Phone code 499. Whose?

Phone code 499. Whose?
Phone code 499. Whose?

Whose code is 499? Citizens who are accustomed to calling the capital, dialing 495 first, sometimes forget that Moscow has another telephone code. A huge number of residents of Belokamennaya did not have enough telephone numbers starting with four-nine-five. Therefore, an additional code was added, where another nine took the place of the last five. Now it’s clear whose code is 499. City of Moscow.

In many Moscow landline numbers, now you need to dial it.

whose area code is 499
whose area code is 499

Stationary. What is this?

Despite the fact that we all benefit from the era of high technology, some basic concepts in the field of communication remain unclear to many. And although almost every child now has a phone, not all adults can give an intelligible answer to the question of what it is.

"Distant sound" or "voice from afar" - this is how the word "telephone" is translated from the ancient Greek. That is, we are dealing with a certain apparatus that perceives and transmits sounds at a distance, in particular, human speech.

Today it isis due to electromagnetic signals replacing the direct acoustic signal used in the past.

Fixed means a device connected to a telephone line (either wired or wireless). The advantage of the latter is the ability to work even in the absence of electricity.

499 - area code Moscow
499 - area code Moscow

How to call?

There are ten digits in a Russian landline phone number. To call him, you must first dial the area code, and then the subscriber's number.

There are 3 digits in the codes of regional centers. For example, Moscow has the code 499. Those who happen to live in the Russian provinces use the five-digit code within the region.

++7 is the telephone code of the Russian Federation. It is typed before the area code and subscriber number and precedes the mobile number when calling from abroad. To access the international connection of the country from which the call is made, instead of ++, dial the prefix 00. Say, when calling a Moscow apartment or office from abroad, you need to dial 007, then the area code 499 before the subscriber's number. Those whose experience of international calls extensive, they know which code digits belong to which region. They are shown in the table.

Code Region
+0 Unused, formerly reserved for interplanetary communications
+1 Canada and the Caribbean. The USA, of course, is also number one
+2 Greenland, like Madagascar, and Africa
+3, +4 Europe
+5 Used by Mexico, Cuba and South America
+6 This code refers to part of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania
+7 Earlier - the entire USSR, and after its collapse, the seven remained with Russia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Kazakhstan
+8 East Asia
+9 Dialing nine, calls to Mongolia, the Middle East and South Asia

Just different codes

Modern life is generally coded from all sides. Here are just a few examples:

  • We all know barcodes that are read by scanners from goods in stores many times a day.
  • Telephone code. Whose area code is 499? As mentioned above - Moscow.
  • Code digits indicate the region on license plates.
  • Any entrepreneur, registering with the tax authority, receives a statistics code. It informs about the specific direction of activity of each enterprise.

And so on. You can find a lot of interesting information by finding out whose code is 499. Most often, numbers are associated with telephones in the city of Moscow. Keep this in mind when hastily writing down someone's phone number.
