Changing the Tele2 tariff: methods, selection of tariff plans

Changing the Tele2 tariff: methods, selection of tariff plans
Changing the Tele2 tariff: methods, selection of tariff plans

Sooner or later there comes a moment when subscribers think about how to change the tariff. This question is asked by people in different cases. Some people liked the new tariff plan, while others just changed their needs. Changing the tariff in Tele2 is a fairly simple action. Let's find out how to change, as well as what tariff plans you can connect today.

Methods of changing the tariff

You can change your plan in a few simple ways. One of them is the use of a command. It is published on the official website of the company. For example, subscribers in Moscow and the Moscow Region can switch to the My Online tariff by dialing the combination 63050015 and the call key.

An even easier way to change the Tele2 tariff is to enter the phone number on the operator's official website in the window with the selected tariff plan. The old tariff is automatically disabled. It is important to familiarize yourself with the cost of switching before changing the tariff plan:

  1. On tariffs withYou don't need to pay a monthly subscription fee. It is necessary to have on the balance only an amount equal to the subscription fee. It will be charged immediately after the tariff change.
  2. On tariff plans with and without a daily subscription fee, the cost of the transition is 0 only when the user has never changed the Tele2 tariff for 30 days. Otherwise, you will have to pay a certain amount for the connection service.

You can also contact any mobile phone store about changing the tariff.

Tariff change in the Tele2 salon
Tariff change in the Tele2 salon

What is important to know before changing the tariff

It is convenient to choose a tariff plan on the official website. It contains all the information about the size of additional packages, cost, etc. It is important only to indicate the region of residence at the top of the Internet resource. This must be done in order to find out the latest information before changing the Tele2 tariff. Each region has its own conditions, different commands for connection.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow Region, the following parameters are set on the My Online + tariff: 30 GB of Internet, unlimited social networks and communication applications, 800 free minutes and unlimited on Tele2 Russia, 50 SMS messages, subscription fee of 700 rubles per month. In the Novosibirsk region, this tariff differs in the amount of traffic (25 GB), the number of free minutes (700 minutes) and the amount of the monthly subscription fee (360 rubles).

Current tariff plans for smartphone

Today cell phoneThe operator offers its subscribers several tariff plans. Changing the Tele2 tariff is possible for the following options:

  1. "My Tele2". This is a daily subscription plan. It offers a small package of Internet traffic, unlimited calls to Tele2 Russia.
  2. "My conversation". This is a monthly subscription plan. It is similar to "My Tele2", but it has an additional difference - a package with free minutes for communicating with subscribers connected to other operators.
  3. "My online" and "My online +". These tariffs are characterized by wider opportunities for communication. They provide quite large packages with gigabytes and free minutes.
  4. "Classic". This is a simple plan with no monthly fees.
Tariffs for smartphones from "Tele2"
Tariffs for smartphones from "Tele2"

Internet from Tele2 for devices

A SIM card from Tele2 can be used in a modem for a computer. That is why the company has created a special tariff plan "Internet for Devices". You can switch to it by changing the Tele2 tariff that is valid on the SIM card. Standard Internet for Devices terms do not include subscription fees. Every megabyte spent is paid.

However, it is not necessary to leave the standard conditions. At the “Internet for Devices” tariff, more profitable options are available for connection with traffic packages of different sizes. Some options provide unlimited access to the World Wide Web at night.

Tariff forInternet from "Tele2"
Tariff forInternet from "Tele2"

Archive rates

The company also has archival tariff plans. They are valid for those subscribers who have not yet abandoned them. For new connections, such tariffs are not available. Previously, there were many profitable and interesting plans that made you think about changing the tariff for Tele2. Orange is one of them. This tariff plan was distinguished by the same cost of calls to the numbers of all operators in the home region. Now "Orange" is closed for new connections.

There was another plan that suggested the idea of changing the Tele2 tariff. "Blue" was his name. This tariff plan provided an opportunity for almost free communication with other subscribers of this mobile operator in the home region. Blue is currently unavailable for transitions and new connections.

Archival tariffs "Tele2"
Archival tariffs "Tele2"

Many archival plans have left positive impressions. However, the existing tariffs are also quite interesting. Of these, there is something to choose from when changing your needs. In addition, the company does not stand still, but keeps pace with the times, develops. Periodically, it opens new tariff plans, so the question of changing tariffs will always be relevant. And finally, a little advice. If your tariff seems unprofitable to you, take a look at the website of the mobile operator. Among the existing tariff plans, you can find something suitable for yourself.