Cell phones
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Now many experts are inclined to believe that the technology of touch control of smartphones was developed and successfully implemented by the progenitor of the American company Apple, which has become a world legend. The technology quickly passed the first stages and is currently used in mobile technology everywhere. If ten years ago push-button phones were quite common, today only a small assortment of them flaunts on store shelves
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Alcatel POP 2 5042D, which we will talk about today, is a continuation of the line called One Touch. This Chinese device is sold in the Russian Federation for only five thousand rubles
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
ZTE Blade GF3, reviews of which are of interest to potential buyers, is a good means of communication. Today we will talk about the features of the device, its positive and negative sides. ZTE Blade GF3, reviews of which are presented in this article, we will consider from different points of view. We take into account both the appearance of the device and its performance. But let's start the review of ZTE Blade GF3 with its technical indicators. About them - briefly below
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
For a long time, LG literally churned out the same type of smartphones. From time to time, only the technical elements and names of the devices changed. One of these devices was the mobile phone LG Max X155, reviews of which quickly spread across the Internet. Today we are going to talk about him
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Mobile phones MTS have a rather tempting cost with an interesting set of characteristics. However, it should be understood that free cheese is only in a mousetrap
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Today we will talk about the smartphone of the Taiwanese company. This is Asus. Probably, it does not need additional introduction, since each of us has heard about the company's technology at least once in our lives. The novelty has become a continuation of the Zenfone 2 lineup
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
The Microsoft Lumia 550 SS LTE smartphone, reviews of which we will try to consider today from different points of view, did not become something special. This is the company's standard solution. Not so bad, but not the best either. Of course, I would not want to compare Android devices with the newly minted Lumiya running Windows 10 Mobile, but in its price segment, the latter clearly loses in terms of characteristics
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Smartphone Lenovo Vibe P1M, reviews of which quickly spread in the international network, is unlikely to be able to claim the title of a well-deserved flagship. However, according to ordinary users, it is able to pleasantly surprise potential buyers. Let's try to find these parameters and consider the rest
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
There is a lot of information on the net about how to use iTunes for iPhone, but for a beginner, it is best to use articles in the form of step-by-step instructions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Despite the progressiveness of modern technologies, the operational reliability of communication devices produced today still leaves much to be desired
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
At the beginning of this year, a new smartphone from Xiaomi was released, the model was called Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X. It is noteworthy that this version comes out a year after the release of the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 smartphone
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
In the already distant 2011, Samsung took a risk and released a device of a new format - Galaxy Note. The fashion for "smart phones" at that time was set by Apple, and a screen size of 4.2 inches was the standard. Of course, against this backdrop, the 5.3-inch Note looked pretty impressive. Contrary to the predictions of critics, the device didn’t just fail - the new format was liked by users, and the model was sold in huge numbers around the world
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
A mobile phone is a technical device that is designed to communicate between two people or a group of people. However, the technology has a major drawback. They break and fail. What to do if the device is no longer needed, but it is a pity to throw it away?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Let's try to figure out what a phone system cleaning is, how to perform it, and what tools are best to use
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
You are the owner of an iPhone. Suppose you decide to change your phone. At this moment, a completely logical question visits you: "How can I copy contacts to SIM on an iPhone?" Read the article and find out the answer
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
One of the many features of the iPhone is to play music in excellent quality. Read this article on how to add music to iPhone through iTunes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
All Apple devices are distinguished by their convenience and intuitive interface, but if you have recently become the owner of an iPhone, you may still have some questions about using it. One possible question is how to upload photos to iPhone, and also how to save photos taken on iPhone to your computer?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Are you the new owner of an advanced fashion gadget - iPhone? Then this article is a must-read for you! Learn from the article how to sync iPhone with iTunes
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
A brief history of Apple's headphone development. The path from the first EarPhones to modern wireless AirPods
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
The problem of phone lock will affect every user sooner or later. This article provides professional tips for unlocking Android without losing any data
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
"Voice communication with freedom of movement" - under this motto, the wireless headset has taken one of the leading positions in the market of technical innovations and accessories for mobile and computer devices
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Smartphone operating systems allow us to unleash the full potential of the gadget. And how to choose a phone with the most suitable OS for you - we will tell in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Let's try to understand this issue and designate a list of the best waterproof smartphones. Consider the important technical characteristics of the models, their advantages and disadvantages, and also pay attention to the main selection criteria
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
What causes the display to turn into a white screen? Diagnostic methods and typical malfunctions of the iPhone 3G
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
People who often travel to other cities always have a lot of questions: "What things to take with you?" Today, in the age of high technology, another very important question is added to this list: "How to connect MTS roaming?" In this article, we will tell you about several ways to carry out this operation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
It often happens that the money on the balance sheet ends at the most inopportune moment. What if you urgently need to contact your parents, colleagues or boss? It is in such situations that many people have a question, for example, how to send a "beacon" from MTS or Megafon, depending on which operator they use. In this article, we will tell you in detail what this option is and why it is needed
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Review of Samsung Pay - a new payment system from the Korean technology giant. Technology capabilities and operating instructions
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
A brief overview of paid services and services that "Tele2" impose on their subscribers. Understand why they are needed and how to turn them off
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
A month before the presentation, we analyze all the rumors and photo leaks related to the eighth iPhone - the most anticipated smartphone of the year
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
A reduced copy of the flagship device of the South Korean semiconductor giant Galaxy S3 is the Samsung 8190 with the S3 mini prefix. But not only in the size of the device in this case, the differences lie. The hardware specifications of gadgets as software components have undergone certain changes. It is these differences that will be discussed below
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Modern smartphones can perform quite a lot of functions. With an ordinary device, you can easily navigate the terrain using the GPS module, use high-speed Internet, take high-quality photos, play high-performance games, and much more. Of course, this is all bad for the battery. At first, it starts to discharge faster, the battery lasts less and less. You have to change the battery. This article will show you how to change the battery yourself
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Most advanced users choose smartphones with the Android operating system due to the openness of the OS. Indeed, "Android" provides the user with many possibilities, which allows you to make the phone "special". For example, you can improve performance or completely change the look. Unfortunately, this cannot be done without root rights. You can get them quite simply. In this article, you will learn how to get superuser rights
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Many users may encounter problems in use when switching from conventional feature phones to smartphones running the Android operating system. Of course, modern phones differ in many ways from their predecessors. Functionality has increased, the interface has changed. Smartphone user manual for beginners will allow you to quickly understand how to use your phone
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
All modern smartphones, unfortunately, are quickly discharged. The mobile device can be charged several times a day, as the battery capacity does not allow comfortable use of the gadget for a long time. Because of this, many people doubt the actual capacity of the battery. And now the most important question arises: “How to check the battery capacity of the phone?” Let's review it and check our smartphones
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Modern gadgets have become an integral part of our lives. The phone is the most common gadget. Almost every person has it. Unfortunately, even the most reliable phones can break due to shock, water or software glitches. The most common problem that many mobile device users face is the sensor not responding to touch
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
What is an oleophobic coating and what can be the threat of a greasy trace left on the touchpad? The amazing substance and the ingenious simplicity of the invention will be discussed in this article
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
IPhone models. Description of famous mobile telephone models. Main characteristics and features
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
The android operating system is becoming more and more popular. Smartphones, tablet computers and other equipment running this OS are produced in huge quantities. As a result, devices become cheaper and more accessible. Today, almost everyone can buy such a device, as a result of which there are more and more users. All applications and games on android are packaged in APK format, so the first thing a new user should think about is installing APK files
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
Apple smartphones today are not cheap, but they fully justify their cost due to the smart hardware platform represented by the iOS family operating system, as well as due to powerful hardware. Of course, the American company knows a lot about the manufacture of modern devices, although it charges a considerable fee for this. Well, now let's talk about the models more specifically
Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:01
In the article we will talk about the firmware of the Android OS on phones and tablets, and we will also have a small battle between different operating systems