Android update - pros and cons

Android update - pros and cons
Android update - pros and cons

Android is one of the most widespread operating systems specifically designed for mobile phones, smartphones and tablets. Now it is used by almost all manufacturers of this equipment. Any operating system is periodically improved and improved, its individual parts are optimized. Such fixes and improvements constitute an Android update.

You can check for improvements yourself. To do this, go to "Settings", find the item "Software Update" there and view the update settings that open. To check if a new version is out, click the Update button.

android update
android update

Why do we need new OS versions

In essence, the Android update is a good thing, so don't be suspicious or skeptical about it. As a rule, improvements make using the device more comfortable and faster.

The Android update is being released on a micro and macro scale. Minor improvements are up to 100 MB and are intended for individual parts of the system. They are small patches, the elimination of minor flaws that are even invisible to the user. The purpose of such micro-actions isimprove and stabilize your phone or tablet.

And larger innovations "weigh" already about 500 MB and affect the entire device. In fact, there is a slight change in the OS version. Such a massive Android software update can also change the look of the system, making it simpler and more concise.

android firmware
android firmware

How it happens

If your device does not have permission to receive updates by default, then each time a dialog box will appear with a notification and a suggestion to install something new. You can postpone the download and installation for some time (from half an hour to two hours) or refuse to update at all.

If you select "Install", the system will set a notification that the device will be rebooted. Therefore, it is highly recommended to close all running applications and save the necessary information, otherwise it will simply be lost. Immediately after the notification, the device turns off, the screen goes blank. After a couple of seconds, an image of a characteristic android robot appears on it, and at the bottom of the screen you will see the progress of the update process as a percentage. On average, it takes between 5 and 20 minutes to update Android, after which it reboots.

When the device is turned on again, applications are optimized to work correctly with installed updates. The number of such applications is displayed on the screen. After this last step, a notification appears that the device has been successfully updated. It is recommended to restart it so that all programs start working innormal mode.

android update
android update

What are the problems after

Usually none. After the update, some applications that are not compatible with the new version, or individual icons from the Desktop may disappear (for the same reason). It also happens that new programs appear in the device, which will then be impossible to remove - this is provided by the developers.

As a rule, problems arise only if the Android firmware was made independently or unofficial versions of the software were used. And the warranty for the same reason is lost, so you will have to spend a lot of money to return the device to life.

How to return the old version

When you do not like the received updates, then there is a natural desire to "return as it was." But, alas, this possibility is not provided. Unless it comes to your mind to manually change the firmware, but it's better not to do this. Why? See previous section. Better take another look at the new version of the OS - maybe you just haven't gotten used to it yet, and in a couple of days you will already love all the changes.