How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon: instructions and recommendations

How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon: instructions and recommendations
How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon: instructions and recommendations

How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon? Next, we will try to deal with this issue in detail. This is not the most difficult task, but transactions through mobile devices are not familiar to everyone. Their knowledge makes life much easier. What are the nuances of translations to pay attention to? How to cope with the tasks?

Transaction methods

To begin with, we will try to understand how to transfer money from MTS to absolutely any other number. Is it even possible to do this?

how to transfer money from mts to megaphone
how to transfer money from mts to megaphone

Yes, subscribers are able to use several methods to make transactions between different telecom operators. And MTS is no exception.

You can act like this:

  • send USSD request;
  • transfer funds via SMS;
  • use the "MTS Personal Account".

How exactly to carry out transactions? The answer depends on the user's personal preference. Everyone chooses a method that is convenient for him. Next, we will look at each approach in detail.

USSD commands

How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon? The first option is to use special USSD commands. They are in high demand by customers.

Transaction guidance is as follows:

  1. Dial 115 on your phone.
  2. Press 1.
  3. Click on number 3.
  4. Indicate the number of the recipient of funds.
  5. Enter the transfer amount.
  6. Click on "Send".
  7. Double click on 1.
  8. Click the "Submit" button again.

Almost instantly, the recipient subscriber will receive an SMS to confirm the payment. You must type any text in the window that appears (except 0).

mts money
mts money

SMS commands

But this is only one of the possible scenarios. Thinking about how to transfer money from MTS to Megafon, the user must take into account SMS requests. They are not used as often, but you should know about them.

The step-by-step algorithm for transferring money from MTS to the Megafon operator is represented by the following steps:

  1. Open a new SMS on your phone.
  2. Write in the text transfer money, where "money" is the amount you want to write off in favor of a friend.
  3. In the "Recipient" section, indicate the person to whom the money will be transferred.
  4. Send a message to the subscriber.
  5. Perform the steps to confirm the payment. Instructions will be sent via SMS from 6996.

After some time, the payerwill receive a message that the money was successfully transferred to the specified phone number. This is how easy and simple it is to transfer the necessary amount from MTS to Megafon.

"Personal account" to help

But that's not all. MTS subscribers can perform the operation in a slightly different way. Namely, use the "Personal Account" to conduct any transactions with SIM-cards.

How exactly to proceed? Everything is not so difficult. Enough:

  1. Go to the MTS website.
  2. Enter the "Personal Account" using the previously received login and password.
  3. Go to
  4. Select "Megafon" in the list of telecom operators.
  5. Enter the number of the recipient of funds, as well as the value of the transaction.
  6. Put a check mark near item "C" of the MTS personal account".
  7. Click on "Next".
  8. Confirm operation.

This technique is called "Easy payment". When transferring money, a fee will be charged. At the moment it is 5% + 10 rubles.

mts money transfer
mts money transfer

Terms and Conditions

How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon, we figured it out. But this is not enough to successfully complete the transaction. It is necessary to remember the conditions that are put forward by the telecom operator.

Among them are the following items:

  • on the mobile phone after the transaction must remain at least 10 rubles;
  • the subscriber does not use Super MTS and Super Zero tariffs;
  • the one who transfers money has not set himself any prohibitions on such transactions;
  • average transaction fee is 10%;
  • through "Easy payment" you can not carry out more than 5 transactions per day;
  • the maximum payment per transaction is 15,000 rubles.

These are all conditions. There are not many of them, and there is nothing wrong with them.


How to transfer money from MTS to Megafon? What does that require? On modern smartphones, at the beginning of work with MTS SIM cards, software called MTS-service is installed. With its help, it is allowed to carry out any operations with the number - replenishment of the account, money transfers, change of the tariff and obtaining information about the current maintenance of the phone.

In general, the algorithm of actions will look something like this:

  1. Open "MTS service".
  2. Select "Transfers".
  3. Click on "Other operator".
  4. Indicate the phone number for crediting money.
  5. Enter the value of the transaction.
  6. Perform confirmation of sending the request.

This is how you can easily transfer finances to the phone number of any other operator. The MTS-service menu is extremely simple and clear. It is easy to use even for novice subscribers.

transfer from mts to megaphone
transfer from mts to megaphone


As you can see, the consideredthe question is far from the most difficult task, but not all subscribers can cope with it due to lack of knowledge.

Some people wonder how to transfer funds from MTS to MTS. In this case, it is recommended to use the command 112subscriber_numbertransfer_amount. It remains only to ring the request and wait for it to be processed. In a few minutes, the money will be with another MTS subscriber.
