting offer for this category of citizens.

Beeline: tariffs for pensioners, interesting offers
Despite the fact that there is a special offer for retirees, there are a number of tariff plans that may also be of interest. All of them do not have a monthly fee and imply profitable calls from a Beeline number. Tariffs for pensioners are, first of all,the following:
• TP "Zero Doubts" - suitable for those subscribers who communicate more often within the network (with subscribers of the same operator).
• TP "Per second" is a great option for short calls.
• TP "Mobile pensioner" - a specialized tariff, which can be activated only by those who have a pension certificate. This must be done at the company's office.

Overview of TP "Zero Doubt"
First of all, I would like to draw attention to the proposal of the Beeline company - tariffs for pensioners. Consider the TP "Zero Doubt". By activating it on his SIM card, the subscriber will be able, starting from the second minute of connection, to communicate for free with an interlocutor who also has a SIM card from Beeline. At the same time, the cost of the first minute will cost only 1.3 rubles. This rule applies when communicating in the home region.
When calling to Beeline numbers in Russia, each minute will cost 2.5 rubles, which is also quite acceptable for long-distance communication. As for the billing of calls to numbers of other operators - 2, 3 rubles. in the home region, 5 rubles. for long distance calls. On the Beeline number, tariffs for pensioners (without a subscription fee) have a standard cost for SMS and Internet services:

• You can send a text message for 2.5 rubles (within your region).
• The cost of Internet traffic is standard - 9.95 rubles. per megabyte.
"Mobile pensioner" - tariff "Beeline":review
Keeping in mind such a category of subscribers as pensioners, Beeline has developed a specialized offer, which can be used by everyone. After all, to purchase it, you will need an identity card and a pension certificate. "Mobile pensioner" (tariff "Beeline") is connected only at the operator's office. The cost of connection (transition) is 30 rubles. According to the terms of the tariff, it is allowed to add five “favorite numbers”, which you can communicate with at a reduced cost - 1.25 rubles. All other calls made, for example, from the territory of Moscow will cost 3.95 rubles. And calls made from the territory of the Moscow region - 3.16 rubles.
The cost of the Internet and text messages is no different from other Beeline tariff plans. Tariffs for pensioners (except for this offer) are more narrowly focused, with a low cost of communication within the network, and so on. This tariff implies the ability to pay only 1.25 rubles. per minute of communication with any number added to the "favorites" category. In this case, it can be either a landline phone or a number of another operator.

Review of TP "Per second"
Another one on the Beeline list (tariffs for pensioners) is the Per Second Tariff. It is advisable to use it in cases where it is not planned to conduct lengthy negotiations on a mobile phone. For subscribers who communicate for 10-20 seconds, it will be a real find. Since it implies per-second billing, then, having spoken for 12 seconds, do notyou will have to pay as per minute of conversation.
In this article, Beeline tariffs without a monthly fee for pensioners were considered. Each of the three TPs discussed above can be activated on a number. The fee for switching to the Per Second TP will be 150 rubles, while you can switch to Zero Doubts for free. As for the “Mobile Pensioner” tariff, it will not be possible to activate it remotely even for existing customers of the company - you will need to visit the Beeline communication salon, taking with you documents confirming your pension status.