How to add a photo to Odnoklassniki? For the old-timers of the site, who already know it like the back of their hand, this will not be difficult. But beginners can still get lost in the vastness of the popular social network. In fact, this procedure is quite simple, and any user can handle it.

So, how to add a photo to Odnoklassniki?
To begin with, the desired photos should already be on your computer, and you need to know what folder they are in. You can also just move them to your desktop. To do this, open the folder with photos and drag the necessary ones with the mouse.
Now we go to our page and start to figure out how to upload a photo to Odnoklassniki. This can be done in two ways. The fact is that there all photos are divided into personal and photos from the albums that you will create.
Method number 1. If you add personal photos
On your page on the left side, go to the "Add a personal photo" section. A window with folders on your computer will open in front of you, find the photo you need,select it and click on the "Open" button.

After that, your photo will be uploaded to the server, and you will automatically go to the "Tag friends and add a description" section. There you can sign your photo and tag whoever is in it.
By the way, later you can freely edit your signatures and marks. And one more thing: it is from the “Personal photos” section that images are installed on the main page, this cannot be done from albums.
Method number 2. How to add a photo to Odnoklassniki in the "Photo Albums" section?
On the main page under your last name (it can be just a first name or anything at all) there is a line with sections. Go to Photos. Here you can add personal images and create your own albums.
If you want to create an album, then click on the "Photo Albums" tab, then on the "Create Photo Album" icon. A window will appear in front of you where you can write a name and mark those who can view it. Click "Save" and add the necessary images, as described earlier.

Not so long ago it became possible to add a video to Odnoklassniki. In principle, this could have been done before, but you had to place your video file on another resource (specially designed for this), and only a link to this file was added to Odnoklassniki, and the ability to view it remained.
Now it's much easier. On your page at the top, find a thickorange bar with the listed sections, go to "Video". On the page that opens, in the upper left corner, click on the "Add Video" button. A window appears in which you need to select the desired video, select it and click on the "Open" button. In the next window, you give your file a name, description, insert keywords and click "Save". Your video file will be uploaded to the server. Now you can view it in the "My Video" section, which you will find on the left side under the "Add Video" button.
That's all the answers to the question of how to add a photo to Odnoklassniki, as well as a video. Everything is quite simple, and special knowledge is not required for this, you only need to do it yourself once. By the way, in the same way you can add some interesting or funny pictures and create albums with them, for example, for congratulations. And then mark your friends on one of the postcards, congratulating them on the New Year or Birthday in this way.