All the details on how to search Google by image

All the details on how to search Google by image
All the details on how to search Google by image

Besides the usual search for textual information, we may need to find a number of similar pictures to write an interesting article or something else. The search for information itself is always laborious, especially when there is not enough time for the search itself. Imagine that you didn’t have a good camera at hand, and the quality of the photo turned out to be, to put it mildly, not very good, so for further use of graphic information, you need a photo with much better quality, or, perhaps, you suddenly needed to find out the author of a work art. Today, such a search is also possible, which at the beginning of the century would have seemed beyond dreams. Only now, not everyone can use the new search service, so now we will try to answer the question of how to search Google by image.

First, let's learn the basics of search skills

how to search on google by image
how to search on google by image

Naturally, as a sample for the photo you are interested in, you need an image located on your computer. In addition, you can search on the Google image using the Internet address of thePictures. To do this, you just need to select the “Open image in a new tab” function in the properties, which will instantly open the image for you on a new page of your browser.

Google image search - nuances

Google's "Images" service is popular among other similar industry search engines. To start working with the Internet service, you need to follow the "images" link, which is located on the title page of the Google search engine itself. In the window that opened, you need to click on the camera icon in order to then enter the address of the picture itself on the world wide web, and you can also upload it from your device itself. If you use the Google Chrome browser, then here the task of how to search Google by image is facilitated by the fact that direct dragging the image to the search bar works. Text information about the picture also helps in the search, which increases the likelihood of an accurate search for the object you need. Consider one example of how to search Google by images. First you need to open "Google. Pictures" and click on the camera, which is located on the right in the search bar. After this action, a window will pop up in which you need to specify a link to the picture and start the search, but if the picture you need is on your computer and you need to find similar ones, then download it from your device using the "Upload File" function. After all that has been done, your page will be redirected to the search results, where you should pay attention that there will be exactly the picture you need. For a more precise search, useadditional text information.


search by image google
search by image google

The "Google. Pictures" search engine differs from its main competitor TinEye, because Google displays, among other images, those that directly resemble the sample you uploaded. However, the pictures found by the search engine will be exact copies of the sample you need. To do this, select the special function "Similar", then you can find such pictures in the search engine. This useful feature can be found on the left side of the browser when the search results are displayed.

Search Summary

image search on google
image search on google

Let's bring together all four search options that can answer the question: "How to search Google by image?"

1) Drag the image. Drag and drop a graphic image into the search box at

2) Upload file. Using, click on the camera, and then on the "Upload file" link. There you need to select the image you need to search.

3) Insert a link to the image. To find information about an image, right-click and drag the URL on to the bar called "Give link".4) Right-click on the image. For a better search, use the Google Chrome browser, where you can start searching for an image by right-clicking on it in the browser.

So we figured out how to search Google by image.