All Beeline tariffs. How to find out the tariff on Beeline?

All Beeline tariffs. How to find out the tariff on Beeline?
All Beeline tariffs. How to find out the tariff on Beeline?

Each mobile operator has a whole set of tariffs in its arsenal. This is done so that the subscriber can choose the most beneficial solution for himself, choosing those or other options that interest him. The same situation is observed in the package of services from the Beeline company. The tariff, the area in which it operates, the price and the range of services provided for by such an offer - all this plays a significant role for the subscriber, and he must take all these factors into account when making his choice.

In this article we will help you figure out what tariffs a mobile communication company offers to its customers. Packages of services from different categories will be given and, comparing them, we will try to make a choice in favor of the most profitable.

all tariffs "Beeline"
all tariffs "Beeline"


Let's start with the fact that the entire tariff scale is distributed depending on the purpose for which a particular service package is connected. In this case, if we are talking about the "yellow-black" operator, 3 target groups of packages are distinguished. Thus, all Beeline tariffs are divided into three categories, depending on which device they are best combined with.

There is no need to think here for a long time - thisobviously: smartphone, tablet computer and USB tethering.

This “default feature” does not oblige the subscriber, for example, to use only one or another tariff on his gadget. No, they can be easily combined - for example, you can connect “tablet” tariffs to a phone, but only you know whether it will be just as effective for your purposes.

Therefore, the operator, taking as a basis the average requirements of subscribers with one or another type of device, selects its own service packages for each of them. For example, the tariffs for the Beeline modem differ significantly from what we see in the case of options for a smartphone. This will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of our article.

Now let's start describing each of the package categories.

tariff "Beeline" all for 300
tariff "Beeline" all for 300


It should be remembered that the choice of the Beeline tariff (Moscow or any other city - it does not matter) should be done taking into account your needs. You need to determine to what extent you use certain services, and then choose a package that is as close as possible to the same volume. And, of course, you need to find a middle ground between the price of the tariff and what it offers. This is how all Beeline tariffs are selected.

how to find out the tariff on "Beeline"
how to find out the tariff on "Beeline"


Let's start with tariff plans for mobile devices. So, what do we do with our phone in everyday life? Firstly, we call friends and relatives, secondly, we send SMS, thirdly,using mobile internet. Therefore, we need a comprehensive solution.

Obviously, Beeline thought on the same principle when they developed all the tariffs. "Beeline", thus, in the basis of packages for the smartphone put plans of a complex nature. In them, the user is provided with “a little of everything”. Read more below.

“All for…”

So, the operator has six service packages. They are called "All for …", followed by a certain figure - the cost of this tariff plan for a month of use. There is, for example, the “All for 200” tariff, followed by: 400, 600, 900, 1500, 2700. The volume of services that the subscriber receives also increases along with the increase in the cost of the package. And the tariff "Beeline" "All for 300" is not provided. Probably, the company abandoned the idea of “splitting” plans (or, perhaps, such a package existed earlier, but it was replaced with “All for 400” due to an increase in the cost of communication services).

Each of the described plans offers a certain number of minutes for calls, SMS and traffic volume. For example, “All for 400” gives 2 GB of mobile Internet, 400 minutes for calls within the Beeline network and 100 SMS messages. Whereas the most expensive tariff - for 2700 rubles per month - is 15 GB, 4000 minutes and 3000 SMS (prepaid). And the Beeline tariff “All for 300”, even if it existed, would provide a volume of services corresponding to its cost (that is, much less).

The advantage of these options is that the subscriber does not have to purchase this or that service separately - he can buy calls,messages and Internet access in one package. You can find the most favorable tariff from the indicated ones. The more actively you use mobile services, the more expensive the package you need.

tariff welcome "Beeline"
tariff welcome "Beeline"

Additional plans

Do not think that the complex solutions “All for…” are all Beeline tariffs that are available to subscribers. No, there is, for example, a special service “Everything for iPhone”. This is an exclusive, more profitable tariff, which for 1200 rubles per month provides 1000 minutes for calls to all operators, 500 SMS, 10 GB of traffic, insurance against a broken screen for a year. You can connect it only if you bought the device in the Beeline store.

Besides, there are other plans. For example, the tariff “Welcome”. "Beeline" (as part of this package) gives calls to numbers of its network for 1.7 rubles without a subscription fee and additional fees. This service is beneficial for those who use their phone exclusively as a “dialer” within the network. There is no Internet traffic or SMS messages included in the package. The transition to the "Welcome" tariff "Beeline" made paid. Its cost is 150 rubles (one-time payment).

For tablet

If the options for a mobile phone involve a complex of services, then in the case of a tablet computer, the emphasis is on Internet traffic. We are talking about Highway tariffs, which make it possible to use data packages for entertainment, searching for information, watching videos and films.

beeline tariff region
beeline tariff region

Here the operator allocates 4 tariffs. The minimum of them costs 400 rubles per month. As part of it, the subscriber receives 4 GB of traffic (plus 200 MB bonus).

Then data volumes go in the following order - 6 GB, 12 GB, 20 GB. Their cost increases accordingly: 600, 700 and 1200 rubles.

For USB modem

There is another direction of Internet packages from the Beeline operator. They are more suitable for active Internet users working, say, through a laptop or desktop computer outside the reach of a wired Internet. In this case, the connection is made via a USB adapter.

So, 3 tariffs for the modem are available for Beeline subscribers. The traffic volumes here are 8 GB, 12 GB and 20 GB. The cost is 600, 700 and 1200 rubles per month, respectively.

modem "Beeline" tariffs
modem "Beeline" tariffs

Which is the best one?

So, at the beginning of the article, we promised that we would analyze the current tariff plans and choose the most optimal, most profitable of them. As you probably already understood, it is impossible to unambiguously call one of the options more profitable than others. The reason for this is that each of the service packages has a different cost and a different amount of data that it includes. Since you pay more when you get more than other packages, your task is, as already noted, to find the optimal middle ground. And this can be done only after analyzing your expenses.

For example, if you often use the Internet, but call a little -why not use internet rates? The same goes for the reverse: without the need for network access, your best bet is to use packages with minutes for calls and SMS.

If you would like to use, for example, Internet services, but do not want to give up a profitable calling plan, you can do even more tricky. Having a smartphone with 2 SIM cards, you could be served on the Internet package and on the option with minutes for calls at the same time, getting the most out of both services without overpaying.

choice of tariff "Beeline" Moscow
choice of tariff "Beeline" Moscow

How do I find out my fare?

When choosing a mobile service plan, the subscriber should be careful, because some of them involve additional switching fees. To do this, you need to know exactly which plan you are currently served on. How to find out the tariff on Beeline? Very simple - enter the command 11005 on your smartphone - and the interactive menu will tell you the name of the option that you have connected. An alternative to this method is another one - you can call 067405 (and the voice robot will announce the name of your plan). And also it can be found through the online interface. Just go to your account on the page of the official website of the company - and you will see the name of your tariff. The same applies to mobile applications.

Finally, if you understand how to find out the tariff on Beeline, but you can’t do it for some reason, you can seek help from specialists in communication stores or from an operator onhotline. He will tell you how to do it as quickly and simply as possible.

How to connect to another?

Finally, having made your choice, as well as knowing all the conditions under which you can switch to another tariff plan, you can order it and wait for your application to be fulfilled. It is very easy to do this, and in several ways. You can, again, submit a digital request with a unique tariff identifier (it can be found on the website in the description of the plan that you are interested in); you can contact the call center operator, as well as submit an online application through “My Account”. It's very simple, but in a few minutes you will be transferred to another, more profitable option.
