The activity of any company begins with the creation of a corporate identity, the main components of which include the development of a logo. It is this emblem that demonstrates the belonging of a product or service to a particular enterprise, displays its concept and carries a certain semantic load. Let's consider in more detail what a logo is, types of logos and the basic rules for their development.
Definition and meaning
A logo is a display of information about a company in a graphic format, its symbolic representation, a symbolic personification that contributes to the recognition and authority of the company. In other words, this is the abbreviated name of the organization, presented in the form of the original style, using a special font, style and illustration. The value of the logo in the business world is enormous: it distinguishes the company from similar enterprises, attracts the attention of potential consumers to it, “tells” about it, forms the first impression. After all, it is through the logos of companies that consumers form a certain opinion about theiractivities.

Power of Influence
The logo, akin to a trademark, will always and everywhere in plain sight decorate letterheads, signs, business cards, documents, uniforms of employees. Therefore, its creation should be approached with the utmost responsibility, finding the right balance between pragmatism and creativity. A logo is not just a pretty typeface created for aesthetic purposes. A well-designed symbol is able to attract consumers, leave competitors behind, and ensure stable growth and revenue for the company. While an unsuccessful logo created in haste will quickly get lost among the bright brothers, forming a negative impression of the organization.
What is a logo: types of logos
Graphic style and symbols
Displays data about the company through graphic symbols - photographs, pictures, drawings - without the use of text. A graphic image of a symbolic logo represents the essence of the product by illustrating the activities or the name of the company. For example, a logo in the form of an eagle can indicate the name of an organization, “talk” about its high business and moral qualities, and be used by travel companies as a symbol of a safe and successful flight. Graphic designations in their pure form are used quite rarely and are preferred by well-known brands. However, with enough experience and talent, creating the right, alluring and strong logo is not difficult.

Text view
Letter styles are used by firms much more often than graphic ones. Logos have a lot in common: the abbreviated name of the company or its activities, abbreviations are usually expressed in a graphical way using special fonts, unique characters (for example, Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Bosch). The advantage of a text logo is that it evokes clear associations and a clear idea of the company.
Combining types
The combination of two types of logos is presented, as a rule, in the form of a symbiosis of a graphic image with a visual inscription (slogan, company or brand name). Combined company logos are considered the most informative and successful for non-promoted companies.
Alphanumeric style
This style is the most common and actively used by many companies due to their accurate display of information. The alphanumeric type of the logo is relatively easy to develop, as informative as possible and retains an individual style of writing even after typographic processing. Examples: Ford, Kodak, Sony, Motorola.

The main features of a successful logo
A beautifully designed logo, the types of logos you decide to opt for cannot guarantee you brilliant results if the design did not take into account the basic requirements:
- Functionality. The main mission of the logo is to bring the consumer to the seller.
- Conciseness. The emblem should be made in a discreet and conciseform, without using a lot of small details that are very difficult to transfer to paper.
- Informative. A well-designed logo contains the main essence of the informational message about the company, representing a cross between a concise appearance and the most complete picture of it.
- Originality and uniqueness. The typeface should not include a stolen idea, plagiarism, similar features of another brand, but identify exactly your product or service.
- Impressiveness is the impact on the consumer through emotional, aesthetic perception.
- Memorability. Creating a logo involves finding a balance between originality, uniqueness of the sign and ease of perception.
- Compliance with the image, status, direction of activity and goals of the company.
- Versatility - a clear image of the logo on both documents and business cards, products and souvenirs.

Features of creating logos
When developing a logo, great importance is attached to the colors, font and shape of the emblem, which can directly or indirectly affect its perception from a psychological point of view.
Color. The color scheme of the logo is chosen in accordance with the impact of a particular shade on the human psyche. For example, green, blue, blue colors make only a favorable impression on a person, calming and enticing, while the red and bright orange palette acts excitingly and aggressively. In addition, you need to consider the meaning and associationscolors, so as not to get into a mess. Experts recommend using no more than three colors in the design of the sign, completely abandoning shadows, gradations and blending

- The font, depending on the direction of the company, can be serious, concise, intricate, using curls and roundings. It should be easy to read and understand.
- Form. Recommended shapes are triangle, square, circle and combinations thereof. The correct form of the logo is a holistic, organically fitting on any surface, proportional system of symbols without the use of small details.
A start-up company, which is at the stage of developing a corporate identity, needs to know what a logo is, types of logos, basic requirements and features of its creation. Because a properly designed logo has an important corporate meaning.