Do you want to know how to copy contacts to SIM on iPhone?

Do you want to know how to copy contacts to SIM on iPhone?
Do you want to know how to copy contacts to SIM on iPhone?

You are the owner of an iPhone. Suppose you decide to change your phone. At this moment, a completely logical question visits you: "How can I copy contacts to SIM on an iPhone?" You are looking for a solution in the phone menu for a long time, but you still do not find an answer. And all because the iPhone will not allow you to copy contacts to SIM. To transfer the phone book to other devices, there are other, less familiar, but quite affordable ways.

how to copy contacts to sim on iphone
how to copy contacts to sim on iphone

Sync contacts to iCloud

So, the easiest and most convenient way to copy contacts on an iPhone (on a SIM card, as we have already found out, this will not work) is to allow the phone to synchronize regularly with iCloud. To do this, check the iCloud settings on your iPhone or set it up if it hasn't been done before. Go to "Settings", then iCloud and make sure that the service is turned on, and the switch next to the word "Contacts" is in the on position. Now every day, when your smartphone is connected to the mains (i.e., it is charging) and is on a Wi-Fi network, it willsynchronization with iCloud - a backup copy of the device will be added to your account on the Apple server, containing, among other information, information from the address book. Access to the "cloud" can be obtained by going to the official website. To download information to your new phone, you need to restore data from iCloud the first time you turn it on by signing in with your Apple ID. Of course, you can only download all the information saved in this way to smartphones with iOS, so it is not universal compared to other possibilities, like copying contacts on an iPhone. It would be more convenient to save them on SIM.

copy contacts to sim iphone
copy contacts to sim iphone

Sync contacts to Google

One of the more versatile ways than the previous one is to synchronize your iPhone records with Google contacts. In order for it to be carried out, it is necessary to perform the initial setup of the iPhone. To do this, in the phone's mail settings ("Settings", item "Mail, addresses, calendars"), create a new account. On the selection page, click Google, then enter your name, e-mail and password in the Google system. Click Save. Setup completed. In order for instant synchronization to occur, you must specify the created account as the standard one. You can do this here, in the mail settings, section "Contacts" - "Standard account". Initially, the iCloud entry is set as this. Now go to the "Contacts" application - automaticsynchronization. Now that you have all your address book entries on Google, you can download them to another device using your account. Everything is quite easy and quite convenient. Perhaps this method will be the one you choose when you think about how to copy contacts to SIM on an iPhone.

Please note that old entries already in the address book at the time of the first synchronization will not be included in the Google contact list using this method. Only entries created since then will appear. In order to transfer previously saved phone numbers and addresses, you can use the following method.

how to copy contacts from iphone
how to copy contacts from iphone

Transfer contacts from iCloud

First, you need to back up your device in the Apple cloud service. How to do this was described above. Once you're on the iCloud website, select "Contacts" there. Having selected all contacts by pressing the hotkeys Ctrl + A (Cmd + A for Mac), click the settings button in the lower left corner and select Export vCard. A file will be created containing all the information about your iPhone contacts, with the exception of photos. Unfortunately, they cannot be transferred. Now go to your Google account, find Gmail and there "Contacts". Click "Advanced" - "Import …" and select the file created in iCloud.

That's it now! Now you know how to copy contacts from iPhone!

Copy contacts from SIM

If you are interested in the reverse procedure - how to download contacts to an iPhone, then besidesof the above methods, it is possible to transfer data from a SIM card. This is done very simply: go to the iPhone in "Settings", then, again, in the item "Mail, addresses, calendars" and there find the item "Import SIM contacts".