For some gardeners and landowners, birds have become real pests. Flying in flocks, they steal part of the grain reserves and crops. But city dwellers can also suffer from the neighborhood with some birds. For example, ringing twitter under the window in the early morning or "bombardment" of parking lots can become unbearable for a person.
Ways to control feathered pests
The most humane and appropriate way to deal with this problem is to scare away birds. Today, the market offers many devices that are designed specifically for this purpose. It can be noted that there is no universal device, and crows may not be afraid of what seagulls react to. Therefore, bird repellers differ from each other by the principle of operation and the area of impact. The main types of devices and their features are described below.
Ultrasonic Repeller

Today, the ultrasonic bird repeller is considered the most popular. Usually it is chosen because in the pricecategory, it is the most affordable, it is easy to install and operate. During its operation, it does not create discomfort for humans and at the same time affects birds and, possibly, rodents. The bottom line is that animals and birds perceive a larger sound range than the human ear (up to 20 kHz), and therefore those signals that we do not hear and do not perceive at all act frighteningly on birds. The fluctuation of ultrasonic frequencies makes them afraid of possible danger, and the instinct of self-preservation does not allow them to settle in this place. If you turn on the device and wait three weeks, all the birds that wanted to settle here will leave these places forever. If the device is equipped with automatic frequency switching, this will also affect rodents, as they will not be able to get used to one stable signal.
Disadvantages of ultrasonic devices
But this kind of bird repeller has its drawbacks. The specificity of ultrasound allows you to cover a small area. Usually its protection extends to 600 square meters. meters. If this is a very inexpensive device, the area it protects is barely 100 square meters. meters. Therefore, the ultrasonic bird repeller is suitable for use in small garden plots, vegetable gardens, hangars, garages.

It is also important to consider the place of its installation, because ultrasound is not able to penetrate partitions, walls and glass. When this sound reaches an obstacle, it is reflected from it, so the device works well only in open places.
Modified ultrasonic devices
Some ultrasonic bird repellers have an enhanced effect on "uninvited guests". They are equipped with lighting devices and motion sensors (to save energy). Together, light and ultrasound at short distances provide maximum efficiency. But it is better to purchase such devices if people or vehicles do not often pass in the coverage area. Although some devices have the ability to set against false positives or the ability to turn off this function at certain hours.
Bioacoustic repellers
This type of device imitates the sounds of birds warning of danger or the cries of birds of prey. These devices cover an area much larger than their ultrasonic counterparts, since it is possible to turn on several emitters at the same time. Also, the sonic bird repeller has a durable design that can be used in various weather conditions.

The disadvantages include the fact that these devices are narrowly focused, that is, they scare away only a certain type of birds. Other groups of birds may not respond at all to these sounds. But if you find a good manufacturer, you can order an individual device from precisely those "pests" that prevail in your area.
Laser repellers
This type of device is mainly used in large enterprises, such as airports. Their work requires the constant participation of a person, but of all these repellersbirds are considered the most productive. The bird perceives a bright, fast-moving beam as a threat to life. Laser handheld devices are expensive and considered professional.

There are stationary installations, and they are applied offline. But during daylight hours they are indiscriminate and ineffective. Such devices are suitable for those places where ultrasonic repellers are not able to cover the territory, and the use of bioacoustic devices is unacceptable.
Propane guns
These devices scare away all birds and animals with the sound of a noisy shot. The gun fires at the set time and is powered by a propane tank. Although there is no need for installation, the cylinder needs to be replaced periodically. The shots are very noisy, so these repellers are mainly used in fields and other farm plantings.

Complex repellers
Universal types of devices for scaring away birds usually combine several of the above characteristics in their device. You can often see a device that, in addition to ultrasound, includes bioacoustics. Manufacturers claim that the advantage of these repellers is a high probability that birds will not settle near your site if they do not succumb to fear from sound vibrations, perhaps they are affected by the cry of alien birds. But such devices, as a rule, have large dimensions, significant power consumption and low efficiency. In addition, the cost of upgradeddevices are much higher than narrowly targeted repellers.
Popular scarers
Having considered the main categories of bird scaring devices, we can assume which type of device is most relevant in your situation. So, among the ultrasonic devices there is a bird repeller "WK-0020". The waves that this device sends are not caught by pets, and at the same time they are heard by birds such as starlings, crows, pigeons, sparrows. The device can be installed on the balcony, attic, near the garage, in a small utility room. It requires two batteries (AA) to operate.
Bird scarers: people's reviews

As soon as a device for scaring away birds appeared on the market, not only the owners of country plots, but also city residents immediately began to be interested in it. But, unfortunately, many were disappointed, because they do not work on most birds. For example, the sound bird repeller "LS-2001" imitates the calls of a hawk, an owl and a falcon, but city sparrows and other daredevils, as it turned out, are not afraid of them and can sit quietly and coo near the "sound-emitting" device. Therefore, in order for the device to be effective, it is necessary to know exactly which birds are afraid of certain predators. For example, outside the city, starlings know what a predator is, and really fall, hugging the ground.
Some owners also recommend careful approach to the choice of ultrasonic devices, because they have seen from their own experience that brave pigeons not only are not afraid of these sounds, but, on the contrary, flock tothem and try to sit as close to them as possible.
If you decide to purchase a bird repeller, try to carefully approach its choice and find out exactly which birds it acts on. Also, do not believe the promises of advertising, since most devices are not able to drive away all kinds of birds.