This article will be, as it were, an instruction for entering the so-called BISS keys into the tuner. Many users can do it themselves. They just don't know how to enter the BISS keys into the tuner themselves. This question will be answered in this article. How to enter BISS keys into Eurosky tuner? Where can you find them? Here we provide step by step instructions. After reading this article, each user will understand how to enter the BISS keys into the tuner installed in his home.
Entering BISS keys into the tuner "Openbox x800"
This is one of the most popular devices. Here the question of how to enter the BISS keys into the Openbox tuner will be considered. The task will be solved using the x800 device as an example. Everything is quite simple here. This key entry is done manually. First you need to select the channel into which this key will be inserted. It is worth noting the plus of such a tuner - the menu in Russian. Thanks to this, the operations for entering the BISS keys will be many times easier and faster. So, when the channel is selected, on the remote control of the tuner, you must press the "Menu" button. Next, the numbers 1117 are dialed. When the data is entered, beforethe user will instantly open a dialog menu in which it is necessary to select the column with the inscription "Biss" with the remote control.

After that, the user gets to the next window, where on the right you can see the keys for video and audio. Under each position there is a list of keys. In order to add a new one, you must press the green button on your remote control. Let's stop here for a second and note that in the new key that the user has, it is imperative to remove the fourth and last pair of numbers. Otherwise, if this is not done, the tuner will not show. It is also necessary to take into account that the key is entered as much as twice - for video and for audio.
When the key is entered, you must press the "OK" button on the remote control twice. By pressing once, the user saves the key, and the second - binds the key to the selected channel. Next, you need to click the "Exit" button. If necessary, this procedure should be repeated with other channels. This completes the procedure. So, we figured out how to enter BISS keys into the Openbox x800 tuner. When the work is completed, the custom channel will immediately begin its broadcast. This method is suitable for all lines that this tuner broadcasts.
How to insert BISS keys into Eurosky tuner
This is another popular TV tuner brand. The Eurosky 4100 model will serve as an example for explanation. Such a device is used quite often. So, how to enter BISS keys into the tunerEurosky 4100? Everything is easy here. As with the previous tuner, you first need to select a specific channel. Next, you need to enter a small code 9339 using your tuner control panel. Immediately before the user opens a small settings menu. It should stop at a small item Key Edit.

After that, a menu of a larger size will instantly appear in front of the user. It should focus on the next item - "BISS". Next, a large list of keys will appear on the screen. The next step is to press the green button on the tuner remote control. A special strip for editing data appears on the screen. Then you need to skip the first four digits in this line and enter the key received in advance. In addition, you should select the desired frequency of the channel that was specified by the user before entering the BISS key.
The rest of the numbers are driven in. When the numbers are fully entered, press the "OK" button on the tuner remote control. Now you can safely exit the menu, and the channel will immediately start broadcasting. So, we understand how to enter the BISS keys into the Eurosky tuner. There should be no particular problems when loading all the data. If the user doubts his own abilities, then it is best to entrust this setting to specialists. Now you can start parsing other tuners.
Entering keys into the tuner "Tiger"
The peculiarity of this device is that the BISS keys can be entered both through the tuner itself andthrough a personal computer. First, an example of data entry in the standard way will be considered, and then through a PC.
How to enter BISS keys into the "Tiger" tuner in the standard way
As you might guess, the input will be made using the tuner's remote control. First you need to select the "Menu" button on the remote control. Next, the user must find the second item from the top.
A small menu will appear on the screen, which consists of three items. The user should select the latter. Having opened the next window, you must press, as in the previous examples, the green button on your remote control to control the tuner. The next step is to enter the data below using the same remote control.

The data is as follows:
- CAID - at this point you must enter four digits - 2600.
- The ProvID field is blank.
- SID. This is the ID of the TV channel provider. You can find out by pressing the "Info" button three times while watching the desired channel.
- The next item is PMT PID. It should also not be touched. It remains unchanged.
- ECM PI. At this point, you must enter 1FFF.
- EVEN CW and ODD CW. In these two items, you must enter the BISS key.
When all the data is specified, you should select the "OK" key on your remote control to control the tuner. After that, the channel will start broadcasting automatically.
That's all there is to say about how to enter BISS keys intoTuner Tiger. Next, the data entry method using a personal computer will be discussed. It is no more difficult than the previous one.
Entering BISS keys using a personal computer
How to enter the BISS keys into the tuner "Tiger" using a computer? Everything here is quite simple and clear. First you need to prepare the necessary file. It can be easily downloaded from the Internet. To do this, in the search engine you need to enter the full name of the file and the tuner. In order to continue using this file, you need to edit it. To do this, you need to have WordPAD installed on your computer. Next, when the necessary programs are downloaded, you need to edit the file so that it looks like this: CAID ProvID SID PMTPID ECMPID EVENCw ODDCW. Now we upload everything to a flash drive. And she, in turn, is inserted into the tuner socket.

When the user inserts the media, he needs to go to a small menu and select an item called "Update via USB". In the menu that appears, select the last item. A small window will appear in front of us, in which you should enter the following data:
- CAID - at this point you need to enter only four digits - 2600.
- The ProvID field is blank.
- SID. This is the ID of the TV channel provider. We recognize it by pressing the "Info" button three times while watching the desired channel.
- PMT PID remains unchanged.
- ECM PI. At this point, you must enter 1FFF.
- EVEN CW and ODD CW. In these two points, you should enter this BISS key.
So, the answer to the question of how to enter the BISS key into the "Tiger" tuner has been found. It is in this way that you can enter new data into the device in question using a conventional personal computer. Which method to use is up to the user to decide.
Entering BISS keys into the tuner "Orton 4050C"
For example, a slightly different device model will be indicated here. How to enter BISS keys into the tuner "Orton 4050s"? Again, this is pretty simple. In the list of channels, you need to select the channel you need and select the "OK" button. Then, using your remote control to control the tuner, you should dial a combination of numbers 9339. When the code is fully entered, a small window will open in front of the user, in which you need to select the last item and press the "OK" button. Next, select "BISS". A small list of keys will appear on the screen.

Then select the green button on the remote control. In the window that appears, correctly enter the ID-frequency of the selected channel. And it is worth remembering that it consists of a large number of digits, but only the first five are entered. After that, the BISS key itself is indicated directly. After entering it, select the "OK" button. This way the user will store the key in the tuner's memory. Now you need to exit completely from the menu. The channel will start broadcasting automatically.immediately after entering new data into the tuner.
Besides this method, there is another one. He will help even a beginner to understand how to enter BISS keys into the Orton tuner. About him and will be written below.
The second way to enter the BISS keys into the tuner "Orton"
So, you need to select a channel. Then you need to scan the transponder. Now we press the left button, which is located under the number keys on the control panel. The user enters a window where absolutely all information about the channel is written. Next, you need to select the red button on your remote control to control it. The same key entry window opens before the user as in the first example. But the difference is that the first and second columns are already filled in automatically. Therefore, the user only needs to enter the numbers.
When they are specified, click on the "OK" button. After that, the previous window will immediately open, from which you need to exit. Next, select the "OK" button again. At this stage, the entry of the BISS key is completed. As in the previous method, the channel will start broadcasting automatically immediately after entering all new data into the tuner.
These two ways are absolutely suitable for this tuner. Of course, the second method is much shorter and simpler. But which one to use is up to the user to decide.
Entering BISS keys into the Globo tuner
This part of the article will describe how to enter the BISS key into the Globo tuner. This procedure will not take much time. This is done quickly and easily.
First of all, select the desired channel. Then you need to enter a small code - 9339. In the dialog box that appears, select the last item and press the "OK" button on your remote control to control the tuner. In the next window, the user must select the "BISS" item. When a new window opens, press the green button and wait for the next window. In it, you should accurately enter this BISS key, and then click the "OK" button. This completes the procedure.

However, there is another way. It is similar to the second option for introducing a key into the previous tuner. Select the desired channel and press the "Info" button on the remote control. After that, when a new window opens, you should find the red button. A window for entering new data will instantly open before the user. Now the number keys are used to enter the BISS key. It is saved by pressing the "OK" button on the remote control to control the tuner. After that, you need to completely exit all menu windows. This completes the installation. The channel will automatically start broadcasting after completing the BISS key entry. You can safely enjoy watching your favorite TV shows.
Entering BISS keys into the tuner U2C
How to enter the BISS keys into the U2C tuner will be written in this part of the article. Compared to other options, setting up this particular tuner is perhaps the easiest. If in previous devices the input of new data took a maximum of ten minutes, then here everything happens in five minutes. Costsnote that there are two ways to enter the BISS keys into the U2C tuner. And now it's time to talk about all this in order.
- Method one. You need to choose the right channel. After that, enter the number 0000 using the remote control to control the tuner. A small window for entering the BISS key will instantly appear on the screen. Now you need to click on the "OK" button. Everything, the data is saved, and you can watch the transmission. It is for such a small number of actions that this method is considered the most popular among users of U2C tuners.
- Method two. This option is suitable for those users who have "Super Settings" activated. First you need to enter them and select the item EMU Keys. In the window that appears, you can delete the BISS key, edit the old one, or add a completely new one. The user will need to select the "Add" action. After that, you should carefully enter this BISS key and click "OK". This completes the operation. You can completely exit the settings window.
We have considered both ways of entering BISS keys into the U2C tuner. After reviewing the features of the procedure, the user can only choose the most suitable option.
Where can I find BISS keys
Such data can be easily borrowed from the Internet. You just need to enter the name of the tuner and its model. You can also find keys on the tuner manufacturer's website. In addition, there are special programs that are easily installed on a smartphone. One thing is for sure: search problemsinformation will not arise from any user of tuners.

A small note. On the Internet, you can often find offers to buy BISS keys for your device. All this is a scam and nothing more. Such keys are provided at any time and absolutely free of charge. Neither the manufacturer nor the satellite TV operator charges for them.
Precautions while entering BISS keys
The operation of not only the channel, but also the tuner as a whole depends on how the BISS keys are entered correctly. This operation must be done without haste. You need to make sure that the numbers that the user enters into his tuner are suitable for this brand and this model. Before confirming the entry of the BISS key, you need to check several times whether it is written correctly. If everything is correct, then you can press the "OK" button.
If the key is entered erroneously, then all tuner settings are instantly lost. In no case should you try to fix the error yourself, otherwise it will only aggravate the situation. Instead, it is recommended to immediately call technical support and call specialists. They will not only restore all the settings, but also enter the necessary data themselves.
You can enter your BISS keys yourself. You don't need any special skills for this. It is important to remember only a few points: the BISS key must match the brand and model of the tuner, and you should not rush when entering numbers. Otherwise, the problem that has arisen withoutthe intervention of specialists cannot be solved.
This article is a small guide to getting BISS keys into your tuner. Following the step-by-step instructions and recommendations, you can quickly and independently complete the entire operation.