How to view outgoing VK requests: different methods

How to view outgoing VK requests: different methods
How to view outgoing VK requests: different methods

Everyone who has a "VKontakte" page has a certain number of friends. These may be our acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, pen pals, etc. But sometimes the number of friends decreases without our intervention. So, someone simply removed from your friends list. And in some cases, the user specifically subscribes to celebrities. How to view outgoing VK requests?

Manage your friends list

To explore this section, click on the "Friends" button (it's in the left column if you're on a computer). In the official application for Android and iOS, you can get to this section by clicking on the three bars in the right corner and selecting the appropriate button.

You will see a list of friends. Most often it is formed according to the principle of "importance" of users. That is, the first in the list are those people with whom you communicate most often, go to their page and rate their photos.

In the upper right corner you will see a list of available sections by category"Friends". These include: My Friends, Friend Requests, Phone Book, New Friends, Find Friends, and Friends Lists. The same is available in the application: just click once on the already familiar inscription, and this panel will appear on the screen. Let's digress from the question of how to view outgoing VK friend requests and analyze this panel a little.

For example, in the "Friends lists" section, you can sort users into certain categories: "Best friends", "Relatives", etc.

The "Phone book" displays the numbers that users have entered. If a person did not leave his number on the page, then it will not be displayed in the "Phone Book".

In the "Find friends" you can find the users you are interested in. To make your search more successful, try to provide as much information as possible (country, city, age, correct first and last name, etc.). But many users try not to post all the information about themselves, so such a detail makes it very difficult to find.

At the moment we will consider how to view outgoing VK requests.

Vkontakte login
Vkontakte login

Functions of outgoing requests

Flipping through the "VKontakte" feed, we see the posts of our friends. One of the main functions of outgoing requests is to display the posts of the people you follow. That is, they are not in your friends list, but you are given the opportunityfollow them for updates.

How to view an outgoing request on a computer

How to view VK applications from a computer, now you know. Because the algorithm of your actions is described below:

  1. Go to the official website of "VKontakte".
  2. Open the "Friends" section.
  3. Click on the "Friend requests" button in the upper right corner.
  4. After that, you will be redirected to the "Inbox" tab. However, here you need to click on the adjacent button "Outbox". This section contains those users who either did not accept your application, friends, or deleted from their contacts.

If the "Outbox" button is missing, then you are not subscribed to anyone.

Outgoing requests
Outgoing requests

How to view an outgoing "VK" request from your phone

  1. Go to the official application for Android and iOS "VKontakte".
  2. Go to the "Friends" section.
  3. Click on the "Friends" button in the top line. You should have a panel with available sections.
  4. In the panel select "Outbox". Ready! All those you follow will appear on your screen.

If you want to see who a particular user is following, just go to his page and find the "Interesting Pages" tab. Scroll through the window that opens to the end and you will see those pages that are of interest to a friend. Most often, only popular pages appear in this section (those with more subscribers thanthousands), so you won't see less popular people there.

It's worth noting that some people hide their subscriptions. No one but them will be able to see this section. And with the advent of the function of completely hiding the profile, some pages became available only to the user's friends. This makes browsing Interesting Pages very difficult.

User Subscriptions
User Subscriptions

How to quickly clear all applications

If you have a lot of outgoing requests, then deleting each user individually will take quite a lot of time. How to be? This problem can be easily solved using a computer and Google Chrome browser.

  1. Open the official website of "VKontakte". Go to the "Friends" section, then to "Applications", "Outbox".
  2. Click on the three black dots in the upper right corner ("Menu" button). Select "Additional Tools", then - "Developer Tools". If you cannot find the corresponding buttons, then press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + I on your keyboard. Using these three keys, you can open the required section of the site in any browser.
  3. In the window that appears, click on the Console button.
  4. Next, you need to scroll the page with applications to the very end.
  5. In the console window that appears, paste the following command:

    javascript:var buttons=document.getElementsByClassName('flat_button button_small fl_r'); console log(buttons); for(key in buttons){buttons[key].click();}

  7. PressEnter.

This command automatically unfollows all users. However, if you have not scrolled to the end of the page, then only a part of the applications will be deleted, and the operation will have to be performed again.

How to delete all outgoing requests
How to delete all outgoing requests

Now we know how to view outgoing "VK" requests. There is really nothing complicated here, so after a while you will do everything automatically.
