Event marketing as effective advertising for any business

Event marketing as effective advertising for any business
Event marketing as effective advertising for any business

In the past, low-budget audio clips on the radio or colorful announcements at bus stops were the main marketing ploys of companies to attract new customers. Now everything has changed - advertising has tremendous opportunities. Almost every month, new media and content developments appear on the advertising market. The manufacturer uses many different technologies to increase awareness and increase consumer demand for its product.

The market for goods and services is overcrowded, and every day there are more and more manufacturers

Event Marketing
Event Marketing

more. Hundreds of companies, if not thousands, are fighting for the attention of each buyer. For an effective advertising campaign, you have to use not only ATL technologies and BTL promotions.

Event marketing includes presentations, corporate events, promotions, fairs, charity events, holidays and so on.

BTL-technology - direct contact with the consumer. This method allows you to set"dialogue" between the company and a potential buyer, to push him to make a purchase.

One of the most effective areas of BTL is event marketing, or event-event. These marketing moves promote not only the product, but also the company itself. Large companies that care about their image regularly hold such promotions.

Marketing events
Marketing events

Event marketing almost always raises sales, and also forms the loy alty of the target audience. These events allow the consumer to touch the product, learn more about its production and brand. Also, at such meetings, the buyer feels taken care of himself, about his needs, which also becomes a plus for the manufacturer.

Event marketing will always have a social character. These projects can be broadly focused and have multiple founders and sponsors, as well as attract a large number of potential clients.

For successful event marketing, you need to clearly select the venue, staff or presenter, as well as the target audience. The organizer of the event must be not only a savvy showman, but also a competent marketer and, of course, a creative advertiser.

In order for event marketing to help you get the expected response from consumers, you need to clearly understand its goals - increasing loy alty or selling a product. The company must clearly understand what share of the budget should be spent on such an event.

Event organizer
Event organizer

One of the brightestevent, which was organized by SONY in the distant nineties, when their first mobile phone appeared on store shelves. The manufacturing company hired hundreds of actors who strutted around the nightclubs. They met different people and flirted with them. During the conversation, the actor's phone rang. Of course, it was that new mobile device. After this campaign, sales of the phone increased several times, the brand became more recognizable, because everyone was talking about strange acquaintances and an amazing "mobile phone".

Marketing activities can have different budgets. However, the most important thing in promotions is creativity. The event planner must think beyond the standard forms of advertising campaigns.

In history, one can find a huge number of examples of multi-budget promotions that failed, and in contrast to the high cost, you can put low-budget, but interesting and bright events, after which a dynamic increase in consumer loy alty followed.