One of the most popular entry-level smartphones today is the Lenovo A316i. Reviews indicate that the device turned out to be quite balanced, and its cost is really democratic.

Hardware platform
The Lenovo A316i phone is built on the basis of a dual-core single-chip MTK6572 chip from MediaTEK. It should be noted right away that this is a very weak processor today. Its clock frequency can vary from 250 MHz to 1.3 GHz, and these two cores are built on the basis of the Cortex-A7 architecture. Its strength is low power consumption, but it cannot boast of a high level of performance. As a result, it can be noted that this CPU will not be enough for demanding and resource-intensive tasks. But for simple games, visiting websites, reading books and watching movies, the MTK6572 is perfect. Given the cost of the device and its positioning, there is nothing to worry about in the shortcoming outlined earlier: an entry-level smartphone cannot have phenomenal performance.

Graphics subsystem
Similar situation with the graphics adapter. In this case, we are talking about "MALI 400", which is installed in the Lenovo A316i. Feedback from the owners of the device suggests that its resources are not enough for demanding tasks with 3D graphics, such as the latest generation games. But with the display, the situation is much better. In this gadget model, the screen diagonal is 4 inches, and its resolution is 800 by 400 pixels, which corresponds to the WVGA standard. It is capable of displaying over 16 million colors and can handle up to two finger touches at the same time. All this together allows you to comfortably watch movies on this device in AVI and MPEG4 formats.

Only one camera installed on Lenovo A316i. Reviews of dissatisfied lovers of photographing a lot indicate that it is problematic to get high-quality pictures on it. Indeed, it is based on a 2 megapixel matrix, which will not be enough today. Even cheaper mobile phones are equipped with even better cameras. There is also the possibility of video recording, but the quality of the videos for the previously stated reason will not be the best. Another disadvantage of the camera is the lack of flash. In addition, the focal length does not change during shooting. In general, there is a camera, but what quality it is is a second question. Do not forget that this smartphone belongs to the entry level. Therefore, the manufacturer saved on everything possible. The camera is no exception. Her lowthe characteristics are again offset by the low price of the device.
Memory and its quantity
Smartphone Lenovo A316i is equipped with a fairly modest amount of memory. RAM in it is only 512 MB of the most common DDR3 standard at the moment. Most of it will be occupied by the operating system. At best, 40 percent or less will be allocated to the needs of programs. Built-in flash memory in it 4 GB. Of these, 1, 2 GB will be occupied by the OS. 800 MB is reserved for software installations, and 2 GB is reserved for user data. In order to somehow solve the problem with lack of memory in this device, you need to install an external flash card. The maximum size supported for this format is 32 GB.

Case and ease of use on a smartphone
At the moment, there is only one modification of this device on sale - the Lenovo A316i BLACK smartphone, that is, it can be in a black case. The front panel of the device is made of ordinary plastic. Scratches on it appear without problems. And the situation is similar with fingerprints. Therefore, in order to preserve the original state of the device, you need to stick a protective film on it, which will have to be purchased separately from the smartphone. At the top of the front panel is a speaker, and at the bottom are the standard control buttons. The volume swing is hidden on the left, and the on/off button protrudes on the top edge. Next to it there are two connectors: Micro USB and 3.5 socket for external acoustics. On the back coverwhich is made of corrugated plastic, a single camera and a loud speaker are displayed. No backlight for the camera is not provided in this device. But the decision to make a corrugated plastic cover is correct. It shows no scratches or dirt. Yes, fingerprints are invisible. Therefore, you can do without a case.

Battery and its capabilities
Lenovo A316i battery has a small capacity. A review of its technical parameters indicates a value of 1300 milliamps / hours. On the other hand, do not forget that this smart phone is based on an energy-efficient MTK 6572 chip with 2 cores based on the Cortex-A7 architecture. Also, the screen diagonal of the A316i is only 4 inches. As a result, we get a fairly balanced solution with a good level of autonomy. In standby mode, this gadget can stretch for half a month. In reality, one battery charge will last for 2-3 days of active use.
Programming environment
Not the latest version of Android installed on Lenovo A316i. The instructions for the device indicate a modification with serial number 4.2. But it is immediately worth noting that we are talking about a modified operating system. First of all, you need to highlight the Lenovo Laucher. It allows you to optimize and properly customize the interface of the operating system. For instant text messaging, Evernote is installed in the system. The weather forecast for the next few days can be found using a widget such as AccuWeather.
Don't forget Chinesemanufacturer install and antivirus on this smartphone. In this case, we are talking about SECURE it. There are also social services available, among which are the classic Facebook and Twitter. Their domestic counterparts will have to be installed from the Play Market. To make video calls and exchange text messages, Skype is pre-installed on the device. Among the toys are Texas Poker and Fishing Joy. The first of them is a set of poker games, and the second is a kind of fishing. Everything else, as noted earlier, will have to be installed from the Play Market.

This budget smartphone has a rather limited set of communications. Again, an entry-level device, and as a result, it has only the essentials. And his set of communications is as follows:
- Wireless Wi-Fi interface allows you to get high speed access to the Global Web. Depending on the capabilities of the transmitter, it can reach a phenomenal 150 Mbps. This data exchange mode is suitable for all Internet resources: from simple blogs and social services to "heavy" sites - everything will just fly with this connection.
- Another wireless interface is bluetooth. This device has version 3.0 installed. It can transfer small files such as videos or MP3 songs.
- One communication module for 3rd and 2nd generation networks is provided. It’s worth mentioning right away: make video calls with hishelp is impossible, but you can receive data from the Internet at speeds up to 20 Mbps. In reality, the speed will be less - about 3 Mbps. If the device works in a 2nd generation network, then this value will decrease even more and amount to several hundred kilobytes. Another important nuance: our smartphone is Lenovo A316i DUAL SIM. That is, two SIM cards can be installed in it. But the first of them can work in two standards at once, and the second - only in GSM.
- To connect to a personal computer, the most common standard is Micro USB.
- A-GPS transmitter is used to navigate the area.
And now about what this smartphone lacks. There is no support for 4th generation networks, there is no full-fledged GPS, an infrared port is not integrated. But this is an economy-class smartphone, and all of the above will already be superfluous in the basic configuration.

Reviews and summaries
Lenovo A316i turned out to be quite modest in terms of characteristics and parameters. Feedback from the owners of the gadget confirms this. A weak processor part, a low level of performance of a graphics adapter, a small amount of RAM and built-in memory - this is not a complete list of the facts that can be heard from those who have purchased such a gadget. But, on the other hand, this smartphone belongs, as has been emphasized more than once, to the budget segment. That is, this is the most affordable device. As a result, its level of functionality is minimal, but at the same time the price is quite modest. In this case, we are talking about 70 US dollars. At this price and with similar technical characteristics, it will be difficult to find a better offer today.