Panel "Romir": the principle of operation, reviews

Panel "Romir": the principle of operation, reviews
Panel "Romir": the principle of operation, reviews

Most housewives or young mothers on maternity leave are happy to accept some simple part-time job. As a result, they take part in various sociological surveys, play the role of a “mystery shopper” and even scan the goods they have purchased for their own needs. The latest newfangled hobby is better known as the Romir panel. What it is? How does it work? And what do the project participants say about it?

panel romir
panel romir

A few words about the company itself

"Romir" is a large domestic holding specializing in various private studies. The presentation of the first representative office opened by the company took place in 1987.

Since its inception, a small research company has grown into the largest independent holding, known far beyond Russia and the former CIS countries.

Today, Romir is actively cooperating with the international association Gallup International/WIN, exchanging experience and is one of the top 100 research organizations in Eastern and Central Europe.

The company's customers are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, manufacturersvarious goods and services, representatives of the network of gas stations, pharmacies, insurance and travel agencies, beauty centers and other individuals. The Romir research company is happy to cooperate with all of them. Reviews of its activities allow you to attract the attention of new and retain the favor of old customers, and also speak in favor of the positive reputation of this organization.

romir home consumption panel
romir home consumption panel

More about the company's project

Romir company (the home consumption panel is its own development, launched in 2007) offers easy income for housewives, mothers on maternity leave, and simply responsible people living in a certain area. His project is a panel that involves scanning products purchased in stores and their receipts. Currently, the project covers 52 cities of the Russian Federation.

romir consumption panel
romir consumption panel

How does shopping scan work?

Romir Panel, or Romir Panel, is considered one of the main projects of the company. As we said, it involves a kind of scanning of purchased products and their checks. This is done as follows:

  1. The project participant makes purchases in a store or any other place.
  2. Photographs receipts received for goods on any mobile device.
  3. Scans barcodes using the camera of a mobile device (for this, the camera extension must be at least 5 Megapixels, autofocus is also required).
  4. Enters by voice or manually goods that are not listed on the sitecompany.
  5. Indicates the cost and number of items purchased (according to receipt).
  6. Enters all the data into the company's database indicating the place, cost, quantity of the purchase, as well as the person for whom it was purchased (for example, a constructor for a child of 3 years old).

This is such an interesting consumer market research system that Romir came up with. How this method works and with what, we will describe below.

romir panel home
romir panel home

A few words about checks

In addition to the fact that each participant must scan receipts and barcodes of their purchases, they also need to send real sales receipts once a month by mail to the address of the Romir company. The home consumption panel, or further - the company's project, provides for sending these checks in a single envelope, which is issued to all participants in the study.

As many users say, this action is not entirely clear, since all these checks have long been indicated in the reports. However, this condition must be met. At the same time, on each check, you only need to indicate its number, which was previously entered into the database.

romir home consumption panel reviews
romir home consumption panel reviews

Romir Company: how does the scanner work?

Product scanning is usually carried out using a previously installed mobile application. There are currently available versions for the Android operating system. In addition to this application, it is also supposed to enter data using a computer and a scanner program specially installed on it.

However, according to many project participants (Romir panel), when scanning products and goods, it is much more convenient to work with a tablet or smartphone. With their help, it is not difficult to perform two actions at once: take a photo and immediately upload the completed result.

romir home consumption panel entrance
romir home consumption panel entrance

What items can be scanned?

At the moment, the Romir company (the consumption panel helps it collect data on certain groups of goods) is interested in analyzing the most common products used by our compatriots every day. For greater convenience, all potentially interesting products are divided into the following sections:

  • Cleaning and detergent products for the home (e.g. laundry detergent, fabric softeners, household chemicals).
  • Cosmetics (make-up remover, hair and body care).
  • Personal hygiene products (cotton buds, toothbrushes, feminine pads, diapers).
  • Drinks (juices, teas, kvass).
  • Fermented milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk).
  • Alcohol and beer.
  • Confectionery and bakery products.
  • Tobacco products.
  • Pasta.
  • Pet food.
  • Diet and baby food.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Sauces and mayonnaises.
  • Semi-finished products (for instant food), etc.

Also, the Romir panel involves entering information about such goods as large and small household appliances, books, shoes and clothes,garden tools, etc.

company romir reviews
company romir reviews

What services are of interest?

Besides the above-mentioned products, "Romir" (home consumption panel) implies scanning services. For example, if you decide to visit a hairdresser and get a haircut - do not forget to ask for a receipt and scan it. The same applies to the most visited beauty salons, swimming pools, utility bills, purchases in pharmacy kiosks and online stores. Sometimes project participants are advised to scan tickets purchased at the box office, for example, for a movie show, for air travel, etc.

How many items to scan?

According to the rules of the home consumption panel, or, as it is also called, the SCIF Panel, within a month, you need to perform a scheduled scan of goods and services from 10 groups of interest to the company.

However, this does not mean that each participant should specifically purchase some goods or services. Everything is purely individual and voluntary. According to many participants, you should not forcefully take products that you do not need. Exclusively only those that you really need for your home consumption.

Additional requests without scanning

Sometimes "Romir" - a home consumption panel (you will find reviews about this system in this article) - invites its participants to answer simple questions and take a survey.

At this time, they are asked a short list of questions about specific types of products or services. For example, in this surveythey may be interested in how often you buy coffee, which brand you prefer, what price you are willing to pay, etc. To date, the research organization conducts approximately 2-3 such surveys per month.

What reward can I get?

The Romir Project is a home consumption panel (entrance to it is carried out only after the conclusion of an agreement and the creation of a participant registration record), which offers its participants a certain reward.

The so-called salary, according to users, is calculated using points. Accordingly, the more purchases you scan, the more points you can earn. At the same time, it makes no difference whether you bought a huge plasma TV or bought a card to replenish your mobile. Again, the number of points does not depend on the size of the purchase and its value.

Also, a certain amount of conditional monetary units, let's call them that, is accrued after passing the scheduled testing (filling out questionnaires and participating in surveys) and for each paper check sent by mail. However, according to the terms of the project, the amount of purchases per person per month should be at least 3,000 rubles. Which, as users say, is not very difficult to organize. After all, you have to spend money every day.

How to spend earned points?

In the "Romir" system there is a minimum amount that can be withdrawn using virtual wallets ("Qiwi", "Yandex. Money" or "WebMoney"). Or is it possible to transferit to your mobile phone, thereby replenishing your account. According to the stories of the project participants, the minimum allowable amount for withdrawal is 535 points, which is approximately 150 rubles.

In addition to withdrawing to a virtual account, the accumulated points can be spent by choosing goods from the company's catalog for the appropriate amount. For example, it can be small and large household appliances, discount cards, discounts, etc.

How to become a member of the program?

At the moment, the site does not conduct open registration of participants. However, you can get into the project with the help of the official VKontakte group. It is here that a list of cities that are of interest to the company at one time or another is posted.

If the city where you live is on the list, you can safely leave a request in the comments. When it is approved, as a rule, a representative of the company comes directly to your house, who concludes a cooperation agreement with you, explains the rules for participation and helps install the scanning program.

What are they saying about the project?

In most cases, reviews about the company are positive. Users say that the company fulfills its obligations and makes all payments on time. However, if you want to take part in the project, get ready for monotonous and painstaking work.
