Indoor advertising: types and features

Indoor advertising: types and features
Indoor advertising: types and features

On television, on the radio, on the streets and in elevators every day, everyone sees several dozen advertisements that talk about a product or service. Involuntarily or purposefully, but thanks to this method of communication, people acquire goods.

Advertising: what is it for?

The mentioned word from Latin means "shout" or "shout", and this is the whole point of advertising - to talk about something without the consent of the listener. Outdoor or indoor advertising is information about a product, seller, planned event or event. Thanks to mass communications, it became the engine of trade, and its ancestor is the French doctor and journalist Theophrastus Rondo, who was the first to speak about himself in the print press.

internal advertising
internal advertising

What is internal advertising: types

Everyone has noticed advertisements in an elevator, in office space, in a fitness center and unconsciously concluded that they might purchase a product or use the proposed service. Such advertising is called internal, or indoor-advertising.

Its main task is to attract the attention of potential consumers of goods and services, but for this to work, it is important to correctlyplace where a person spends more time. For example, he rides in public transport, gets a ticket with an advertisement on the back, or rides in an elevator and also pays attention to information and reads about some company.

production of indoor outdoor advertising
production of indoor outdoor advertising

However, indoor advertising can be divided into in-store advertising (where information is given only about products and promotions in a particular outlet) and advertising in public places, which can inform about completely different products.

In a store, using POS materials, they usually draw attention to goods that need to be sold faster and stand out from competitors, that is, to stimulate a purchase decision. The main carriers here are:

  • Designs of a presentational nature (racks, cabinets, tasting cabinets).
  • Floor graphics.
  • Suspended structures - mobiles (product mock-ups), dummies or wobblers (tables with drawings that are attached to a shelf with a flexible plastic leg).
  • Print advertising - posters, flyers, stickers, flags.

Promotional display in the store performs such tasks as informing the buyer about the product, getting to know the quality and features of the product, and reminding about related products.

Advertising in public places

Internal advertising is just as effective, and sometimes even more useful, as it is not considered intrusive, which often annoys potential customers. A good example is an advertisement in an elevator, whereit is able to reach almost 100% of its target audience. In addition, they do not charge an additional fee for the number of repetitions, as, for example, on television or radio, here they only pay for the time during which an advertisement about a taxi, about pizza, about connecting the Internet and television - everything that a person needs so much for arranging home and meet needs.

internal advertising media
internal advertising media

But you should spend more time developing such advertising that could interest a person who can become a client. The text should be short, the picture bright, but not repulsive - a person should immediately catch the essence of what is being said, and not re-read it several times. It is also necessary to have all contacts so that the client has the opportunity to call immediately.

What other means of internal advertising are there, and where can you find them? You can attract the attention of the consumer when he is waiting for something, for example, standing in line at the bank or sitting in the clinic. Then he is happy to study all the information before his eyes and possibly use it and buy the goods. The main thing here is that advertising is appropriate.

So, banks post information about their products: mortgages, loans, deposits and the purchase of debit and credit cards. Hospitals post information about drugs, but, for example, in fitness centers, advertising can be not only about the center itself, but also about related sports goods in a certain store with which cooperation has been established.


Before deciding which ad to usespread information about yourself, it is worth noting its advantages and disadvantages, and then choose the production of outdoor, indoor advertising.

internal advertising: types
internal advertising: types

Let's analyze the benefits of internal advertising:

  • great reach;
  • impact on the target audience;
  • long and repeated contact with potential customers;
  • does not irritate customers;
  • gives the opportunity to inform about promotions and special offers.

Thus, advertising in a public place or in transport can increase brand awareness and increase sales of a product or service.


Like other types, internal advertising has the advantages listed above and the disadvantages that every advertiser needs to be aware of. Legislation practically does not regulate this type of advertising, but this has not only pluses, but minuses:

  1. The main thing is that if the advertisement is not liked, for example, by a fitness center, a service company or an office manager, then it will not be placed and the reason will not be indicated.
  2. It is also very difficult to calculate the effectiveness of such advertising: how many people, having seen information about the product in the elevator, came to buy or how many people thought it was unsuccessful.
  3. In every public place, the price and conditions of accommodation are set by the manager of that place, and this is also not controlled by anyone.

Indoor advertising: photo and example

indoor advertising: photo
indoor advertising: photo

Understandinghow advertising should look like comes after you consider successful examples and find out your target audience. This is where you should start. You need to know what the target audience does, what types of entertainment they choose, where they can buy goods and whether they use public transport.

For example, you sell children's goods, which means that the target audience is young mothers with children who love to go shopping and ride the elevator several times as they go for a walk. Someone definitely uses public transport, but it is necessary to calculate this percentage so that internal advertising does not bring a loss.
