It seems that no more calls were made than usual, the account was replenished recently, but the money on the phone is rapidly running out. Familiar situation? This can only mean one thing: the mobile operator, without the knowledge of the subscriber, connected him to some paid services that he does not need. Often this happens at the stage of activating a newly purchased SIM card. It's time to go to the communication salon for disassembly or try to solve the problem yourself. How to find out connected services on Megafon? There are several ways.
Paid and free services

The company provides a large number of services, including paid and free. The latter include, for example, melodious dialing beeps, checking the balance of the phone, receiving incoming calls, etc. But something else is obvious: there are much more paid services, including those not authorized by the subscriber. Of the standard paid services - calls from a mobile phone, roaming, sending SMS. There is also a numberother services subscribed to by the subscriber, such as weather announcements.
Spam is another problem for the subscriber. It is worth making some kind of purchase on the Internet or registering on the forum - the phone number falls into the hands of third parties. And nothing can be done about it. The only consolation is that mailings from chain stores are most often free. Next - details on how to find out the connected services on Megafon.
"Service guide" to help the subscriber

Useful function "Service Guide" can be downloaded from the operator's website and download the application to your mobile phone. To use the service, you need to register in it, then activate the request with the key combination: 105 and "Call". Thus, you can get access to the Unified Information Center of the system. Here you can find all the information about connected paid services. Megafon on its website posts a list of services, operator numbers and short numbers by which you can turn off unnecessary services - by calling the operator or sending SMS. In the same service, you can not only check and disable services, but also connect the necessary ones and change the tariff plan. USDD requests to 105 are free.
Another service - "Kaleidoscope"
This is another application that can be downloaded from the Megafon company resource. Disabling paid services here can also be done only after registration. You need to open the MegaFonPro page and go to the "Settings" tab. Open the "Settings" option, with which you can easily disable or connect anyservice from the proposed list.

Visit to the MegaFon communication salon
What paid services are connected on the phone - you can find out in any salon of a mobile operator. Those who have ever addressed managers with a similar problem can confirm that such a request does not cause any surprise, although it does not cause much joy either. After all, they will have to help the client disable a number of paid services, and this is not in the interests of the company. Nevertheless, those who ask how to find out the connected services on Megafon will be given all the information without words, and then they will immediately remove everything unnecessary from the phone. You can get a short number from the same office employees, by which from time to time you can independently check your phone for new connections. When contacting the salon, the operator may be asked to present a passport.
Call operator
This is another way to find out the connected services on Megafon and disable unwanted ones. There is a single number 0505 where you can contact the network operator directly. After typing, you need to press the 0 key and wait for a response. The operator will answer all questions and advise how to disable a particular service. It is useful to prepare paper and pencil in advance for writing down numbers: as a rule, each service has its own number in the Megafon system.
Disabling paid services: some tips

Mobile office managers try to convince dissatisfied visitorsthe fact that the connection of "left" services occurs without the knowledge of the company. But there are a number of services whose belonging to a given mobile operator is beyond doubt, moreover, most often it is advisable to disable them forever. So, on every phone there is a function "Voice mail". It turns on automatically if the called party does not answer. Few people use this service, but the money for it is regularly withdrawn from the account - the subscription fee is 51 rubles per month.
Another service "for an amateur" - "Change the horn" - costs 60 rubles a month. In this case, the operator, at his discretion, changes the beeps. For most subscribers, this service does not give anything but extra expenses. Even more expensive - at 150 rubles per month - evaluates the service for lovers of anonymous calls - "Caller ID" - the Megafon company. Disabling paid services of this kind really saves the subscriber money, so from time to time it makes sense to check your phone and “clean” it from unused, but not at all free functions.

It won't work once and for all
It seems that all problems have been solved, unnecessary services have been unsubscribed. But it only seems. After some time, the same services can be activated again on the phone, and again without the knowledge of the subscriber. And again you have to go in the same circle. It is not at all easy to get rid of mailings from stores, even putting them on the “black list”. Unfortunately, today mobile operators impose (or even sneak) their paid services with almost impunity. Besides,there is a practice of selling short numbers, which allows random owners to establish an entire industry of paid spam in the form of games, quizzes or other incorrect and even fraudulent mailings. To numerous complaints from subscribers and attempts to once again see what services are connected, Megafon responds something like this: these short numbers belong to individuals or companies, and the telecom operator is not responsible for them.
And what to do? Refuse the services of a cellular operator? Of course no. You just need to carefully monitor your balance and turn off unnecessary services at the first suspicion. As for spam, you will have to fight it yourself: put the numbers on the “black list”, never respond to requests from unfamiliar short numbers inviting you to win large sums or cars in quizzes or lotteries. Leave your phone number on various resources on the Internet as rarely as possible. This is the only way to minimize unforeseen expenses for mobile communications.