What to do if stripes appear on the phone screen?

What to do if stripes appear on the phone screen?
What to do if stripes appear on the phone screen?

Stripes on the phone screen are a very common problem. The main trouble is that such a malfunction can appear at any time: on the day of purchase or after several years of use.

However, despite the frequent appearance of the problem, there are device owners who do not know how to solve it.

What the defect looks like

The main thing to remember is that the display does not lose its functionality after a malfunction is detected. But this is not a reason to leave the device in such a state, because only its owner suffers from the incorrect functioning of the smartphone. If stripes appear on the phone screen, the image quality drops, so reading and watching movies will have to be excluded (few people like to "break their eyes"). That is, the presence of such a device will no longer make sense.

The defect manifests itself as a distortion of the content on the display. It ripples and goes in stripes (horizontal or vertical) of different colors: from black to iridescent tints.

stripes onphone screen
stripes onphone screen


This section can indirectly determine the cause of the breakdown, but it will be rather inaccurate. Still worth a try.

  • For example, colored and white stripes on the phone screen are often a sign of mechanical damage to any component of the display or a loose fit of the cable into the groove.
  • Black lines indicate the need to replace this part of the smartphone.
  • Colored ripples indicate a problem with the controller.

However, without opening the case, such "diagnoses" do not have confirmation, so either your own hands or service centers can help here.

How the defect manifests

This section is also important, because it will make it clear to which part of the device (hardware or software) the malfunction belongs. It's pretty simple here:

  • If the stripes on the phone screen appear only when you launch a specific application or make any changes to the settings and files of the device, then the problem is with the failure of the operating system.
  • When lines go across the display after mechanical interference, damage or when touching the touchscreen, we can safely talk about problems in the hardware itself.
stripes appear on the phone screen
stripes appear on the phone screen

After determining the type of malfunction, you should move on to methods for solving it.

Strip on phone screen: what to do?

If the problem is caused by mechanical damage, then there are two ways: take the gadget to a service center or disassemble it yourself. In the latter caseit is worth looking for a master class in video format, which will show how to open the case and get to the display. Next, you will need to carefully examine this part of the gadget to understand the extent of the damage.

If the problem is only in the loose entry of the cable into the groove, then it is enough just to fix it, and the stripes on the phone screen will disappear. But in the case when it or the controller (microcircuit) is damaged, there is nothing left but a complete replacement of components.

stripe on phone screen what to do
stripe on phone screen what to do

In the event of a software failure, the situation is usually corrected by a hard reset (a reset during which all personal data is deleted, it is recommended to save important files before execution) or by cleaning smartphones from viruses. Although the first method is more reliable, since many OS protection programs do not see the pest.

Flashing the device also helps, but this item is best done only by people with experience, otherwise the gadget will turn into a "brick" with a wave of the hand. Although this is also an option, then display malfunctions will be the least of your worries, but you should not experiment.


Stripes on the phone screen occur in a number of situations, since a modern gadget is a very fragile thing. Among the common reasons, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • strong pressure on the display;
  • hit or fall from a great height;
  • moisture ingress (provokes corrosion of chips);
  • viruses leaked into the system with unverified applications;
  • factory marriage;
  • controller failure;
  • gap orloose loop entry;
  • overheating when charging;
  • system failure;
  • Unsuccessful flashing or update installation.

And these are not all possible factors leading to a breakdown. If the smartphone is assembled from low-quality parts, then just shake it hard - and voila! Something inside let go. Therefore, there are dozens of nuances, it is impossible to predict all of them.

white lines on phone screen
white lines on phone screen


To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to follow the basic rules for using equipment. Smartphones must not be dropped, wet, charged with an unsuitable adapter, disassembled unnecessarily. Do not give them as a toy to small children, and do not install applications from suspicious sources. An even better solution would be to install an ad-blocking program, then the phone will definitely not suffer.

And of course, it is worth buying high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it is pointless even to be surprised at the next breakdown, because the owner does not expect such a "miracle" to happen.
