The Internet is a huge information space and occupies an important position in the life of modern society. In it you can find the answer to any question of interest to the user. How not to get lost in this fast-growing information forest?
A convenient and fast way to find information is to use a search engine that monitors the emergence of new resources and changes in existing ones around the clock. It seems that here you can find answers to all questions, not only serious ones, but also strange or funny ones. The strangest and funniest queries "Yandex" annually publishes in its resource.

Search engine
There are many search engines on the Web. From the point of view of an ordinary user, this system is a simple site with a query input field. The main task of the search engine is the accuracy of processing the request and providing the user with the information he needs. But far from always people write the right questions that correspond to the algorithm of search engines.
Teach them to enter the correctrequests are an impossible task. And in this case, the developers create certain principles of the search, constantly speed up and improve the system, add new features that help people find the information they want to see. And still, when typing a regular question, people pay attention to the funniest Yandex search queries.

Correct request
Before you start entering any query, you need to formulate a task. This will provide optimization and increase the success of the search in general. The volume of information on the Internet is quite large, and a thoughtful phrase at the beginning of a search query will save valuable time and increase the effectiveness of the result. When forming a query, it is desirable to prescribe specific keywords, not vague phrases. The larger and wider the query, the more unnecessary results the search engine will give.

You don't need to pay special attention to word order. The same applies to cases and declensions. And yet, you should be careful about the wording of the search phrase.
Sometimes people can't formulate a question correctly or make typos. Such requests often become the most ridiculous requests in Yandex. There are significant differences in the queries "office equipment maintenance" and "office equipment maintenance". Do not write interrogative words, conjunctions and prepositions. The search engine does notuses. And if you want to find the entire phrase, you need to enclose it in quotes.
What are Yandex asking about?
On search queries, you can collect statistics and conduct research on a wide variety of topics. The results obtained show the level of interest of people in certain areas of knowledge, the degree of popularity of specific places, tourist routes and much more.
According to requests on the Web, one can determine the spiritual, cultural and material components of society. For example, the query "porn" and all its derivatives is one of the most popular. By the number of search queries, users type in “porn online” 2,000 times more often than “Mussorgsky”. Apparently, few people are interested in classical music in our modern society.
The daily number of search queries in Yandex, according to the company's blog, is 280 million. There are funny ones among the requests to Yandex. The most relevant queries in 2019 are as follows:
- "film" - 206 million;
- "porn" - 180 million;
- "VKontakte" - 102.5 million;
- "songs" - 101.2 million;
- "video" - 73.8 million;
- "games" - 68.2 million;
- "weather" - 65.6 million;
- "classmates" - 63.7 million;
- "watch online" - 58.1 million;
- "children" - 57.1 million
The funniest Yandex requests

At the beginning of 2019, Yandex named the strangest and funniest requests from users. All search queries below are given in their original form without correcting errors in the text:
- "male hairstyle fury";
- "a song about rural labor";
- "pixel Khrushchev";
- "tomato sauce is evil";
- "threesome fishing";
- "why the dream meeting with the former governor came to visit";
- "what to do so that a long space does not seem long";
- "the sound of a sparrow";
- "how to fasten a toy parrot on your shoulder";
- "poem to sister at the wedding from sister to tears";
- "guard of deputies how to become one";
- "deer for capricorn";
- "in a dream I saw myself above myself";
- "feet bliss";
- "how parties usually start";
- "if mice could talk";
- "janitor against esoteric";
- "the person who passed the exam with one word";
- "alien base in northern Canada";
- "cone drying technology";
- "fly agaric eaters forum";
- "friendship with human bears";
- "top 10 stupid things";
- "how in half an hour you can learn to dance break dance at home at home in the house";
- "conscious life since when";
- "does sex replace 5 aspirins";
- "cupcakes cakes and cupcakes please show me only without powder";
- "can the cops go to the Maldives";
- "best friend texted go to sleep";
- "how to attract a buyer and money with the help of a ring and white magic";
- "institutes for troishniks in Votkinsk";
- "Language Elvish swear words are tough";
- "what the doctor of science is dreaming of";
- "what can happen if you often eat scrambled eggs";
- "why dream of sitting next to the president";
- "Christmas tea bag houses";
- "short skirts";
- "what will happen to the hair if it freezes into icicles".
The most ridiculous request "Yandex" called in 2018 was the question: "The toilet bowl glows." It is difficult to imagine under what circumstances this information was needed, but it amused Runet a lot.
The important role of search engines
In the modern world, information is of great importance in the life of society. Without the help of search engines, it would be very difficult to find the right article and an exhaustive answer to the question posed. Search engines simplify the work of a person. Taking on the functions of processing requests for themselves, they save users time, giving everyone the opportunity to reveal their talents and make this world brighter and more harmonious. And the funniest requests in Yandex will continue to cheer you upto all users.