Megafon offers its subscribers a range of attractive and profitable tariff plans. Finding an offer for yourself is easy enough. And if among the proposed options there is not the tariff that you need, then you can choose the most optimal one, and then modify it by activating some options. Additional services, as well as packages with included minutes, messages and Internet traffic are available for various TPs and can help out in any situation. Among the main offers of Megafon, you can also find interesting and profitable options. For example, the tariff plan "International". Let us consider in more detail what conditions it implies, how billing is carried out, what are the terms of use and other nuances.

Megafon, International tariff
From the name of the tariff it is already clear for what purposes it can be used with greater profit. It is ideal for calls to international destinations: Europe, America, Asia - as well as forsending text messages. At the same time, communicating with subscribers in your region is quite expensive: a minute of a call will cost 3.50 rubles. (a single cost for calls to mobile numbers of Megafon and other operators, as well as to landline numbers). A clear advantage of the tariff plan is the absence of a monthly fee: funds are debited from the account only upon completion of a paid action from the Megafon number. The "International" tariff has favorable rates for calls to other countries only when you are in your region - to reduce the cost of communication while roaming, you should use additional options.
Tariff plan features
Among the nuances of using the tariff, the following points should be highlighted:
- favorable tariffing is valid only for specific directions (the cost for each of them will be given below);
- call duration, regardless of the country to which the call is made, is half an hour (after this time, the connection will be disconnected automatically);
- the payment for switching to Megafon, the International tariff (how to connect it, we will tell below), is zero if more than a month has passed since the last change in the tariff plan on the number (otherwise 150 rubles will be debited from the account when changing the TP).

"Megaphone", tariff "International": the cost of communication services
As already mentioned, the subscription fee for the tariff plan is not implied. BUTthis means that funds will be debited only after sending a message, accessing the Internet and making calls. Discounted rates are provided for calls to the following destinations:
- Asia and Europe (Israel and Turkey also fall under this category) - 5 rubles for calls to fixed numbers, 10 rubles - for mobile local mobile operators.
- United States of America, Canada - a single cost for all numbers (landline and mobile) - 5 rubles.
- Ukraine, CIS countries, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia - a single call cost is 5 rubles.
- Calls to other countries can be charged from 15 to 50 rubles per minute (a detailed list of countries and the cost can be found on the website of the mobile operator).

Sending text messages is also made on preferential terms: 5 rubles (single cost when sending SMS to any country).
When there are MegaFon subscribers (International tariff), roaming is paid at the corresponding prices applicable to all TPs and mobile operator subscribers. It is possible to activate a number of packages and options that provide discounts for communication with other subscribers while outside the country.
Connecting a tariff plan
If you are interested in Megafon's offer - the "International" tariff, which is no longer connected at the moment, then we are forced to report unpleasant news - the TP is archived. New subscribers are not connected to it. Those clientswho had previously purchased a SIM card with a tariff or switched to it, can continue to call preferentially to other countries. How can you currently reduce the cost of international calls? Depending on the destination, Megafon offers the following options: Calls to all countries, Tajikistan+, Calls to Ukraine, etc.

All Megafon subscribers can choose the best offer and profitably use communication services. Tariff "International" was a really interesting offer of the mobile operator. However, now you can find cheaper options, for example, the “Calls to all countries” option, which has a symbolic subscription fee (2 rubles per day), allows you to pay only 1 ruble per minute (the full list of tariff plans on which its activation is available, check on the Megafon website, as well as the list of countries and tariffication).