What is 500 Internal Server Error? What to do if you see the inscription 500 Internal Error Server (YouTube)?

What is 500 Internal Server Error? What to do if you see the inscription 500 Internal Error Server (YouTube)?
What is 500 Internal Server Error? What to do if you see the inscription 500 Internal Error Server (YouTube)?

It often happens that various errors appear while using the Internet. The most common among them is the so-called "error 500" or "500 Internal Error Server".

Causes of Internal Error Server

  1. When invalid constructs are used in.htaccess files that cannot work on a particular hosting. Very often, such an error can appear if you use instructions from Russian Apache.
  2. If the script runs too long. For the duration of the script, the restrictions of the web server also apply. For example, if the web server does not receive a response from the script within one minute, then the server will consider that the script has "hung" and forcefully terminate it.
  3. If the script wants to get much more memory than is possible at this rate. In case the script needs more memory, the web server will also force close it.
  4. If the PHP extensions that are included in the control panel are not compatible with each otherother.
  5. Also, a 500 Internal Error Server occurs when the web server cannot interpret or recognize HTTP headers.
500 internal server error
500 internal server error

Why else might a 500 error occur and how to fix it?

Of course, most often the 500 Internal Error Server (YouTube and other sites) error occurs if an incorrect syntax was entered in the.htaccess file or if unsupported directives appeared in this file. In this case, to correct such an error and bring everything back to normal, you just need to comment on the so-called "Options" directive. To do this, simply put a hash mark () at the beginning of the line - your problem will simply disappear and the 500 error will no longer appear on the server.

500 internal error server
500 internal error server

But it also happens that 500 Internal Error Server (youtube and other sites) appears for a different reason. This can be mainly if CGI scripts are mishandled, although this is extremely rare. It is very important to remember that the line endings must have entries in UNIX format, not Windows, which is more suitable for the correct interpretation by the web server. In order to avoid errors, you need to upload CGI scripts to your server via FTP in ASCII mode. It also often happens that incorrect HTTP headers are generated in the response of a CGI script. If this happens, then you can solve such a problem very easily, just refer to the error-log.

Error 500 and"YouTube"

500 internal server error youtube
500 internal server error youtube

Recently, the site "YouTube" is updated and changed so often that most of its users, instead of spending pleasant moments here, are increasingly seeing the so-called 500 error when entering the site. Many popular sites stop working and get 500 Internal Error Server (YouTube is no exception to the rule). So what to do in this case? After all, you just want to enjoy the site, and not run into problems. "500 Internal Server Error YouTube" can be solved in this way: try clearing your cookies and your problem will most likely be solved by itself. If this does not help, then you just need to be patient and wait for the site workers to solve their problems themselves.

Many people say that YouTube's 500 Internal Error Server error is caused by crashes, but this is not entirely true. Recently, nothing like this has been noticed on such reputable sites as this one. Of course, any change can lead to unpleasant consequences, but they are usually quickly resolved.
