A few tips on what to do if your phone is lost

A few tips on what to do if your phone is lost
A few tips on what to do if your phone is lost

Mobile phones, which until recently seemed like a luxury, have firmly entered our lives. It is impossible to imagine how we used to live without this device. Photos and videos with memorable events and contacts of friends, relatives and just acquaintances are stored there. But what if one day you realize that you have lost your cell phone? What actions should be taken and what should be done?

what to do if the phone is lost
what to do if the phone is lost

How to find a lost phone?

If the phone is lost, first of all you need to remember where this could happen and quickly return to that place. Then dial your number from another phone and listen, maybe he is somewhere nearby. Then, according to the sound of your favorite melody set to the call, there will be a loss. But this is only if someone is not ahead of you. If the phone was never found, you need to try to call it again, and if you're lucky and the finder picks up the phone, try to negotiate with him about a refund for a fee. Usually, the new owners of your mobile phone willingly agree to this, because with the found phone there is not so littleproblems. Designate a reward of about half of its real value at the moment, and the question of how to find a lost cell phone will disappear by itself. After all, the one who found it, selling the phone without documents, chargers and boxes, is unlikely to be more expensive than the reward you offered. What should I do if the phone is lost and the voice of the answering machine is heard in the handset, which informs that the phone is turned off or is out of network coverage? In this case, there is little chance of finding a loss. This means one thing - the new owner threw away the SIM card. All you have to do is forget and buy yourself a new machine.

lost cell phone
lost cell phone

If there is no hope

What to do if the phone is lost, but there are a lot of funds in the account? If you do not want to go into negative territory, you must immediately contact your mobile operator and block your SIM card. But then the chances that the person who found your mobile phone will contact you are zero. Sometimes it happens that you cannot contact the operator, and you don’t want to lose the amount on your cell phone account. Then there is only one thing left - to call without interruption to your number, and most likely, the one who found your mobile will get bored and turn off the phone. And you can contact the operator and block the SIM card.

What to do in case of theft

In case of loss, it is pointless to contact the police, they will definitely refuse you there. You should write a statement only when the phone was stolen. They simply do not have the right not to accept such a statement. It must be accompanied by documents for the phone, receipt and box, where indicatedphone identification number, it can be used to track which number this phone is serviced by. But even in this case, the chances are not so great.

how to find a lost phone
how to find a lost phone

What should I do if my phone is lost at home and the battery is dead? First you need to be patient and remember where the last conversation took place. Then carefully examine the apartment, inspect the chairs and sofas. If you have a habit of talking and doing several things at the same time, you need to check the most unexpected places to look. They can be not only a closet, but even a refrigerator and a washing machine. Loss in the house is not so terrible, because the phone will be found sooner or later. But in order not to wonder what to do if the phone is lost, you must always control your own actions and keep an eye on your things.
