Application "Yula", reviews of which can be found on the Internet, is another development for the promotion and sale of goods and services. Many people have already downloaded this program on their phones and use it with success. And some people didn't like it. Let's understand the principles of operation and consider the advantages and disadvantages of this application.
First presentation of Yula application
The developers launched the new product in October 2015. The peak of initial download activity was recorded between January and April of the following year. There was no loud advertising, and users learned about the product by accident. Information was disseminated by "word of mouth" and through closed channels. By August 2016, when all the shortcomings and shortcomings were corrected, the Yula application began to be actively advertised in social networks and on leading television channels.
And on August 10, 2016, published news about the success of the mobile service. The Yula app, which received mostly positive reviews on Google Play, has become really popular.

Number of users
According to official statistics, more than 2.5 million people use the app every month. Critics appreciated the feedback about "Yulya" - the application was recognized as the main competitor-prototype of the long-existing "Avito". And although journalists do not believe in the same success, a large number of regular users speaks of the demand for the service among ordinary people.
Registration and how it works
You can download the program for submitting free ads to your smartphone with both Android and iOS systems.
After downloading the application, the service requests registration data. You can go through this procedure by specifying the phone number to which Yula will be automatically linked. It is also possible to register through social networks.
The process takes a few minutes, after which you can immediately start publishing your ad. As users confirm, the quality of the interface is excellent. The Yula application, reviews of which are constantly being added, is liked by users for its simplicity and clarity.

App Benefits
My account has three sections:
- "For Sale";
- "Sold out";
- "Archive".
It was possible to submit ads in any quantity without restrictions, although now some users have noticed that there is still a limit. Each product can be accompanied by photos - four windows are available forphoto.
You can contact the seller directly from the application via a message or a call if he indicated this option in his personal account. Users note the convenient ability to add the item they like to favorites in order to return to it later. You can also sort ads according to your needs.
But the reviews also point to shortcomings. So, until September 2016, it was possible to raise your product in the feed for free, but after the next update, this opportunity disappeared. Now you can increase the views of your ad only by receiving bonuses that you can buy or get for recommending friends. Periodically, users receive ten bonuses for free.

App feature: geolocation
When submitting an ad, the application automatically determines the location of the person who entered the request, which ensures the choice of products nearby. The application also shows the distance to the place on the map. And through the built-in filters, you can manage the categories of goods for viewing.
As the reviews of real users on the Yula application indicate, it has some flaws, which is facilitated by the constant comparison with Avito. Despite all the advantages, many simply do not see the point in using this "raw" application when there is a service that has already proven itself for a long time.