How to put a password on an application or folder on an iPhone?

How to put a password on an application or folder on an iPhone?
How to put a password on an application or folder on an iPhone?

Every year there are more and more happy iPhone owners in Russia. In this connection, in an effort to protect their personal data from prying eyes, Apple product users are wondering how to put a password on an application on an iPhone or password protect a folder with photos.

Password for programs

There are several ways to put a password on an application installed on your phone on an iPhone. But provided by the device is not very convenient to use. One of its few advantages is that you don't need to install additional software, allowing you to save more free space.

folder password
folder password

To set a password in the standard way, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, where you should select the "Basic" and "Restrictions" items. In the window that opens, the "Enable restrictions" button will be active by default - after clicking it, you will be prompted to enter a 4-digit code. This password will be requested each time the selected applications are launched. Toto determine the list of programs that will be protected, you need to scroll down below, mark the necessary ones from the proposed list. It is worth noting that in addition to opening programs, you can also password-protect the installation or removal of applications on the device.

Alternative ways

More convenient to use is the way to install special applications. How to put a password on an application on an iPhone depends on the selected protector program. However, for most of them, the principle of operation and configuration are the same. As an example, it is worth figuring out how to set a password on one of the most popular applications - iAppLock, which is freely available in the App Store.

To install a security code, you need to run the security program and select the type of protection and the necessary applications in the settings. One of the advantages of using additional software is the ability to choose the type of protection: graphic code, numeric PIN or regular password.

Password for the folder

Studying how to put a password on a folder, you can see that it is also possible to use both standard iPhone tools and install special programs. By default, you can password-protect any folder in the same way as applications. In the "Restrictions" section, at the bottom of the list of applications proposed for setting a password, you must select the appropriate folder.

how to set a password
how to set a password

It is worth noting that this case will protect access to files in the folder only when entering through the standard file manager. Any other application that triesget access to closed files, will be able to do this without calling the pin code input field.

Analogues of blocking

As with applications, there are several dozens of different programs for setting a password for folders. Each of them allows you to block free access to files inside the directory in a certain way. One of the most common locking tools is Folder Lock, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store.

how to set app password on iphone
how to set app password on iphone

After the installation of the application is completed, the corresponding item will appear in the "Settings" menu, in which you can select folders and the type of protection. The program also allows you to password-protect a number of other elements of the iPhone, including "Settings", the contact list and the camera.

Other protections

However, to protect your personal data, you do not need to know how to put a password on an application or folder on an iPhone. If you just want to block access to outsiders to some files or programs, you can hide them from the main menu or file manager. Thus, you can not be afraid to forget the password or pattern for accessing data at a crucial moment. To open hidden folders or applications, it is enough to return them to the display in the menu. For greater convenience, there are special programs that allow you to do this in a few clicks, but using them will increase the likelihood that the data will be detected.
